
Apr 07, 2009 09:59


ohio is cruel, in case you weren't aware.

i woke up this morning to see this:

yes, that is snow. about 3 inches and counting! remember last week, when things were so green and warm? *sigh* i was told this is typical ohio behavior. spring comes and then you get one last very painful and soul-crushing snowfall. and here it is. i was really hoping to ride my bike over to the library today. not going to happen. : (


last night, i saw a great movie - adventureland. it was really awesome and had all the qualities of my most favorite movies - quietly funny, solid coming-of-age story, great soundtrack. i am also completely in love with the boy lead - jesse eisenberg.

the one thing i didn't love...kristen stewart. is there anyone else out there who notices her acting tick? every time that girl speaks, she blows a little air out of her nose in a huff. like a pouty sigh, but ALL THE TIME. it totally pulls me out of the movie. i stop listening to the lines. instead i hear her nose blasts. grrrrr.

anyhow, as much as i loved everything else about the film, i walked out of the theater feeling super depressed. why? because i really, really want to be seventeen again. i want a boy to fall in love with me while i work some dumb summer job, i want to hang out with my friends and do nothing, i want no responsibilities. i tend to feel this way when i write books, too. i envy my character's freedom. i think this is also why i love the book Rabbit, Run by my beloved John Updike. in it, Rabbit feels oppressed by his life, and wants to regress to his youth. i can relate.

i hope this doesn't make me a bad person/girlfriend/adult.

oh well. 
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