"I'm a Hufflepuff!"

Jul 19, 2011 22:30

Finally saw DH2. General impressions:

1) De-aging Alan Rickman was surprisingly convincing, especially since grown-up Lily and James looked a similar age. (But, honestly, do you think they put him on a diet for those scenes?)
2) Oh, Snape.
3) Oh, Draco, you adorable weaselly failure at evil.
4) Oh, Rupert Grint.
5) Loved Snape's hilariously over-done 'I'm evil, bitches' eyeshadow. Continuity from the PS adaptation, non?

And, as I posted that to Google+ (even though I'm still not sure why I should be excited about G+) and I would hate for you to feel cheated by my crossposting, this is officially the best Harry Potter youtube video I have seen:

image Click to view

Also, it's an epic rap battle between Gandalf and Dumbledore.

general awesome, dh, hp

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