I've got the best friends, and I'm a meme sheep.

Mar 06, 2009 20:03

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've got the best friends. *smooches all of you*

mikevrakking and rugzakje, thanks so much for the letter you send to my mom. She absolutely loved it. Very funny, and she'll definitely pull it out again if she's feeling a bit down.

beelikej, same goes for you. My mom loved the card. And you where right, she likes Derek, so she was very happy with the article. She said she's going to take her time and read it tonight. Again, thank you so much.

And now... some memes!

Nabbed from beelikej.

A Sleepy Meme

1. How much sleep do you get on an average night?
Somewhere between 4 and 6 hours on average, I think. I'm a bit of a nightowl. :'3

2. Is that enough sleep for you?
Mostly, yeah.

3. At what time do you normally go to sleep and wake up?
Bedtime lies definitely after midnight. Mostly between 3 and 4 am, if I don't have to be anywhere the next day. If I do, it's usually around 2. Wake up... If I don't have to be anywhere, it's between 10 and 12 am.

4. Do you usually fall asleep right away or have trouble?
Usually I have no troubles falling asleep.

5. What size bed do you have?
A single, which I find to small actually. But I don't have room for a bigger bed, so it'll have to do for now.

6. How many pillows do you use?
Two to lie my head on. My neck and shoulders are pretty stiff as it is, so they need some good support. I also have a small pillow I keep under my blankets to put against my stomach.

7. In what position do you sleep?
Usually on my left side.

8. Do you need it to be quiet or dark to sleep?
If I'm tired enough, I can sleep when it's light or a bit noisy, but usually I prefer it dark and quiet.

9. Do you use earplugs or an eye mask?

10. Have you ever used a sleeping aid long-term?

11. Do you use headgear, a night retainer, or a biteplate?

12. What do you normally wear to bed?
Pajama's in the winter, t-shirts and nightgowns in the summer.

13. Do you frequently fall asleep in your clothing?
Not frequently, no.

14. Do you prefer a heavy or light blanket?

15. Do you prefer warm or cool PJs?

16. Do you wear socks to bed?

17. What is your bedtime routine?
Brush my teeth, take off my makeup if I'm wearing it, then go up to my room, put on my nightclothes and take out whatever I have in my hair and then crawl into bed. Sometimes I read or draw a little before it's lights out.

18. Do you listen to music when you’re falling asleep?
Not usually, no.

19. Do you/have you slept with pets?
Our cat sometimes sleeps at the feet of my bed. The cats we had before sometimes crawled under the blankets with me, and it was nice and warm. :3

20. Do you still sleep with your childhood blankie/teddy?
No, but I do use a small pillow to put against my stomach.

21. Do you snore?
Not that I know off.

22. Do you sleeptalk or sleepwalk?
Don't think so.

23. Do you wake up to use the bathroom often?
No. I sleep through the night, but when I wake up I have to go really bad sometimes.

24. What things inhabit your bed aside from a blanket and pillow?
Apart from pillows and blankets... nothing else, really.

25. What kind of alarm clock do you use?
I have a digital alarm clock at the other side of my room. Not that that helps me get up any easier in the mornings though. =__='

26. Do you ever wake up before your alarm?
Sometimes, but not often.

27. Do you frequently take naps?
Not frequently, but I do on sundays.

28. Have you ever slept ‘under the stars’?
Nope. Only with a tent between me and the sky.

29. Can you fall asleep on a bus, train, or airplane?
Not really. I went to Rome in a bus with school (years ago), and I maybe slept a total of 2 hours of the 24 it took us to get there.

30. Have you ever fallen asleep and missed your stop?

And last, but not least,
31. Over the course of a lifetime, the average person swallows six spiders in his/her sleep. How many do you think you're up to?
Hee, I wouldn't know. :'3

Taken from fixmein_45.

1. A picture of you in your room.

Ahaha, oh god. That picture is old! XD

2. A picture of you posing with someone you don't actually like.

3. A picture with a former crush.

4. A picture of you very drunk.
- (I've never been drunk, so there are no pictures of it either. :'3)

5. A picture of you with a parent.

Here, have my whole family. :'3

6. A picture of you one your birthday or your favorite holiday.

I don't know why I look so doped up, but there you go.

7. The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.

8. A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits.

9. A picture of you making a goofy face at the camera.

10. A picture you edited to make yourself more attractive.

11. A picture of you in a team/club you are/were in.

12. A picture of a night you regret.
- (Don't really have any nights I regret.)

13. A picture of you showing off a new haircut.

Seeing as the last time I actually had a 'cut' was years back... ya'll get me showing of one of my braids. :'3

14. A picture of you truly being yourself.

15. The most recent picture of you.

16. A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.

17. A picture you're tagged in on Facebook that you're not actually in.
- (Don't have Facebook.)

18. A picture from a time in your life that's over but you wish it wasn't.

19. A picture of a time in your life that's over, but you couldn't be more glad that it is.

20. A picture of you with your oldest friend.

Me and my cousin Eveline. She's two weeks older then me. :3

21. A picture of you with your newest friend.

22. A picture of you when you were anything but happy.

23. A picture of you you had no idea was being taken.

24. A picture of you where you were a different person than you are now.

25. A picture of you in a fashion "don't"

26. A picture of you in a swimsuit, weather you love or loathe it.
- (Don't have one on my computer. Honest.)

27. A picture of you drinking alcohol.
- (I don't drink.)

28. A picture of you that you hate.

29. A picture of you with someone you love.

Me and my sisters.

30. A picture of how you'd like the world to see you.

31. A picture that describes how you'd like to spend every day.

32. A picture of a time when everything was changing.

33. A picture that makes your heart hurt.

34. A picture that makes your heart smile.

35. A picture of one of the best nights of your life.


friends, pictures, meme

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