So I am totally taking fic requests now I guess!

Jul 15, 2012 02:42

So I don't write anything but prompts, so I'm opening my journal up for fic requests. Just leave 'em in the comment box if you're into it ( Read more... )

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Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 06:09:27 UTC
This is going to be long and rambling. And in two comments, evidently, because I was more longy and rambly than LJ will allow.

So I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be with those 3 once they are in an established relationship. I *guess* it's Mary Sue-ing, but I'm not looking to break them up or save the day or anything like that, just to have them have to take care of a woman.

So the premise is that there is this woman--not an Avenger but certainly one of SHIELD's folks [and apologies, I really don't know this fandom so fix whatever I get wrong]--who has had amnesia and some kind of physical malady too. And for some reason, these 3 are the only 3 who can save her. Of course Bruce's doctorness factors in; not sure why the other 2 are required. I think they knew her very well before she had the amnesia-causing accident.

So it starts when she wakes up, and if you'll forgive me writing a bit myself--for you to fix, please--here goes...

Her eyes opened. She wasn't sure where she was, but right away she noticed the decadence of the pillowcase under her cheek. She rubbed her cheek against it and stretched, lazily.

"Fuck, that is one high sheet count," she declared, sitting up and arching her back, rolling her neck to stretch it.

Then she noticed the man sitting in a chair next to her.

"Who the fuck are you!"

She stumbled out of the bed, grabbing the sheet and comforter against her chest. They were tucked in, so she had to yank a couple of times to get them free. Then she moved to the wall, her back firmly against it. She felt panic bubbling up within her but she tamped it down.

"Hey, Christie, it's me, it's Tony."

"Great, Tony. That's just great. You stay the fuck over there." She looked around and found a tensor lamp on a nearby table. She grabbed it, yanking the cord from the wall, and brandished it as menacingly as she could.

Tony stopped in his tracks.


She alternated between staring at him and looking around the room for more weapons.

"Christie, what's wrong?" [so yeah they don't know she has amnesia yet, they just knew she was real physically sick or broken or whatever, I guess she was in a coma when she was brought there?]

"Where am I? What do you want from me? I swear to god, I'll break your neck with my bare hands." [this is a bluff, that's not really something she can do, but she doesn't know what she can do anyway]

Just then, Steve appeared in the doorway.

"Christie? You're up?"

Christie threw the tensor lamp at him. Its aerodynamics were less than optimal and it landed on the floor at his feet. Now she had to keep both of them in her view, and she backed further into the room, pressing against the wall, bedthings clutched in white knuckles.

[at this point Steve is all cool and competent and figures it out right quick and immediately adopts a really soothing tone of voice, staying where he is, and eventually convinces her that he means no harm. not sure if she includes tony in that analysis]

[eventually they all figure out what's up. Bruce introduces himself as her doctor and checks her over and whatnot, and they explain whatever the physical problem is and that they are caring for her]

(to be cont in next comment)


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 06:09:49 UTC

[Now the fun part. OF COURSE whatever malady it is has to be cured by lots of sex, lots of orgasms, yadda. It's your job to figure out how that fits and make it believable. I've got no clue.]

[There's a scene where Bruce has given her some pain medication for like level 9 cramping or something, and they think she's asleep. Steve talks about how painful this all is for him, and Bruce comforts him, and then they're making out and she's watching because she wasn't all the way asleep, and now that she heard Steve she realizes how invested they are in her. And then Tony appears in the doorway and alerts them that she's watching and not asleep. No idea what happens next.]

[eventually there's a great "healing" scene where tony is going down on her while she watches Bruce suck Steve next to the bed; she's bucking and hollering and that's just getting Steve even higher and then one of them grabs the other's hand and their orgasms just super-intensify with the contact. This can be mystical or not; your call. Then in the next pause she calls out "Somebody needs to fuck me NOW" and then there are logistics issues of 4 people, 1 of whom is a guy who just came, and eventually they wind up with Bruce on top of her, and Tony on top of Steve who is face down next to her, and Tony makes some comment about "synchronized fucking" and then they manage to at least slide in at the same time, though I think Tony ends up coming first. and of course now she and Steve are holding hands again and trading breathless comments and whatnot.]

So. too specific? Is that the request equivalent of a pushy bottom? Sorry. Take what you like from this and run with it. The main thing is that 1) you are a much better writer than I am and 2) you get their characterizations dead on--I'm endlessly amazed by how clearly you capture Tony--and you'll do a much better job with "one woman in the midst of The 3" than I will. FWIW, I wasn't expecting her to become a permanent part of their relationship; they knew her before and loved her, and they'll heal her, and then everything will go back to whatever.

THANK YOU for what you've written thus far and for considering my req!


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe silverlace_vine August 8 2012, 06:41:36 UTC
IiIiIiiii oh man.

I probably should have specified that I don't generally write het or OCs, I just kind of assumed no one would ask.

orz forgive me, I may have to pass on this one. It's not a bad prompt, and I'm absolutely not adverse to long prompts (Perspective is actually a kink meme request-fill from a request that was I think two pages long) but if I were going to write adding a lady to the Stark Spangled Banner, it'd be some form of Peggy Carter (Steve's amazingly badass, super-hot lady-friend he left behind in the 40's), Janet Van Dyne, or possibly have a crossover fic from another comic (the Marvel verse is FULL of weirdoes). I try to keep my OC's extremely limited (I have Agent Marco, whose job is mostly to break bad news to Tony to keep him from crawling up Fury's ass, and that's basically it).

I'm also probably going to continue writing the Perspective-verse for awhile, if only in vignette form. I'll keep this req in mind because I do think it's got merit, it's just not something I can do with this story the way it stands now. orz forgive me this once.

That being said, I'm super flattered that you made the request in the first place, much more so that you're actually requesting an extension of something I've already written. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with me, I do appreciate it


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe daltong August 8 2012, 07:14:38 UTC
Ah well, it was worth a try. Thanks for such a quick and thoughtful response! You *could* add one of the women you mentioned in her place--I mean, she's got amnesia, it could be anyone! But I get that it's not really your thing. FWIW, I read almost exclusively M/M slash (or, in a few happy instances, M/M/M!); it's just that sometimes it gets tiring trying to imagine I have a penis when I'm, er, y'know. I'm always trying to come up with scenarios where a woman makes sense and doesn't detract from the glorious gayness of a scene. (And then I went and wrote a het fic a few nights ago. For basically the same reason and it really is anomalous.)

I applaud your sticking to what fires your passion; that's the only way to write well. I'm looking forward to reading more in Perspective-verse. They're finally all together! *happy sigh* It can only get more delicious from here. (And I'm sure more angsty!)


Re: Request for an extension to the "Perspective" universe silverlace_vine August 8 2012, 07:52:17 UTC
I'm honestly not sure. I have been writing Perspective almost completely off-the-cuff, so I'm never completely sure where it's going exactly. But the sad times (at least for the main plotline) are (probably) over!

And thank you for being so understanding. Maybe if I ever branch out into more original fiction I'll save this prompt for that.


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