books, blurb books, technology, money, writing, quotes, photography, humor, email, projects, art, mac stuff, lj, design, facebook, important stuff, links, goals

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  • New, amazing, and super cool ::

    singingmollusk Jan 31, 2008 21:30

    I was jacked into Facebook.

    And then an ad in the left margin column space caught my eye ::

    Create a Photo Book
    Make a personalized photo book, published in 7-10 days, from $13
    So I clicked on it ( Read more... )

    books, blurb books, technology, money, writing, quotes, photography, humor, email, art, projects, mac stuff, design, facebook, important stuff, links, goals

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  • EXACTLY what I believe :)

    singingmollusk Dec 22, 2007 01:16

    *snagged from tenthz*

    "Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."

    - John Ruskin, author, art critic, and social reformer (1819-1900)


    outdoors, weather, life, quotes, beliefs, writing

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  • Quotes :: Life in the World

    singingmollusk Dec 05, 2007 01:34

    It's another one of those "Quote of the Day" things by yet another person whom I am unfamiliar with, but apparently has said something interesting of note {according to my Gmail header :P } ::

    M. Kathleen Casey - "You are the only person on earth who can use your ability."


    earth, love, singers, email, art, dream realities, energy, design, time, drawing, life, writing, beliefs, quotes, goals

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  • Quotations on Situations

    singingmollusk Dec 04, 2007 18:32

    Talking to a friend of mine the other night, I got some quotable wisdom that I feel like posting & sharing :)
    {... if only to remind myself, at least.}

    ** "Emerald City" reference, 'cause we were also discussing the nifty Sci-Fi Channel mini-series "Tin Man", a very cool & modern perspective & twist on the "Wizard of Oz" concept.

    Friend wisdom ( Read more... )

    love, house stuff, relationships, technology, writing, beliefs, quotes, sci-fi, email, wisdom, facebook, knowledge, friends, social, tv, goals

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  • Cool Quote

    singingmollusk Nov 30, 2007 23:49

    I dunno who this person is, but it was heading my Gmail Inbox, as a "Quote of the Day" thinger... and it's really cool ::

    Simone Weil - "I can, therefore I am."


    earth, habits, email, note to self, energy, wisdom, adventures, emotional health, knowledge, road trips, travel, writing, beliefs, social, quotes

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