Ouch poor my tummy :(

Jul 14, 2011 19:17

The rain cleared for a few hours yesterday around noon so I got to sort out the shed, OMG there were many spiders, I wonder what the people walking by was thinking hearing me scream in horror every 5 min. *lol* Though the biggest one yet, showed after I was done and was getting my bike out to go to Netto, it was as big as my palm!!! I HATE spiders!

Today has been raining nonstop until an hour ago, tell me what do you do with hyper kids in such weather?? India is just argh......! And I have been having really bad stomach ache today and Line hasn't been home half the day, so it was NOT fun, though we did watch a lot of TV while Matheo napped. India fell asleep before 5 on the sofa and I put her to bed, but she will probably wake up during the night since she's had no dinner. I think I will make her a bento and put in the fridge, so if she wakes up she can have that :)

Tomorrow we will go to Ikea to look for some kinda shelving or such for the scullery, since the shelving unit that was there I put in the shed, the one that was in the shed fell apart when I tried to put more stuff on it :O
But Ikea means India can go to their playland/daycare thing and use lots and lots of energy, yay! I will bring the Mei Tai for Matheo in case he decides to not want to sit in the shopping cart.

Well we are going to watch the last twillight film now as soon as Line comes back from the kiosk, she was craving liquorice :)
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