SPN Reversebang: the Reveal

Nov 11, 2015 05:22

So, spn_reversebang reveals just went up, so I can finally share with you how lucky I got with the authors that claimed my prompts. :D :D

My RPF prompt got claimed by homo_pink, and my SPN prompt got claimed by selecasharp. I've already emailed with both of them, and selecasharp already threw some ideas that popped up my way ( Read more... )

reversebang, squee, spn_joystick

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Comments 14

reapertownusa November 11 2015, 04:57:43 UTC
Major congrats on catching such fabulous authors! It's so much fun to finally get to see who did what. Both of your prompts are so lovely and full of possibilities for your lucky authors.


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:03:27 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm very excited, and I can't wait to see what my authors are gonna cook up. :D :D


milly_gal November 11 2015, 08:38:55 UTC
*\o/* Congrats bb!


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:03:39 UTC
Thanks! :D


zara_zee November 11 2015, 08:55:52 UTC
I LOVED your RPF prompt and in fact, I kept switching between that one and Gladiator for my top pick. In the end I decided I wanted to write an SPN Gen piece this time around, but En Femme was definitely a very inspiring prompt and I just know that homo_pink will do something fabulous with it! :D


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:05:14 UTC
Thank you! So glad you liked it and that it was inspiring enough for you maybe wanting to claim it. I think you're gonna do fabulous with the spn gen piece. Yeah, homo_pink is pretty damn awesome so I'm sure it's gonna be great. :D


big_heart_june November 11 2015, 12:05:25 UTC
AWESOME BB!! gotta admit homo_pink is a HUUUUGE favourite, can't wait to see what both authors come up with! \o/


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:08:07 UTC
Thanks! I must admit, I was pretty damn happy when I saw homo_pink had my prompt listed. So yeah. :D Can't wait to see what they come up with either.


beelikej November 11 2015, 13:58:32 UTC
Yay, yay, yay! Happy banging! (you know what I mean;)


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:09:35 UTC
Hahaha, yes. You too! :D


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