a nice review, a nice job

Apr 13, 2009 19:12

hello friends!

hope you had a happy easter/passover/days off of whatever. mine was very lovely. i spent it in pittsburgh, visiting my boyfriend nick's family. he has 7 brothers and sisters, and all but one showed up. we all hung around a fire for several hours,  goofed off and ate chocolate and had a great time. i baked banana bread and an apple oat bread. both were family hits! yay for the girlfriend!

so i wanted to share two nice things with you. the first is a Publisher's Weekly review i received for SAME DIFFERENCE a few weeks ago. it's pretty sweet. i was hoping for a little more twinkle ( you get one star and you go a little star crazy) , but it is certainly respectable and very kind.

Same Difference Siobhan Vivian. Scholastic/Push, $17.99 (256p) ISBN 978-0-545-00407-7
Emily’s life reeks of the ordinary: she lives in suburban New Jersey in a posh gated community and hangs out at Starbucks with her friends in a town where “most of the buildings are old, and if they’re not, they’re eventually made to look that way.” When Emily heads to Philadelphia for a summer art institute-complete with an eclectic cast of funky classmates and one dreamy teaching assistant-she faces the classic teen dilemma of whether to choose the familiar over the new and exciting, while figuring out who she really is: Emily from Cherry Grove or Emily the aspiring artist? (“I look like two halves of two different people mashed together,” she reflects during a trip to the beach. “Is it possible to be a poseur in both worlds?”) Vivian (A Little Friendly Advice) serves up the story with vivid description and dialogue; the author’s talent for scene-setting and evocative imagery is especially effective for a story about a girl just discovering her eye as an artist and herself as a person. Ages 12-up. (Mar.)

thanks PW! i'm still waiting on a couple more biggish reviews - SLJ, VOYA, Booklist. keep your fingers crossed for me! i really hope they are good.

in other news, i am officially going to be teaching a class next semester at The University of Pittsburgh. hooray! the class is called ENGWRT0540! aka "Writing Youth Literature" for undergraduates. PITT has a fantastic Children's Literature certificate program, as well as a stellar Creative Writing department, run by The Chuck Kinder! i hope i get students from both disciplines. should be pretty awesome. and the best part? my class will be located in the very prestigious CATHEDRAL OF LEARNING. ha! this is not at all intimidating!

i assume my class will be on the top floor?

yehaw! i love it.

so that's about it from ohio. hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

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