Demon Dean - Chapter Ten

Jul 04, 2014 13:08

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Ten
Author: sil9800Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Character Redacted ( Read more... )

demon!dean, supernatural, season 10, dean, castiel, fanfic, sam, gabriel

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kalliel July 4 2014, 21:15:34 UTC
My favorite thing about this fic so far is the way it gathers and re-orders bits of canon across so many seasons in order to synthesize them into a new path forward--that concept is probably my favorite thing about fan fiction, though truly it's not as common as one might imagine (or as I'd hope, lol). So seeing echoes and very concrete reintroductions of themes and details--and of course, characters--from all over in this fic just thrills me. From Gabriel and Joshua from S5 to the angel cuffs, per Crowley's demonstration of the angelsword bullets in S8, and of course to Dean's relationship with Hell/demonism from S3/4, I loved all of that. And as they work toward getting Heaven back in working order, Ash!! :D

And my favorite dramatic moment so far is either Dean's first phone call back to Sam, and Dean's complex reasoning behind it--especially when his actually quite well-meaning plans backfire so entirely, wrt bloodlust/killing Metatron--or how brusquely matter-of-fact Dean was when Sam insisted on listening in on Dean's session with Metatron and Dean just soundproofs the room, without any hesitation or deliberation. The raw intensity of that as an end to that chapter was great.

I also like the moment where Castiel is looking over Dean's instruments or torture and kind of assessing them in front of Metatron. Because it reminds me so much of the fact that unless Dean takes it upon him to torture something himself, it's always Castiel who offers up that opportunity and puts the blade, so to speak, in his hand--when torturing Alistair and then in S9, that one angel guy. Which I think is a hugely important, if unspoken and possibly unconscious, part of Dean and Castiel's relationship.

Looking forward~


sil9800 July 4 2014, 23:00:47 UTC
Hi kalliel, and YAY!! I'm so glad you were able to start reading "Demon Dean" and the fact you've enjoyed it so much is a HUGE bonus! It meant so much to read your kind words! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am read-faced at one thing you mentioned though, I don't know how, but I completely forgot about the angel bullets Crowley used in S8! Thank you for pointing it out and I will be sure to watch out for it in my current Summer Rewatch (I'm up to season 3 so far). That's the first discrepancy from show cannon that I've discovered, and if I had remembered it, I would have written it a bit differently (probably would have said that Crowley had shown him how to do it instead of Crowley having been surprised when Dean discovered it was possible.)

The part you mentioned when Dean soundproofed the dungeon... I'm SO GLAD you liked that! I must have written and re-written that scene a hundred times, (not literally, but a LOT, lol). I couldn't get it to "sound" right in my ears until I finally felt that the words they were speaking were genuine to the characters in the final draft. So really, thank you very much for sharing that! I work very hard to make sure conversations sound like those words would actually come from their respective characters. That particular instance was a tough one for me ensure that with, so it means a lot that you enjoyed it so much!

Regarding Castiel's moment with the angle-blade instruments, there were so many influences there, and you're right, the relationship between Dean and Castiel and the instances of torturous moments they share was definitely one of them. The other was Cas' temper! Which has been seen on numerous occasions, but especially the time he beat the crap out of Dean when he was planning on saying "yes" to Michael, and Dean said to Sam "Don't piss off the nerd angel."

Lastly, regarding Dean's call to Sam - yep, that blew up on Dean big time, lol. I wanted to get across though how much Dean was struggling between doing what his new demon nature wanted, and doing what was "right." The phone call mirrored that in that one side of the call was Dean reaching out to Sam's humanity for help to do the "right thing," the other side of the call brought evil back to him. No matter where Dean turns, he has to deal with both aspects of hero and villain, and he has to figure out how to balance the two - and still live with himself!

So again, thank you very much for the lovely comment! I hope you continue to enjoy "Demon Dean" because there's so much more to come! :))


kalliel July 4 2014, 23:58:16 UTC
Yes! I got stuck waiting at a bus stop for a long, long time yesterday (LOL) and while I was waiting around I figured out everything for my own fic. And I figured, hey, this means I can read other people's now! \O/

Oh! I thought it was intentional! I can still see Crowley being surprised about Dean, though--so it's all good. I mean, when he was doing his thing in S8 Sam and Dean did have a bit more on their mind than whatever Crowley was doing. XD I actually can't even remember if Crowley showed that off to him, or if it was just Castiel who was privy to to that finding, the hard way. I can see Crowley being surprised by Dean figuring it out without assistance, though; especially since it took him quite some time. But that kind of DIY is totally in Dean's nature.

And I so know what you mean about tinkering with the dialogue/narrative, trying to get it to sound truly like the characters. IT'S A HARDSHIP, but also fun, and totally rewarding when it pays off! :D


sil9800 July 5 2014, 04:14:34 UTC
That's Great Kalliel! I'm glad it sounds like this story still fits in with show cannon! I still need to watch out for it during my rewatch though! LOL :)

And yes, I agree that making the characters truly sound like themselves is just a labor of TRUE LOVE! lol

Thanks again for stopping by and reading "Demon Dean." I look forward to being able to read yours some day! :))


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