Jun 28, 2010 21:01

Singularity has moved to Dreamwidth, and this page is no longer maintained.

The new Requests page is here.

about requests
This is an all-purpose page for requesting the most common things you'd need mod permission for. In general, characters in Singularity enjoy broad freedoms with what they can do and acquire; it's only high-risk, rare and/or questionable items that will need to be cleared in advance. Don't worry-- almost all requests will have no problem whatsoever being approved, and if we have some concerns, we're much more likely to discuss it with you than reject anything.

This is also the page to request canon updates for your characters.

item requests
items from the junkyard
Characters can obtain raw materials from the Junkyard, aka Zone 00, the string room where they appeared when first arriving on Sacrosanct. Scrap metal, raw elements, structures and devices can all be found here. Most of these materials, like metals and normal devices (music players, carpentry tools, computer hardware) do not need to be requested here; just assume your character found them. If it's something more advanced or dangerous, we'd appreciate it if you erred on the side of caution and checked it with us first.

Some items you might find in the Junkyard that you can request (not an exhaustive list):
  • Guns
  • Advanced computer equipment
  • Dangerous and/or fictional elements
  • Alien technology
  • Premodern technology
  • Small dinosaurs
In general, living creatures are okay so long as they aren't pests or very large or dangerous. So, no tribbles, sorry.
items from asphodel
The Underworld is a nomadic black market and insurgency group which continually changes locations in the tunnels of Asphodel. This is the place to find all the illicit things you aren't likely to find in the sterile environment of the orbital. These include everything from harmless but illegal program mods to stimulants, hardcore drugs, experimental body modifications and prostitution.

Characters looking to augment their bodies or find illicit space-aged substances can find them here. Of course, keep in mind two things: everything comes at a price, and not everything can be smuggled back onto the station.

Some items you might find in the Underworld that you can request (again, not exhaustive):
  • Artificial limbs
  • Artificial organs
  • Body armor
  • Pet automatons
  • Drugs
Pornography and small to medium amounts of drugs do not need a request form. Large amounts of drugs meant for dealing, however, will need approval.

To request an item, comment with the form below:
Your Name:
Character Name:
Character Journal:
Nature of Item: (ie, "a half ton of sheet metal" or "a litter of kittens")
How Your Character is Obtaining It: (ie, hired a friend to salvage it from the Junkyard, bartered a favor for it on Asphodel)
Briefly Explain the Intended Purpose of the Item: (don't worry, we're not here to grill you. Just explain briefly what the item will be used for. Ie, "building a freeze ray.")
canon updates
Canon updates are going to work a little differently in Singularity than in other games. Instead of characters "going home" and returning, the IC explanation for canon updates is this:

Any character that appears on Sacrosanct is, at the moment BEFORE he/she/it comes through the space/time rift, understood to be at the most updated version of their canon. This is a floating state for those characters with unfinished canons. The rift is responsible for concealing memories and even changing the physical forms of those who pass through it. For example, a character who loses their hand and has it replaced by a chainsaw may appear in Sacrosanct with their flesh hand fully intact and no memory of the chainsaw. However, because the rift interacts with the teleporters on the station (there is, in fact, a teleporter just inside the rift itself that seems to still be connected to the rest of the network, but cannot be physically accessed), any time a character uses a teleporter he/she/it runs the "risk" of being canon updated. Memories may appear and even physical changes may occur. So our example character might walk into one teleporter with his hand and out another teleporter with his chainsaw, suddenly remembering the events that led up to it.

How exactly is this possible? Hypatia isn't quite sure and likes to pretend things that are beyond her ability to predict don't exist, and the rift itself doesn't answer questions.

Some players may wish to canon update their characters with new items or equipment. If the item in question is larger than would feasibly fit inside a regular teleportation unit (which is meant to accommodate one or two people at a time), the character being updated will find themselves spat out from a teleporter nearest the Junkyard, and their item will be waiting for them there if the character chooses to go look.

Please note that characters are welcome to request items without requiring a canon update. For example, if you want to request Kevin Flynn's lightcycle for Sam instead of his substandard Grid lightcycle, but don't want to update Sam to that particular part of the movie, the Kevin Flynn lightcycle can be requested as a simple item request without a canon update. In that scenario, however, the piece of equipment in question may or may not be unfamiliar to the character, and that must be reflected in their actions accordingly.

To request a canon update for your character, comment with the form below:
Your Name:
Character Name:
Character Journal:
Reference Point of the Canon Update: (ie, end of Chapter 156, post-movie, whatever. This will be edited into the Taken Characters list and any wiki information should also be updated)
How Will This Change the Character?: (ie, any new abilities? are they going to show up full of bullet holes? Will they have a brand spanking new set of armor? Mods may also request that 'new' abilities or equipment be subject to power constraints. If character X had a gun that could explode a planet when he first arrived, and that gun was de-powered, and his canon in Ch. 5236 gives him a new gun that can explode TWO planets, guess what is going to get de-powered if he brings it)
Any Large Items?: (ie, anything that would have to come from the Junkyard. Please also give an explanation of what the item is and what it can do. Mods reserve the right to refuse certain items or ask that they be de-powered.)
Welcome to Sacrosanct. Please watch your step:
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Do not post requests here.
All requests should be submitted on the DW apps post, here.

!mod post, !game info

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