Mass Journal Suspension, aka: Strikethrough 2007

May 30, 2007 01:22

I'm barely even involved in this fandom crisis, yet somehow I've become the source of information for a few people. *facepalm* giddy_london explained to me what was going on, and I (of course) immediately had to find out everything I could. Therefore, I'm compiling a list of the journals and posts that I got my information from. Hopefully this purge won't ( Read more... )

wtf, school, rant, rl, hp, class: psych 100

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Comments 8

random_yayness May 30 2007, 08:41:09 UTC
*ICON* You rock the casbah. And you're my hero. *huggles*



silentdescant May 30 2007, 08:42:53 UTC
GET IN BED, YOU. *also goes*

g'night, love. I'll talk to you tomorrow. ♥


random_yayness May 31 2007, 03:02:45 UTC
LOL I went to bed like, IMMEDIATELY after pressing "Post Comment".


giddy_london May 30 2007, 13:42:47 UTC
There will always be something to wank about, won't there? Not that this is total wank, but it's total insanity, that's for sure.

Looks like woodcest is still hanging in there at the moment. We'll see how long that lasts. But, as one of my flist pointed out yesterday, who's looking for Elijah/Hannah?

I've gone ahead and made sure to edit interests listed in the communities I mod/maintain as well. Apparently there's no such thing as being too careful here.


silentdescant May 30 2007, 16:59:00 UTC
*yawns* Why did I stay up until 3am following this mess? It doesn't even directly involve me! >.<

Everything's so confusing. Hopefully it's quieted down now, at least a little bit. And yeah, you've got a point; how many people search for Woodcest? *g*


imogen_star_dom May 30 2007, 17:34:47 UTC
Dude. I can't believe you created such an extensive list! *cuddles*

At the moment this really doesn't seem to affect me (thankfully) but it just makes me wonder how long it will be until they come after the MonaBoyd. With fan fic so in the limelight at the moment I don't think it will be long until RPS takes a few hits. (Cynical much?- lol)


silentdescant May 30 2007, 17:55:53 UTC
whew. I can't believe it either. lol! I mostly did it so I could keep track of the links myself (there's just so many!), but I hope it's gotten some other people in the know.

It barely affects me at all (for which I'm very glad), but now I'm caught up in it. >.< I really really really hope nobody comes after RPS anytime soon. That would be.. bad. Very bad. *hides*


imogen_star_dom May 30 2007, 18:50:06 UTC
Part of me is annoyed because so much fan fic has had to suffer but I'm not annoyed at getting rid of any comms that actually promote paedophillic (sp?) behaviour, I mean who knew those existed!

I understand why lj has to cover themselves by purging loads but I can't see them holding out for much longer when it comes to any RPS now the censorship ball is rolling.


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