read and rock with SAME DIFFERENCE

Apr 14, 2009 23:14

so, i just finished doing a little blog interview with one David Levithan (i'll post a sweet link when it goes up). i really love doing interviews. and david always asks the best, most thoughtful questions about my books. i think, you know...because he's my editor?

anyway...his last question asked me to create a special playlist for my readers.

now, i'm sure most of you already know what a complete music freak i am. as 
jennyhan  could tell you, i listen to it waaaay too loud. she's always telling me to shush it, even when i have headphones tucked tight inside my ear holes!

but alllllways type to music, usually to songs i've picked especially for each chapter. songs are my creative battery! they keep me going! and i figured that david's question provided the perfect opportunity for me to share a peek behind my creative curtain.

*drum roll*

i've picked ten songs and linked each to a specific chapter in my book!

here's the set list:

1. When You’re Away by BEARS (Chapter One)

2. It’s 5! by ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI (Chapter Four)

3. Same Old City by VELOCITY GIRL (Chapter Eight)

4. Tuff Luff by THE UNICORNS (Chapter Ten)

5.  Great Lengths by THE LUCKSMITHS (Chapter Thirteen)

6. Other Side by BEAT HAPPENING (Chapter Fourteen)

7. Rain by BISHOP ALLEN (Chapter Fifteen)

8. There is a Light That Never Goes Out by THE SMITHS (Chapter Sixteen)

9. A-Punk by VAMPIRE WEEKEND (Chapter Twenty)

10. Loop Duplicate My Heart by SUBURBAN KIDS WITH BIBILICAL NAMES (Chapter Forty-One)

tada! hope you like what what you hear (and read)!


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