SPN Reversebang: the Reveal

Nov 11, 2015 05:22

So, spn_reversebang reveals just went up, so I can finally share with you how lucky I got with the authors that claimed my prompts. :D :D

My RPF prompt got claimed by homo_pink, and my SPN prompt got claimed by selecasharp. I've already emailed with both of them, and selecasharp already threw some ideas that popped up my way.

\o/ \o/ \o/

This is gonna be awesome! *excited* :D :D


Talking about art... I posted my spn_joystick entry HERE, if you haven't seen it yet. :3

Alright, it's way past my bedtime, so off to bed with me. :')

reversebang, squee, spn_joystick

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