The Pokemon Legacy | 6.0

Oct 31, 2010 13:23

Hey hey hey! Got my next post up BEFORE November! Now if I want to avoid my novel, I'll get to actually PLAY the sims! Yeaaahhhh~~

Egg is just so cute. &hearts

Ahahahaha. And so much like her daddy! XD

Kids.. They just evolve so fast. :'(

It figures that I would so desperately adore the Pokemon's first spare. XD

Hahaha. Ohhhh Ashlee. You look ridiculous.
Ashlee: Shuddup. I look AWESOME.
Newspaper Boy: No... no, you really do look quite silly.
Ashlee. :(

But she didn't look silly for long! So it's okay. :D

WOOOOO! Just 1 more career for everyone! Well, And then 2 for Skiploom and Metapod's eventual spouses, of course.

... Man, I'm crazy.

Heck yeah! Not only is Skiploom doing excellently at work, and therefore this generation's challenge, but she's making some serious progress with Sherlock as well! I approve.

And figured I should probably start working on getting Metapod someone as well. XD

Well that's not very promising. :|

While waiting for all the studly hunks to arrive on the scene, Metapod decided to give the ElectroDance Sphere a whirl.

He didn't do too well. XD But luckily, all the handsome fellas who HAD arrived during this, went straight up to the rooftop bar, and no one saw his failure. XD

The first guy we greeted was none other than Marty! (brilliantcat) He seemed pretty nice, and Metapod sort of liked him.

Marty, however, did not like Metapod. :( *skies darken ominously*

Try #2! Wolfgang Michaels-Dratt! (bondchick_nett) He is just so adorable. @_@ And their kids would be guaranteed to have alien eyes! :D Ignoring the blonde townie who was CLEARLY upset Metapod beat him to the punch, I sent him on over to say hello. :)

*sigh* And goodbye. And yes, other random townie, now you may attempt to woo Wolfgang. But you don't have to look so dang pleased that Metapod struck out. >[

Discouraged with the pickings (and rejection) at this particular location, I sent Metapod off in search of more hunky dudes! Only to see one just as we were leaving. :( Aw well, Carrot Stick was born in my game anyhow, and wouldn't have been eligible for teh baby makins'.

Poor Metapod. He only has one move.

But it seems to have attracted Benno's (bondchick_nett) attention!

Well, perhaps it wasn't Metapod's dancing that attracted his attention.. but no matter!


Wait, what? Nuuuuu! Benno had to leave for the night and said goodbye. :( JUST AS THINGS WERE GETTING GOOD, TOO. Bah. I sent Metapod home as well, quite displeased with the night's results, but sent him out early the next day.

Where he quickly met Portokal Kohler-Wielle! (bondchick_nett)

Perhaps Metapod is going to have a bit more luck today?

Well, yes, just not in the way I expected. Portokal was so uninterested he decided to just push Metapod off onto someone else. But hey, a date's a date! And Metapod can't afford to be too picky. So sure! Blind date it is.

Hey hey hey! Not bad! He's pixel_tradetastic and everything! I present to you... Luke! (lauriethemuppet)


And sea chanty-learning + dancing, good, good..

Aaand... arguing. Lots and lots of arguing.
Metapod: I don't need any of your freaking TMs! I LIKE only having one move! I'll learn more when I'm ready, Luke! I'm sorry that I'm not enough for you.
Luke: Ugh you are so close-minded! You can always unlearn the TMs later! No one's going to want a guy with only one move!
Metapod: Yes they will. :( I'm special.

The beginning was nice, it's true, but the last 1 minute or so being arguing sort of turned it into an awful date to ME, anyway. I don't believe we'll be doing this again, Luke. :|

Why, yes. Yes Metapod IS having trouble finding a date. I believe this shall be our next stop then. Also, I was unaware that bright green pixelizes quite so badly in lower quality jpgs. I thought it was just red that did that. Information for the future, I suppose.

Wow! And we meet a handsome man right off the bat! Alfredo! (jenji_sims)

UGH. Who abandoned Metapod just as quickly as he greeted him, and went off the play the piano for 3 hours. This is getting frustrating.

Okay! F'nor! (simsforaranya) You look promising!

Come onnnnn.. he would be perfect.. you just keep up that flirting!

Aw man, SERIOUSLY? You don't have room to start being picky, mister. So far no one else has wanted to use their Pokeballs on you, Metapod.

lol can you tell I'm getting desperate? As much of a dish that Christopher (brilliantcat) is, he's kind of been an everlasting ass to Metapod's mom. XD But hey! You never know. Maybe he was preemptively disliking his mother-in-law.

Oh my. This is a family restaurant, boys. Keep it clean.

Christopher: whoa whoa whoa, WAIT. What?! THAT'S what you meant by 'flying your rocket ship into my docking bay'?? WHOA NOW, DUDE, NO. No docking bay for you!

After QUICKLY leaving the restaurant after the docking bay incident, I decided to just let Metapod chill for a while, and put a pause on his search for the perfect Pokeballs.

Metapod: Hey, thanks, man. Geez, finding someone to love in this city is freaking hard. You have any idea how hard?
Bartender: Um, yes.

Bartender: Yes, I do.

Aw man, now that's just depressing. Even Mrs. Crumplebottom is getting her flirt on with more results.
Mrs. Crumplebottom: Well hello there, gorgeous. May I interest you in a Sex on the Beach?
Twikkii Islander: That would be nice, thank you! :3

Mrs. Crumplebottom: Ooh! You're a hunk of man, too, aren't you? Can I get you a drink?
Mrs: Crumplebottom: Well come on now, speak up sonny! The ears aren't what they used to be.
Um, yeah... that's a lamp, Mrs. Crumplebottom.
Mrs. Crumplebottom: Oh. Well. I suppose the eyes aren't what they used to be either.

At least Metapod is making some friends. Enjoying his night off from man-hunting. :)

Um, lol Mrs. Crumplebottom. You were hitting on a lady earlier. If dressing in modest swimwear is offensive to your sensibilites, wouldn't lesbianism be also? I mean, I'm personally a fan of it, but you're super old-fashioned.
Mrs. Crumplebottom: I was hitting on a lady? I thought that was a hippie! I like hippies.
... I think it's time you start considering eyeglasses, ma'am.
Mrs. Crumplebottom: >[

And, back at home, Skiploom was waiting outside for the taxi to take her on HER outing into the city. She had a guaranteed date, though.

Sherlock, of course!

hahahaha. Oh man, I love the expression on Skiploom's face. For some reason it makes me imagine the whole thing in slow-motion.

Waitress: *slow motion voice* Nooooooooo! Nooooot thhhe saaalaaadds!! Ohhhh goooood thhhe crooouuutooonssss!!
Sherlock: Didn't you order pork chops?

Skiploom: o_o well. That was invigorating. Nothing like a little crouton dermabrasion to get your evening going.

Sherlock: You umm.. heh. You still have a little lettuce in your hair.

Waitress: Look! I served you properly! The right order this time, and unspilled and everything!
Skiploom: Congratulations. :|

Hahaha. So much like her mom. &hearts

HEEE! So cuuuuuteeee.

Oh, I like him.


Well of COURSE it was a dream date. XD And also, I just noticed that he's already dressed in green. IT WAS DESTINED THEY BE TOGETHER.

I love seeing unrelated aliens chatting together. I don't know what it is about it, but I find it absolutely adorable. It helps that both Metapod and Fenchurch are gorgeous, of course. Why of why did you both have to be gay? You would have made lovely babies.

I still love Egg, unsurprisingly.

AHAHAHA. And is it any wonder why, really?


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