The Pokemon Legacy | 6.1

Jul 03, 2012 15:00

OKAY, HOLY CRAP. I have not updated our dearest Pokemon family since about November of 2010... which makes that about... 19 months. >___>;; I am sooo sorry. I have been in Job Corps since February 2011, training to be a chef/baker, so I have near-to-none on the matter of free time, and the little time I DO have, I spend with my fiance. We've been together for the past 14 months, and got engaged in April 2012, so we're still pretty attached at the hip. >_> BUT. He is also a computer nerd, so we've been finding time to game together lately, and I decided to buckle down and GET THIS UPDATE DONE. And it finally is! ~so proud~

To update all of you, as much as it is to update me, here is a recap of The Pokemon Legacy 6.0, as well as a LINK to the last post, if you'd like to go over it yourself as well. <3

LAST TIME ON THE POKEMONS: Egg, everyone's favorite non-heir, and child of the adopted Ashlee and her husband Isaac, grew into a child. Ashlee, Skiploom, and Metapod all reached the top of their first required career track to fulfill Generation Green of the Awesimsauce Legacy rules. Metapod searched for his one true love, and struck out not once, not twice, but 8 different times. Good. Lord. Skiploom, however, got along wonderfully with her current beau, Sherlock, and they had their first date.


It's time for another ~Evolution of Egg~!

Classy, dear, really.

Still so pretty. @_@ Why do non-heirs do this to us??

Another day, another attempt at getting Metapod a man. Your biological clock is ticking, mister, so you better get to work!
Metapod: I'm looking, I'm looking. Hmm... I think I see someone waay over there that looks like they have potential.

Metapod: But I don't know.. this wall is pretty handsome too. I like a nice neutral beige.
Oh good grief. GO ALREADY.

:| That is not at all what I meant. Your great-great-great uncle Mudkip is NOT a romantic prospect for you.

Metapod: Oh my god, WHAT?! How OLD is he??? *urp*

Okay, and that is your FATHER. Yes, he's hot, but you should at least be able to remember that he's your father. I don't actually expect you to know who your great-great-great uncle is, BUT BACK OFF THE RELATIVES, METAPOD.

Okay, much better! Our most promising prospect, Laurence by... I'm afraid I have no idea. :X I usually have a note of the maker somewhere in the sims' name, but I remove it after they move in... but then I didn't play for 19 months and I have completely forgotten it. So if someone recognizes him, please tell me who the creator is! It's definitely a pixel_trade sim though, I don't download any others.

Oh come ON, this is getting ridiculous. There is no way a 170-ish year old man is hotter than the vision in green before you. No. Unacceptable.

We're taking drastic measures now.

Be careful where you're poking those pins, though, Metapod. We don't want to damage the goods.

Laurence: *gasp* Why, I think I'm in love!
MOST EXCELLENT. *evil cackle*

Oh yes, I am MOST pleased with myself.

Yeah, Laurence IS a way better than you two. Accept it.

Date time!

He is just too adorable. I am very glad that I didn't let this one escape. Nine strike-outs would have just been too much for my Metapod's delicate little heart to handle.

Woo! We're moving fast! The powers of voodoo. <3

Is he...?

Yes. Yes he is. And I think he likes what he sees.

Yup. He definitely likes what he sees.

AND I'M HAPPY TO OBLIGE. As were they, apparently. I think we've got this in the bag, so let's head back home~~

Isaac and Ashlee have reached the top of 2 career tracks, so now they just have to earn $100,000 each, and they've fulfilled generation green criteria completely! HUZZAH!

Celebratory pillow fight! With a backup dancer, even.

Doesn't REALLY count as a top-of-career, as it's a teen job, but we appreciate the effort, Egg! Also, you're technically yellow generation. Just sayin'.

Ever progressing, as legacies do, Skiploom invited Sherlock over in hopes of taking their relationship to the next level.

And they did, indeed! After much embracing...

They.. "embraced" some more.

Sherlock: Ha! She's joking. We totally did it.
Skiploom: Right?! TOTALLY did it.
Actually, I think they got that, thanks.

Magical lamp! Awarded to Skiploom for her.. recreational activities. :/ I suppose she WAS increasing her fitness?

One step closer to the $100,000 she needs!

Oh hey, that was the LAST step she needed! Skiploom has reached the top of 2 careers, and earned $100,000... so she's achieved everything she needs for generation green! That's one thing off my list. *dance dance*

Yeah, you need to get on that too, Metapod. *sigh* You're just a late bloomer all around, aren't you? Aw well. I love you anyway. *snug*

WEDDING TIEMZ FOR SKIPLOOM! I like being big and dramatic. >_> So Skiploom is getting married on the front steps of... some very large, elaborate building! Woo!

Ho crap she is so pretty. I figured she could do with a little super-glam on her wedding day. <3

<3 <3 <3
*sniff* I love weddings. *wipes tear from eye*

Ashlee and Skiploom are doing wonderfully in their careers..

but Metapod is slacking as usual, and just now getting his second job! Oh, Metapod.

Oh good gracious. I forgot how scandalous the Natural Scientist outfit is. And flying to work seems like a very bad idea when you're adorned with just a couple of leaves. They can't be secured very well.

Apparently I'm not the only one shocked by his attire. The butler seems a little leery.
Butler: Ew ew ew ew ewwww.. please don't get so close to me with.. that. I'm really not comfortable with this. Just, ewwww!
Isaac: Dude, shut up. It's my house, and I am damn hot. I DO WHAT I WANT.

Butler: *sobs* It's just so ickkyyyy.. I don't wanna see it anymooooore..

Butler: I think I'm scarred for life.

Butler: NO. This is over! YOU NEED TO WEAR PANTS. I insist on pants. You are an indecent individual to expose me to your... EXPOSED PARTS.

Butler: I, sir, challenge you to a duel! *slaps with white glove* I just so happen to conveniently have this white glove all ready. SO IT'S ON.


Isaac: Am I ugly?? Is that why not everyone wants to see my gorgeous body? I thought I was so beautiful. D: D:
Butler: *streeetch* Gotta limber up for this. Not as young as I used to be, but darnit I can still take him on.

Dexter: ohdearohdearohdear.. they are gonna get themselves hurt, this is so awful, ohdear..
Skiploom: omgthisissoexciting!

Ouch. Beaten up by an old man. That's gotta hurt.

Isaac: Aughhh.. yes it does.. I think my leaf got... lodged. D:
Butler: I may see more of your posterior this way, which is revolting, but your pain pleases me enough to make up for it.

HUZZAH! Also, goodness that was quick. XD I guess there were a lot of slow days in there, nothing worth screen-capping. Now, both in celebration of his promotion, and increased funds, but in celebration of moving things forward, I decided...

That Metapod should surprise his man-friend with a little proposal!

He ACCEPTED, of course..

And they got married right then and there!

In front of all their friends and family. :3

Metapod: Thanks so much for coming, mom. And oh my goodness, how DELICIOUS is this cake? And there's just so much of it, I could literally eat it forever.
Laurence: It is pretty darn delicious, sweetie. You did a really good job choosing our cake. <3
I wish cake slices were always this big. @_@ I want cake so bad.

Unsavory Charlatan: It is EXTREMELY delicious cake.

Unsavory Charlatan: In fact, I think I may steal another slice... >:3

The happy married couple!! SO CUTE.

Though Laurence looks a little familiar for some reason...

lol. I saw it a lot more when I was playing this a year and a half ago, but I can still sort of see the resemblance now. What do you guys think?

Oh for pete's sake, Butler. STOP GLARING AT HIM. HE'S DRESSED.

Yeah, this nonsense needs to stop. So, out with the old...

And in with the new!

And speaking of new... ALL NEW POKEMONS FROM THIS POINT ON. I'm going to have to actually play some more to get more updates out, but I'm ready and willing to play, so I'll try my hardest, guys! I'm sorry you all had to wait so long, but I hope you enjoyed the update. :3 Thanks for sticking with me all this time! <333


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