
May 29, 2007 16:34

ok i must've caught a writing bug or something, 'cause srsly, i've been writing like, non-stop all weekend. >.<

auditions went pretty well. we pretty much had to cast everyone that walked through the door, though, because we start filming on Sat and nobody was turning up for the auditions. >.< but oh, these two 5 year old boys came in to read for the little brother and omg they were cute. we couldn't stop laughing the whole time. oh, and evil bitch woman wasn't being bitchy at all. which kinda made me nervous.... O.o

i have an hour before class, and luckily class is going to end early today. i also have a quiz that i have to study for and take before 11pm. >.< how many more weeks until summer? only a few, right? right?

so here's my plan: go to the cafeteria, (or the cafe because it'll probly have better food), eat, study a bit, come back here and take the quiz, then write for the remainder of the time before class.


eta: yes, everybody who's anybody is posting about this, but WTF LJ? it seems comms that feature "incest" and other "illegal" interests are being suspended. some mods are temporarily deleting their comms to get away from the whole purging business. i'm wondering if that's what's happened to
wewalk, the Charlie/Liam Lost comm? it has been pretty silent for a while, though.

wtf, school, rant, writing, rl, class: comm 291, random

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