
May 11, 2021 02:37

[ Someone has just gotten around to setting this up. ]

Hello! My name's N. I'm not with my transciever or I didn't hear it. Leave me a message and I'll call back. Bye!

[ beep. ]

[ Voice | Audio | Text | OOC ]

[ic] contact, [ic] vatheon, [ooc] contact

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Comments 273

text pristinestar May 11 2011, 07:46:27 UTC

N? it's Red...
are you still awake?
sorry if i'm bothering you. (^ ^ ;)
if you're sleepy, i'll just talk to you in the morning


text singularjustice May 11 2011, 07:53:41 UTC
'm awake

[ So the typos might be because the SFC woke him up, but it's Red; he won't say no to talking to Red, even in favor of sleep. ]


text pristinestar May 11 2011, 07:59:20 UTC
[He noticed the typo, but Red doesn't exactly type perfectly himself. He doesn't think that it's because N is sleepy!]

oh, great!
if it's okay with you, can i come over?
i mean to your room...


text singularjustice May 11 2011, 08:06:46 UTC
Yeah you can come up.

[ Nnngh. N is going to roll out of bed then and rub at his eyes. Oh, and turn on a light. That would be smart. ]


[Voice] lunateclock May 30 2011, 19:56:12 UTC
[...He supposes...if he's really going to look out for N, this is part of his responsibility too.

And so he calls.]

N-kun, do you have a moment?


[Voice] singularjustice May 30 2011, 19:58:24 UTC
-- Minato?

Oh yes, sure. What is it?


[Voice] lunateclock May 30 2011, 21:47:49 UTC
[...And a quiet breath, not quite a sigh.]

Is everything alright?

[He saw the broadcast. He knows that it isn't, but he'd like to give N the chance to explain first.]


[Voice] singularjustice May 30 2011, 21:50:57 UTC
-- yes?

[ Now things are. He missed the broadcast, and his Pokemon have been healed, the Feraligatr is content... to N, everything is fine. ]

You sound like something is wrong, though.


voice pristinestar May 31 2011, 05:59:55 UTC
N? It's me again...

[Even though N can't see Red's face, it's obvious he's smiling, based from his tone.]

Are you... free today?


voice singularjustice May 31 2011, 06:05:45 UTC
[ He certainly does sound better than even he did through text. ]

I can be, definitely!

[ Certainly for Red. ]


voice pristinestar May 31 2011, 06:26:20 UTC

[How can Red not smile further at that answer?]

All right. Can we meet at the plaza in an hour?


Re: voice singularjustice May 31 2011, 06:29:15 UTC
An hour?

[ He has to wait an hour? But now he's curious! ]

Okay! I can do that.


text; thegoldhearted June 5 2011, 18:34:56 UTC
Hey, N.
I need to talk to you. (u_u);


text; singularjustice June 5 2011, 20:41:04 UTC
Okay. About what?


text; thegoldhearted June 5 2011, 20:56:34 UTC
Do you...have his Feraligatr. I told him. I told him I didn't believe him N!
Please tell me this is a bad coincidence! I don't...want to this to be a bad situation.


text; singularjustice June 5 2011, 20:59:56 UTC
Yes. I do have his Feraligatr.

I will be keeping it until he learns to treat his Pokemon well.


[voice] harphearted June 8 2011, 11:08:42 UTC
[She doesn't say anything for a moment. She's trying to make sure she words this just right, as she knows how easy it is to trigger him. After a minute or two of silence, she sighs.]

Hey, N. I know Silver's a jerk, but you shouldn't have stolen his Pokemon. Give it back to him, okay?


[voice] singularjustice June 8 2011, 15:09:32 UTC
[ He listens to the silence, confused, until her voice finally comes through.

Then, his answer is simple. ]



[voice] harphearted June 9 2011, 10:29:20 UTC
[Another sigh, this one shorter.]

Okay, I tried, I guess. Just think about it. Even though Silver's mean to his Pokemon, isn't it just as wrong to steal?


[voice] singularjustice June 11 2011, 01:33:29 UTC
Isn't it wrong to abuse your Pokemon?


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