"I'm a Hufflepuff!"

Jul 19, 2011 22:30

Finally saw DH2. General impressions ( Read more... )

general awesome, dh, hp

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Comments 5

carrie_leigh July 20 2011, 12:20:09 UTC
I watched that video and laughed so hard that I CRIED.

Thanks for sharing.


silburygirl July 20 2011, 19:18:51 UTC
It turned into a party game the other night, which consisted of who could say the silliest thing followed by, "I'm a Hufflepuff." Hours and hours of entertainment.


mundungus42 July 20 2011, 17:19:44 UTC
I'll bet at least some of the de-aging was digital. But oh my was it effective. But if it was digital, they did an amazing job of not interfering with Rickman's bravura performance.

I also died laughing at the purple eyeshadow. Goth Death Eaters are Goth.

I was thrown off by having Zabini instead of Crabbe as Malfoy Goon #2, but Jamie Waylett apaprently bowed out after a marijuana-related conviction. Tut tut.

And I'm a Hufflepuff hurts because it's SO TRUE. At least in how they're portrayed in canon...


silburygirl July 20 2011, 19:31:33 UTC
I have to admit, I was sad that Alan Rickman doesn't look like that all the time, digital or not. And agreed that his performance was totally amazing. Makes up for almost every cut they made in the previous films. (Also, loved the way they showed Snape and Lily's meeting.)

Death Eaters may be Goth, but they get the best make-up.

And, well, this is the last word on Crabbe's transformation.

It was discovered this weekend that "I'm a Hufflepuff!" can easily be turned into the world's most hilarious party game. The winner is the one who can come up with the most absurd/idiotic Hufflepuff trait, and it can go on for hours!


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