SPN Reversebang: the Reveal

Nov 11, 2015 05:22

So, spn_reversebang reveals just went up, so I can finally share with you how lucky I got with the authors that claimed my prompts. :D :D

My RPF prompt got claimed by homo_pink, and my SPN prompt got claimed by selecasharp. I've already emailed with both of them, and selecasharp already threw some ideas that popped up my way ( Read more... )

reversebang, squee, spn_joystick

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Comments 14

cassiopeia7 November 11 2015, 15:24:24 UTC
Wow, congratulations! And you snagged homo_pink, too? YOU LUCKY BROAD! \O/


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:09:51 UTC
Thanks! Right?! :D :D


somer November 11 2015, 20:16:05 UTC
WOOHOO :D :D!!!!!!!!!!!


sillie82 November 16 2015, 23:10:04 UTC
:D :D :D


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