The rain cleared for a few hours yesterday around noon so I got to sort out the shed, OMG there were many spiders, I wonder what the people walking by was thinking hearing me scream in horror every 5 min. *lol* Though the biggest one yet, showed after I was done and was getting my bike out to go to Netto, it was as big as my palm!!! I HATE spiders
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If it's going to rain a lot more we will soon have to start putting towels on the floor to prevent the rain to get in, and it ONLY started raining today! Supposedly it's going to rain for the next week...... I dont mind the rain though, as long as the sun and warm weather will come back afterwards
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Have had a lovely day today. Went to mothers' group this morning, walked home a little after noon and came home to an empty house because Line and India had gone to the play land with Line's sister and kids, so I had a little time for myself while Matheo napped. When they came home I went to the play ground with the kids, so India could play with
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The film was so not me. I didn't know it was a kind of opera musical. I felt like it lasted ages!! I hate opera :O The plot was ok, but the singing ruined it for me, and Line was half asleep during the
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OMG I am tired!! I sleep so crappy these days because of my neck hurting. I need to call the doctor tomorrow. About 3 weeks ago India did something to my neck and it made a huge crack sound, and ever since it has been hurting so much I need painkillers every day and during the night I hardly sleep because that's when it's worst :(