
May 11, 2021 02:37

[ Someone has just gotten around to setting this up. ]

Hello! My name's N. I'm not with my transciever or I didn't hear it. Leave me a message and I'll call back. Bye!

[ beep. ]

[ Voice | Audio | Text | OOC ]

[ic] contact, [ic] vatheon, [ooc] contact

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text pristinestar May 11 2011, 07:46:27 UTC

N? it's Red...
are you still awake?
sorry if i'm bothering you. (^ ^ ;)
if you're sleepy, i'll just talk to you in the morning


text singularjustice May 11 2011, 07:53:41 UTC
'm awake

[ So the typos might be because the SFC woke him up, but it's Red; he won't say no to talking to Red, even in favor of sleep. ]


text pristinestar May 11 2011, 07:59:20 UTC
[He noticed the typo, but Red doesn't exactly type perfectly himself. He doesn't think that it's because N is sleepy!]

oh, great!
if it's okay with you, can i come over?
i mean to your room...


text singularjustice May 11 2011, 08:06:46 UTC
Yeah you can come up.

[ Nnngh. N is going to roll out of bed then and rub at his eyes. Oh, and turn on a light. That would be smart. ]


text → action! pristinestar May 11 2011, 08:44:51 UTC
[Red was actually just waiting at the bottom of the stairs leading to the attic! After N gave him the okay, he quietly steps up and then knocks on the room's door.]



action singularjustice May 11 2011, 13:50:25 UTC
[ Have a N, still in his pajamas and with his hair just about everywhere, opening the door. Red gets a small smile. ]



pristinestar May 11 2011, 18:12:28 UTC
[... Sleepy-looking N is cute, too. Red gives him a smile in return.]

It seems that you're tired. But I won't be long.


singularjustice May 12 2011, 02:48:25 UTC
It's okay. What is it?

-- oh, come in. [ Right, manners. Those are hard. ]


pristinestar May 12 2011, 15:59:34 UTC
[Red nods at N quietly, then steps inside with a smile. But soon afterwards, Red offers a small bouquet towards N. He was hiding it behind his back just now.]

I just... I thought I had a feeling you've been restless or uneasy lately. I hope it was just my imagination. Either way... I'd really like to see you smile more again. I'm not forcing you to, I just hope that you feel better soon...

I also want to apologize for Alice the other day. But I meant what I said back then. N, you're very important to me, too. I'll never trade what we have for anything in the world.


singularjustice May 12 2011, 16:39:25 UTC
[ The flowers obviously surprise N. He takes them very carefully, looking down at all pretty colors. ]

...I have? [ Well, it's true. He's been more tired lately, and even irritable. But hearing N say those words makes him feel oddly warm and fuzzy inside, even the sleepiness starting to disperse. ]

I'm sorry. Thank you.


pristinestar May 12 2011, 17:08:10 UTC
Don't apologize. I was just worried. It's natural, because I care. [Red smiles again, his head tilting a little as he kept a warm expression towards N. He's looking better already... That's good.]

... Well, I won't keep you up further. Good night, N. [And gently, Red steps forward and then gives his dear friend a good night kiss on the forehead. He waves afterwards and proceeds to turn around.]


singularjustice May 12 2011, 17:13:03 UTC
Good -

[ N's words stop suddenly, and he finds himself blushing brightly. Why is he blushing? He feels weird all over. What is this? ]


pristinestar May 12 2011, 17:25:54 UTC
[... And the pan finally hit Red's head. He realizes what he did just now. Maybe that was subconsciously, whatever, but that certainly did the trick to suddenly make his own face flush ridiculously! Why isn't he more aware of his actions before he actually does them? ... In fact, why is he even feeling this way?]

Oh- [///]

[... Maybe he should just. Quietly go. It's embarrassing to face N with his face burning up. Without further word, Red went down the stairs to finally leave.]


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