Myths or Legends?Artist:
souslelysPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None.
Media: watercolor, colored pencils
Artist Notes: So.. how many of you figured out this one was mine? :')
The three prompts I got where "My love, how was I to know that they would make a myth of us?", One has been possessive of the other since they were children - he never learned to share and Royalty!AU. I'll be honest and say that I struggled with these, and it took me a long time to figure out what to make. I ended up going with the first prompt, with a dash of the second one.
I want to thank all the lovely people who commented on this when it was still anonymous. You're all awesome! :D *smooches*
(Click to see bigger)
On DeviantArt ||
On Tumblr ||
On AO3 The first sketch.
The pencil drawing.
Painting the background.
Altough I liked creating this piece, I'm not sure if I'm doing this challenge again. It was very stressful and anxiety inducing. We'll see when this challenge comes around again.
I now know who created the wonderful story that was my gift for this challenge. Thank you so much
stellamira for taking my little prompt and running with it. :D
A Stargazer Am IAuthor:
stellamiraPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
I've added all the names of the wonderful artists to my list of art posted to
spnspringfling. You can find the list