Just me being, uhm... creative? :'3

Mar 06, 2009 02:01

* First... a drawing.

Goobers by ~Sillie on deviantART


* And some other ways of being creative...

Made this tuesday. Just... put your mind on zero and just go, you know? Actually works very relaxing. :'3

And two more make-up looks:

Blue with glitter.

And look, I've got new earrings. Aren't they cute?

Aaaand, green:

Guess I'm using make-up as another way to let out my creativity, seeing as how I hardly have time to draw these past few weeks. The only reason the drawing you see above got finished is because I've got another of my 'I-can-fit-in-another-hour-of-drawing-before-bed-that-turns-into-three-hours-without-me-noticing' sessions. Obviously, I didn't get much sleep last night. XD

*Also? Our keyboard is slowly loosing it's lettering. The 'm', 'n' and 'c' are just blank keys, and the 'd' , 'e' and 'k' are slowly disappearing too. It doesn't matter much to me because I type with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard, but my mom does. :'3 Once she's back, she won't be able to type without guessing here and there. XD I need to buy letter stickers or something.

supernatural, pictures, jensen ackles, computer, fanart, drawings, make-up, jared padalecki, art

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