Demon Dean - Chapter Ten

Jul 04, 2014 13:08

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Ten
Author: sil9800Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Character Redacted ( Read more... )

demon!dean, supernatural, season 10, dean, castiel, fanfic, sam, gabriel

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Comments 12

kalliel July 4 2014, 21:15:34 UTC
My favorite thing about this fic so far is the way it gathers and re-orders bits of canon across so many seasons in order to synthesize them into a new path forward--that concept is probably my favorite thing about fan fiction, though truly it's not as common as one might imagine (or as I'd hope, lol). So seeing echoes and very concrete reintroductions of themes and details--and of course, characters--from all over in this fic just thrills me. From Gabriel and Joshua from S5 to the angel cuffs, per Crowley's demonstration of the angelsword bullets in S8, and of course to Dean's relationship with Hell/demonism from S3/4, I loved all of that. And as they work toward getting Heaven back in working order, Ash!! :D ( ... )


sil9800 July 4 2014, 23:00:47 UTC
Hi kalliel, and YAY!! I'm so glad you were able to start reading "Demon Dean" and the fact you've enjoyed it so much is a HUGE bonus! It meant so much to read your kind words! Thank you, thank you, thank you ( ... )


kalliel July 4 2014, 23:58:16 UTC
Yes! I got stuck waiting at a bus stop for a long, long time yesterday (LOL) and while I was waiting around I figured out everything for my own fic. And I figured, hey, this means I can read other people's now! \O/

Oh! I thought it was intentional! I can still see Crowley being surprised about Dean, though--so it's all good. I mean, when he was doing his thing in S8 Sam and Dean did have a bit more on their mind than whatever Crowley was doing. XD I actually can't even remember if Crowley showed that off to him, or if it was just Castiel who was privy to to that finding, the hard way. I can see Crowley being surprised by Dean figuring it out without assistance, though; especially since it took him quite some time. But that kind of DIY is totally in Dean's nature.

And I so know what you mean about tinkering with the dialogue/narrative, trying to get it to sound truly like the characters. IT'S A HARDSHIP, but also fun, and totally rewarding when it pays off! :D


sil9800 July 5 2014, 04:14:34 UTC
That's Great Kalliel! I'm glad it sounds like this story still fits in with show cannon! I still need to watch out for it during my rewatch though! LOL :)

And yes, I agree that making the characters truly sound like themselves is just a labor of TRUE LOVE! lol

Thanks again for stopping by and reading "Demon Dean." I look forward to being able to read yours some day! :))


jennygeee July 5 2014, 14:20:46 UTC
I find your chapters very much like an episode of SPN the way you swap between scenes with Sam and Dean and then scenes with the angels - well done on that :) But also like an episodes, it's the Sam and Dean scenes I live for! Your brother scenes are awesome! This bit here was very touching:

Then he looked at Sam and with a broken voice he asked, "You and me?" "Yeah, you and me," Sam said, "just like it's always been."

In fact, that whole scene with Sam trying to talk Dean down from killing that man and finally getting through to him was very good, I could totally see that happening.

Good luck with the move!


sil9800 July 5 2014, 17:48:50 UTC
Hi Jenny! So glad to hear you like the structure of the storytelling. Of course you're exactly right in that I have modeled it after the show itself. And I SO know what you mean about living for the Sam and Dean scenes, lol. But I'm trying to keep the angel scenes as interesting as possible and at least *somewhat* comparable to the Sam and Dean scenes (i.e. the twist on the forbidden apple in the garden, the Gabe/Hannah showdown, having them run across Ash, etc) Although I know it's an impossible task to begin with, lol, but I try, and it will all tie together eventually ( ... )


ramona4jake July 5 2014, 17:07:49 UTC
you almost broke my heat with that scene with Dean trying to control his now demon nature for Sam ! "He then looked at Sam and with a broken voice he asked, "You and me?" ... this....*sigh*

and then Ash !! I love him !! ;o)

thank you for a wonderful chapter, take your time to settle in, and then came back, patience it's not my strenght ! ;)))


sil9800 July 5 2014, 18:02:45 UTC
Hi Ramona! :)

It seems that scene is really resonating with people, Jenny quoted the exact same line you did, and I just can't say how much that means to me! As I mentioned to Jenny, I'm so glad the history and bond these brothers share and the love they have for each other came through!

Ash has got a pretty good scene in the next chapter. I wish I could have gotten that posted as well, it was the last thing I wrote before I had to stop writing new stuff and deal with this move, and I was rushed to get something out, so it wasn't my best, but it was something. I can't wait to start writing again!

Thanks for your patience and I look forward to seeing you again in a few day! :))

PS - LOL at your patience factor, I'm the same way! I promise I'll come back as quick as I can!


heliokleia July 5 2014, 21:26:59 UTC
Hehe! I always knew that there was something special with that particular apple!
... )


sil9800 July 6 2014, 00:41:00 UTC
Hi Helio! YAY! Someone liked the forbidden apple twist! That was inspired by all the similar twists the show does, taking what's accepted as truth and turning it on it's ear. This wasn't as big as Cain ensuring Able didn't go downstairs, but it was fun when I thought of it. :))

And yes, come to think of it, I guess that scene was reminiscent of The Benders, but honestly, I hadn't thought of that when I wrote it. Funny how things influence you in ways you're not even aware of. Thank you for pointing that out.

"And congrats for still keeping the balance between suspense, the horror elements [like your description of DEE's black eyes, for example] and the deep emotions around TFW's formidable characterisations." ~ Wow! Very high praise and I thank you very very much! ((((HUGS))))

"it made me was a pleasure to read." ~ Well I can't ask for more than that! What a wonderful thing to say to a writer! Thank you sweetie! XOXO

PS - You'll get a little more info on what happened to the murderer in the next chapter! ;)


helenironstar1 July 5 2014, 23:04:09 UTC
I don't think I have ever thought more about a season finale than Season 9. So to see what someone else is thinking about with Demon Dean, it is filling a desire and need in me.
You have the show voice down so well, it feels like something that would fit right in. I look forward to seeing if anything in the show comes out like you have imagined. I would be happy if you did hit some things the show writers come up with.

And I love love love that you brought Gabriel back!

And thank you for not taking weeks between postings, I sure understand days, and especially in the middle of a move! Good luck on getting your internet up again (that can be tough some times!)

Looking forward to more updates.


sil9800 July 6 2014, 00:59:07 UTC
Hi Helen! First let me say, thank you so much for commenting!! I absolutely LOVE to hear from new people reading "Demon Dean ( ... )


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