The evolution of drawing...

Apr 04, 2015 04:41

As I mentioned earlier on this journal, spring cleaning has me in it's grip, and this week, I've started on my own room. Tuesday I was going through the drawers of my desk, and found a huge stack of old sketchbooks, with drawings in it going back 20 years. I couldn't resist and I had to go through them, and I took some pictures of some to share ( Read more... )

fairy, photo's, about me, fanart, personal, greg sanders, pictures, hair, drawings, picspam, room, csi fanart, anime, art, sketches, painting

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Comments 29

ennisjackdean April 4 2015, 04:35:25 UTC
I love to see the progression. It's as if suddenly
you meet the artist and it all becomes clear. Lovely.


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:27:46 UTC
Glad you liked seeing the old drawings. Thanks for commenting. <3


borgmama1of5 April 4 2015, 04:56:01 UTC
Fun to see the progression of art--you have talent!

Also, I extrapolated that you are 32 which is the same age as my oldest daughter :)


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:29:16 UTC
Thank you! :D

I turned 33 this January, so you were pretty close. :D Cool. I'm the oldest as well, with two younger sisters. :)


sw0rdy April 4 2015, 06:32:58 UTC
Aww, I really enjoyed seeing your sketches and how your talent has evolved! Thank you for sharing.

Plus, I'm really envious of your hair - mine's halfway down my back and reached the point where I don't think it'll get any longer. :(


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:33:56 UTC
Welcome, I'm glad you liked seeing the drawings. :D

Aww... well, a few years back, my hairlength was kinda 'stuck' on about waist length. I don't know what I did, but eventually it grew past that to the length it is now. So you never know. :)


stir_of_echoes April 4 2015, 07:49:38 UTC
Thank you for sharing the progression of your art, it was so interesting and wonderful to see how your talent has grown :)


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:34:42 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it. :D Thanks for commenting. <3


fireheart13 April 4 2015, 14:20:46 UTC
Ahahaha, love the domestic re-doing :-D Come help meeee!!! ;-)

The evolution is fascinating to watch!!! I love your stuff.


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:35:46 UTC
Hee, glad you like it. Man, if only I had more money... :P

Aw, thank you! Glad you liked it. :D


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