behavior, advice, -thursdays, family, to do, beliefs, zodiac, -wednesdays, habits, jobs, projects, -tuesdays, horoscope, wisdom, challenges, friends, social

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  • Horoscope :: Good advice, for ANY day...

    singingmollusk May 17, 2008 11:38

    Zodiac :: Gemini
    Saturday, May 17th, 2008 :: Instead of finishing all the chores that may require attention today, you might make a half-hearted attempt to do them just so you can get on to other things. However, it's in your best interest to fulfill your obligations, even if you can tap dance your way around your responsibilities. You'll have a ( Read more... )

    habits, house stuff, advice, horoscope, -saturdays, chores, challenges, wisdom, to do, zodiac, tarot

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  • because Catherine's quotes are teh shite

    singingmollusk Mar 18, 2008 19:58

    No sensible decision can be made any longer
    without taking into account
    not only the world as it is,
    but the world
    as it will be.

    - Isaac Asimov, scientist and writer (1920-1992)

    Absolutely true.

    *snagged from tenthz, as always.*

    earth, behavior, advice, science, technology, authors, life, writing, beliefs, quotes, sci-fi, guidance, art, industrial design, design, wisdom, knowledge, social

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  • {snagged from a friend} :: Attitude is EVERYTHING

    singingmollusk Mar 04, 2008 23:38

    There once was a woman who woke up one morning ( Read more... )

    humor, love, inspirational, advice, poetry, wisdom, rain, writing, beliefs, social, guidance

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