The evolution of drawing...

Apr 04, 2015 04:41

As I mentioned earlier on this journal, spring cleaning has me in it's grip, and this week, I've started on my own room. Tuesday I was going through the drawers of my desk, and found a huge stack of old sketchbooks, with drawings in it going back 20 years. I couldn't resist and I had to go through them, and I took some pictures of some to share with you all.

So here's the stack of sketchbooks I found:

This first drawing dates back to '91. I was 9 then. I'm so amused by this drawing. It's called 'The Fashion Show'. Drawing all the audience was to much work though, so I drew 2, and wrote 'here sit 100 people'. :')


This one's from 93', and it's a drawing of my guinea pig Lotje. I love the little feet. :')

Princess in a field of flowers and animals.

A drawing of the friends I made on holiday.

Portrait of... someone? XD No clue who. :')

This is a rare thing for me to paint. I pretty much never painted landscapes, so this one stood out to me.

The fishes have been painted on another piece of paper and cut out, then glued onto this paper.

A portrait of myself and my cousin who's about two weeks older then me and who I hung out with a lot. I'm the one on the left. There's no date on it, but if I have to guess, I date it around 97'.

This is a portrait of my sister I did in 98'.

Another portrait from 98'. I can still remember being pretty proud of this one.

A monster and his girl.

Ahh... Digimon. My first 'real' fandom. This drawing is from 03'.

Another one from 03'. The Legend of Zelda has always been a favorite of mine. Love me some Link, and apparently already love me some h/c, although this is mostly just h without the c. :')

Uhm, yeah. Also from 03'. Dear Orlando Bloom. I'm so sorry. XD

This one's from 04'. Interstella 5555, any of you seen it? It's an anime movie where they use the music from Daft Punk's album Discovery to tell the story. Arpegius was/is my fave. :')

This one's from 05'. Sorry Greg. :')

And this last one's from 06'.


There's this corner in my room that has been annoying me to no end. No matter what I do, it always looks messy. So of to the Ikea I went, and got myself some new furniture.

This is the 'before' situation. God, so messy. >.<

Here I put together the new set of drawers. It already looks so much better.

And here's closet number 2. It looks so much better in my opinion. Still a tiny bit messy (I have a lot of stuff and not a lot of room to put it :') ), but this is a 'mess level' I can deal with. :')


Decided I wanted to take a length picture of my hair. I used to do that almost every month, but I've fallen out of the habbit, because it hasn't really grown passed this length in at least 2 years. Still secretly hoping it will eventually. :')



Last but not least... if you haven't seen it yet, I posted my contribution to this years spnspringfling to my journal at the beginning of this week.

You can find it HERE


fairy, photo's, about me, fanart, personal, greg sanders, pictures, hair, drawings, picspam, room, csi fanart, anime, art, sketches, painting

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