Mass Journal Suspension, aka: Strikethrough 2007

May 30, 2007 01:22

I'm barely even involved in this fandom crisis, yet somehow I've become the source of information for a few people. *facepalm* giddy_london explained to me what was going on, and I (of course) immediately had to find out everything I could. Therefore, I'm compiling a list of the journals and posts that I got my information from. Hopefully this purge won't affect LotR or LotRPS too much, although Wood'cest might possibly have a few issues. The only way this even relates to me is through HP (via Weasley twincest) and Lost (via Pace'cest).

First of all, a to do list for you: delete trigger-words such as "incest" and "pedophilia" (yeah, like you guys have that listed. /sarcasm) from your interest list. Also, delete explicit icons involving minors, or just explicit icons if your especially cautious. Then, if you have any fics or images involving incest, friends-locking seems to be the general consensus for safety precautions.

Now that that's out of the way, on to the real information. (note: I'm adding ?style=mine to all of these because honestly, some layouts just make my eyes bug out, especially this late at night. Also, even though I'm embedding the links in the text, there's a list at the bottom for copy/paste-ing ease.)

catrinella has a frequently-updated post of the current suspended comms and RPG journals, as well as links to more info and resources about how to lock down/back up your LJs. Comment to this entry if you've got more information about anything; she'll add it to the post. The post is here. [link 1]

lolaraincoat also has a frequently-updated post similar to catrinella's. The post is here. [2]

Both of the above posts have lists of suspended fandom comms as well as suspended genuine pedophile comms. (wtf, they have communities??)

liz_marcs has a couple of posts. In this one [3], she explains a bit about what's going on and copies a letter that she sent to these Warriors for Innocence people. In her follow-up post [4], she copies both the WfI response to her email and her own fantastically worded response to that response.

femmequixotic has a pornish_pixies-specific post which includes a copy of a message from the LJ Abuse Team. The post is here. [5]

jamoche has a post with a response from the LJ Abuse Team. The post is here. [6]

A moment of levity: roaring has banners [7] and originality has icons. [8]

But wait! "Someone has reported being suspended due to an userpic. Best to save icons of questionable content to your harddrive and delete them from your account. This journal was suspended for a userpic of seemingly underage situations." From here. [9]

Which brings me to the fact that there is now a community dedicated to this debacle: innocence_jihad. Check it out for updates and such, as well as ranting.

Here's a link to the people who possibly (it hasn't been proven, I don't think) started it all: Warriors for Innocence [10]

And finally, there's discussion going on at fandom_lawyers about what can be done about it. The post is here. [11]

ETA: littleroo27 has posted a list of all the comms with one or more of the trigger words in their interest list. We'll see how many of them get the strikethrough. The post is here. [12]

ETA2 (someone make me go to bed, omg.): ataniell93 has posted copies of what the LJ Abuse Team said to her when her RPG character journal got suspended. The post is here. [13]

ETA3 (some really good links): liz_marcs has two more summary-type posts, here [14] and here. [15]

Also, bubble_blunder has a good summary for people who have no clue what's going on. That post is here. [16]

They're advising to back up your journals, but the program that liz_marcs recommends, LJ Book [17], is unavailable at the moment due to too many people trying to use it at once. >.< I'll be checking back there later to try and back up my journal.

Please note: I haven't read all of what I'm posting here because 1) I'm fucking tired, 2) there's a whole hell of a lot, and 3) a lot of it's just rehashing what's been said in other posts. Also, while I encourage comments (I love them, in fact), I'm really not the person to ask about anything as or more in-depth than what I've linked to.

There's also discussions on other journal sites like JournalFen and GreatestJournal, but I haven't looked at any posts there, so I'm not going to link to them (at least at the moment).

Link Reference:
ETA: [12]
ETA2: [13]
ETA3: [14]

More personal stuff: I've f-locked my (two) Weasley twincest fics, cleaned up my interest list a bit, and double-checked my profile for anything "illegal". Otherwise, my journal is staying public, at least for the time being. The only comm I'm a member of that would be directly involved in this purge is twin_trouble, which, despite having "incest" absolutely everywhere in the userinfo (eta: the mod has fixed up the userinfo and interests), is still up and running. O.o

Also, in the midst of all this, I somehow managed to get 29 out of 30 on my psychology quiz. Go me! lol

ETA: To make everybody feel better, bloodrayveness has posted a spam of cat macros. (for more, click the 'catspam' tag) *giggles*

ETA4: If your journal is fandom-related, join fandom_counts. There aren't any posts there, it's just a comm to count how many journals are fandom-related. Also, if you have a paid account, there is fandompays.

wtf, school, rant, rl, hp, class: psych 100

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