So I am totally taking fic requests now I guess!

Jul 15, 2012 02:42

So I don't write anything but prompts, so I'm opening my journal up for fic requests. Just leave 'em in the comment box if you're into it ( Read more... )

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Comments 39

luminare_ardua July 21 2012, 16:43:36 UTC
... You know, I had this idea for a nice little prompt for you a few hours ago, and then promptly forgot it right as I sat down to type it up here. D: I'm hoping it comes back.


silverlace_vine July 21 2012, 21:34:52 UTC
Awwwww. I hope it does!


luminare_ardua August 5 2012, 19:14:12 UTC
Rather late I know, but a new idea sorta popped up. A little Blade Runner style AU: Avengers as android replicants.


silverlace_vine August 8 2012, 06:26:47 UTC
:D *glows with the creamed-spinach-colored light of ignorance*


amarin_rose July 31 2012, 07:09:21 UTC
Tony has already claimed Black Sabbath's 'Iron Man' as his theme song, and then decides everyone else must have their own theme songs too. Pepper gets 'Hot Blooded', Coulson gets 'Secret Agent Man', the others get...what?

PS: Darren Hayes totes rules. Cannibals suck. Therefore, Darren Hayes /= cannibal.


silverlace_vine July 31 2012, 14:06:21 UTC
That's prejudicial against cannibals! Some of them have great taste in people.

That being said.. oh, man. I can already hear it in my head. How to write a fic around it, though? It's probably JARVIS's fault.


that's it. daltong August 8 2012, 06:11:13 UTC
"Some of them have great taste in people"?!?!?!

Know how I said you're one of my favorite authors? NOT ANY MORE!


(I'd never heard that one before. Gotta remember it.)


Re: that's it. silverlace_vine August 8 2012, 06:29:16 UTC
I can't help it, it was a fantastic set-up!


Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 06:09:27 UTC
This is going to be long and rambling. And in two comments, evidently, because I was more longy and rambly than LJ will allow ( ... )


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 06:09:49 UTC
(continued ( ... )


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe silverlace_vine August 8 2012, 06:41:36 UTC
IiIiIiiii oh man ( ... )


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 07:14:38 UTC
Ah well, it was worth a try. Thanks for such a quick and thoughtful response! You *could* add one of the women you mentioned in her place--I mean, she's got amnesia, it could be anyone! But I get that it's not really your thing. FWIW, I read almost exclusively M/M slash (or, in a few happy instances, M/M/M!); it's just that sometimes it gets tiring trying to imagine I have a penis when I'm, er, y'know. I'm always trying to come up with scenarios where a woman makes sense and doesn't detract from the glorious gayness of a scene. (And then I went and wrote a het fic a few nights ago. For basically the same reason and it really is anomalous.)

I applaud your sticking to what fires your passion; that's the only way to write well. I'm looking forward to reading more in Perspective-verse. They're finally all together! *happy sigh* It can only get more delicious from here. (And I'm sure more angsty!)


Hmm... ysabetwordsmith August 14 2012, 00:18:43 UTC
It occurs to me that since in the movieverse Bruce's condition comes from trying to recreate the supersoldier serum, if he and Steve exchange body fluids, that could have interesting effects on both of them. My suspicion is that, since Steve is wearing the correct version, it should tend to dominate and might buffer Bruce's anger management issues a bit. What Steve gets in return is likely to be more primal.


Re: Hmm... silverlace_vine August 16 2012, 16:35:10 UTC
New headcanon: accepted. Ahahaha, this is going to end up in Predilection, I know it. Thank you!


Re: Hmm... ysabetwordsmith August 16 2012, 19:40:41 UTC
>>New headcanon: accepted.<<


On further thought: if Steve gains the shapeshifting aspect from Bruce, he's likely to have more control over it, but I bet it still freaks him right out. Both of them, really. It would be fun to see Bruce trying to calmly talk Steve down, while panicking internally.

>> Ahahaha, this is going to end up in Predilection, I know it. Thank you!<<

*bow, flourish* Happy to be of service. Could I get a link for Predilection? I don't think I've seen that one yet.


Re: Hmm... silverlace_vine August 16 2012, 21:36:44 UTC
My headcanon for what the Hulk is precludes an actual transformation on Steve's part, unfortunately, but I could see Steve's eyes flashing green in response to seeing some injustice or another, and everybody having a pants-shitting freakout over it... Hm.

Predilection is here:


A challenge! daltong August 16 2012, 20:06:25 UTC
Okay, I have a new wish and this one is most definitely slash. I want to see Colonel Chester Phillips and Steve Rogers together. Of course Phillips has to change his mind about Steve after he brings back all the former prisoners from Austria, right? I have no idea how you'll get them together; maybe he's comforting him after Bucky is gone. I don't care, as long as they're together. E preferred but not required.


Re: A challenge! silverlace_vine August 16 2012, 21:38:52 UTC
Oh man. that is... that is definitely a challenge.

I will try to wrap my brain around it tonight. I can't think of how that would work right this moment, but I'll give it some time and think on it.


Re: A challenge! silverlace_vine August 26 2012, 01:32:09 UTC
Of course, having just now looked at your icon, I'm like... Sky Captain/Steve fic. Why isn't it a thing?


Re: A challenge! daltong September 1 2012, 10:25:32 UTC
I'd read it! The timing is right.

Hey, maybe Sky Cap and Dex run into Steve out in the fields, when they're still barnstorming around in a fic I started years ago but never developed. Hm.

Anyway, I have Yet Another Challenge (since clearly I inspire you! ha!): Tony and Steve get sent back in time via an Avenger mishap, and Steve has to educate Tony on proper behavior (especially when Tony decides to act on his Tru Luv for Steve--can't do that in public in the 40s now children) and on 40s culture--bonus for dancing to Big Band! I imagine Tony is working on supertech to get them back to their own time. Ideally there's no way they'll run into Howard; why go into the whole time travel paradox genre. Whew, I've been holding that in my head for two weeks.


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