Just me being, uhm... creative? :'3

Mar 06, 2009 02:01

* First... a drawing.

Goobers by ~Sillie on deviantART


* And some other ways of being creative...

Ak painting and some more make-up this way )

supernatural, pictures, jensen ackles, computer, fanart, drawings, make-up, jared padalecki, art

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Comments 10

littlebuttercup March 6 2009, 02:21:51 UTC
That green make-up is so pretty!

Have you got a white-out pen or a silver Sharpie? You can use either of those if you have a black keyboard, or just a regular thin-tipped marker for a white/gray keyboard. Apply some clear nail polish over it and it won't rub off :)


sillie82 March 6 2009, 13:01:48 UTC
Thank you.

I don't know, but if I don't, I can always buy them. Thanks for the tip! :D


blackbirdj2 March 6 2009, 07:45:29 UTC
EARRINGS!!! I love earrings! I probably wair another pair each day! <3 And I can't go out the door WITHOUT wairing them, it's like something's missing when I'm not wearing my earrings!


sillie82 March 6 2009, 13:02:16 UTC
I love earrings too, guess that's why I've got three of them in each ear. XD


loki_dip March 6 2009, 19:46:44 UTC
How do you manage to produce pretty pictures even when you're not really trying? You're just too good. That's the only explanation.


sillie82 March 6 2009, 21:10:58 UTC
Heh. Thanks. :3


tsuki_no_bara March 6 2009, 22:49:13 UTC
SUCH GOOBERS! they're so cute. and that glittery eyeshadow is really, really pretty.


sillie82 March 7 2009, 04:39:50 UTC
Thank you. :D


kaycee_a March 7 2009, 02:08:39 UTC
I love the drawing! Great choice of reference pictures, and a wonderful job!


sillie82 March 7 2009, 04:40:06 UTC
Thank you. :D


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