I had my follow-up hospital appointment today, and it turns out that there actually is a reason why this little procedure might've felt somewhat painful. ( cut for the slightly squeamish )
ouchy. The only non-alcoholic thing I can think of is cloves, which probably would be little to no use to you in this situation. I'll keep everything crossed for a speedy and full recovery hon.
Sorry for the incredibly delayed reply, but I just wanted to return the *hugs*, and report that vanilla chai latte (and there was me thinking I was too old for the Starbucks generation) works a treat on occasion. :)
When I had the bad root canal and pain meds weren't helping much, Nin got me Cepacol sore throat lozenges. They're made to suck on and they numb your throat. Well, if you let it dissolve against the hurty part of your mouth, it does a damn fine job of numbing that as well. Saved what would have been a ruined trip for me. Don't know if they would be called the same thing there, but the active ingredient is Benzocaine.
Sorry for the delay in reply, but I wanted to say thanks for the suggestion - I've been using a oral numbing gel thingie-doodah (technical jargon, I has it), and it seems to help a bit. Thankfully it's starting to heal more now. :)
Spanks your consultant very, very hard. With a wooden paddle.
I suffer with really bad outbreaks of cold sores and one time I had them totally covering the inside of my mouth, my gums and down my throat - I had to eat/drink through a straw for nearly a week and have them blitzed with anti-viral meds. My dentist was thrilled about the whole thing as he'd never seen this 'phenomenon' before and took loads of pictures to shock show his trainees :)
I hope that you'll feel better after a day or two on the antibiotics, sweetheart. Don't push yourself where work is concerned, though. You don't want to pick up an additional infection on top of everything else, especially with all the 'flu and swine 'flu that's around at the moment.
Sorry for the late reply, but just wanted to say thanks sweetie, *hugs you a lot*, and that I'm feeling a bit better now I've had the antibiotics and better painkillers. Hope you're taking care ♥
Comments 10
ouchy. The only non-alcoholic thing I can think of is cloves, which probably would be little to no use to you in this situation. I'll keep everything crossed for a speedy and full recovery hon.
*offers virtual soup* {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}
When I had the bad root canal and pain meds weren't helping much, Nin got me Cepacol sore throat lozenges. They're made to suck on and they numb your throat. Well, if you let it dissolve against the hurty part of your mouth, it does a damn fine job of numbing that as well. Saved what would have been a ruined trip for me. Don't know if they would be called the same thing there, but the active ingredient is Benzocaine.
Girl, I'm sorry to hear these news from you.Tooth ache equals nightmares. At least it seems that now you are on the right way to recovery.
I'll get by - I'm just impatient. Thanks for the well-wishing!
Spanks your consultant very, very hard. With a wooden paddle.
I suffer with really bad outbreaks of cold sores and one time I had them totally covering the inside of my mouth, my gums and down my throat - I had to eat/drink through a straw for nearly a week and have them blitzed with anti-viral meds. My dentist was thrilled about the whole thing as he'd never seen this 'phenomenon' before and took loads of pictures to shock show his trainees :)
I hope that you'll feel better after a day or two on the antibiotics, sweetheart. Don't push yourself where work is concerned, though. You don't want to pick up an additional infection on top of everything else, especially with all the 'flu and swine 'flu that's around at the moment.
Much love - take care of you, precious XXXX
Seriously though, that sucks! I hope you're ok. If you can think of anything that we can do, please just let me know.
A magical healing kitten of some sort would be handy right now. ;)
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