Demon Dean - Chapter Seven

Jun 26, 2014 17:56

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Seven
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Metatron
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: R
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Stronger Violence
Word count: 15,311

A/N: The rating of this chapter has been changed due to there being more violence than previous chapters. Also, on a personal note, there is one aspect of the story where I have changed the show's cannon, but I'm sure you can pick it up. Enjoy!

**DISCLAIMER** I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters portrayed on the show and make no profit from this storytelling; however, I do have the utmost respect for those that do!

Dean walked out from behind the bookcase and into Metatron's view as Cas walked away. Coming face to face with the angel that killed him, Dean felt his upper lip twitch, and a growl began to crawl from his gut into the back of his throat. His fist opened and closed, instinctively longing for the grip of the First Blade in his hand. He struggled to remind himself to keep his base instincts in check. He had to focus on the job at hand: he had to save his friend.

Still sitting in his chair with holy fire burning around him, Metatron said, "No, I thrust that blade into you myself! You couldn't have survived that!"

Dean closed the doors behind him and threw his duffle bag to the floor, "And here I thought you knew all the good stories Metatron. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be able to share a new one with you tonight!"

Clearly rattled yet unable to accept his failure, Metatron said, "Whatever you people are trying to sell, I'm not buying it. I overcame the Mark of Cain and the First Blade and killed you with the Word of GOD fueling me!" Dean said nothing in reply as he reached into his duffle bag and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Demon handcuffs?" Metatron scoffed, "Really, I'm an angel moron! Even without the Word of God, those won't be able to hold me!"

Dean began walking around the burning circle of holy fire, staring down Metatron, like a lion stalking its prey and savoring the dance of intimidation. "I've got a question for you Metatron. Do you have any idea what hellfire is good for?" Metatron pretended to be bored, but being the scribe of all the tablets, he indeed had a few ideas. "Honestly, I didn't think it was good for much, but I recently discovered that it is good for at least one thing. Evidently it can melt things down that, under normal circumstances, can’t be destroyed. Things like, oh I don't know, things like angel blades for example." Dean said as a wicked grin spread on his face, "These aren't demon cuffs moron, these are ANGEL cuffs!"

Metatron froze for an instant, and then quickly regained his composure and defiantly resumed his position of facing straight ahead as Dean continued walking around the room. Once he was out of eyesight and standing behind Metatron, Dean pointed a finger towards the floor and slowly moved his hand to the right as the holy fire began extinguishing itself along the same path. In the following instant Dean stepped inside the broken circle, attached the cuffs to Metatron's wrists, and then stepped away, releasing the fire to burn freely once again.

Metatron tried to whip himself around to see what was happening and asked, "Wait, how did you do that? How did you get in here?"

Walking around to face Metatron again, Dean said, "I've got some new tricks up my sleeve. Now go ahead, you might as well try to break free."

Metatron closed his eyes and summoned every ounce of grace he had inside and concentrated on breaking free with absolutely nothing to show for it. Clearly spooked Metatron said, "Doesn't matter, just ask your friends out there, if I can survive what the angels did to me, I can withstand anything you can throw at me boy!"

Dean hated being called "boy" with a passion, but he knew he had the upper hand, so he managed to keep his cool and said, "Oh, you're done being tortured by angels Metatron," as the corners of his lips began to rise, revealing a faint, but distinctly evil smile, "they don't have near my creativity!"

Still standing directly in front of Metatron, Dean then held his hand out towards the holy fire and slowly lowered it towards the ground, extinguishing the flame completely this time. He moved forward and stood over Metatron, holding his chin in place, and forcing him to look up as Dean slowly closed his eyes for a long second, and then revealed the pitch blackness beneath. "Now,” he said, “let's have some FUN!"


Sam poured a drink and asked the angels, "What do you think is going on in there?"

"I'm not sure I even want to know." Cas said, "Let's just be grateful it's quiet for the time being."

"I know what we're doing tonight is important,” Sam said, “but guys, we have to figure out how we’re going to save Dean too. I've been thinking about that last trial, when I was trying to cure Crowley. I don't know if it will work on Dean, but it might be worth a try."

“I’m sorry, but what exactly are you talking about? What trial?” Gabriel asked needing a history lesson on how they got to this point in the first place. The angels agreed it was worth looking into and then Gabriel looked to Cas and said, "I think it's time bro."

Cas stood up and said, "Sam? Since we can't communicate on angel radio here, Gabriel and I are going to take a drive for a few minutes."

Preoccupied with saving his brother Sam waved them off and said, “Yeah sure, no problem."

As Cas got behind the wheel and Gabriel sat in the passenger side, they drove away from the bunker that was disrupting their signal to heaven. Thinking about the trial and how they could save Dean, something dawned on Gabriel, "Hey Cas? What ever happened to that demon tablet anyway?"


"So it's really you." Metatron said, "But as much as I'm sure you'd like to, you're still not going to kill me. If you were standing there the whole time, then you heard what I said to Castiel. If you kill me, all the secrets your friends want to know will die with me, not to mention your little guardian angel too."

"Looks like we need to get something straight, Metatron." Dean said and then bent over to speak directly into his ear in a cold, but calm voice, "Just so there's no misunderstanding, you're going to die." Dean then stood back up and resumed circling his prey, "I mean, why exactly do you think they brought you to ME? Oh, you were right about the other angels not wanting you dead, but the problem with that is, they don't know where you are! The only angels that have any clue where to find you are the very angels that brought you here in the first place. And do you know what they're doing right now? They're on angel radio telling those winged wusses upstairs that they had heard about a plot to kill you in prison because you wouldn't talk. So they had no choice but to kidnap you in order to keep you safe. But here’s the kicker: unfortunately the big bad 'Demon Dean' tragically intercepted them on their way to safety, and… POOF! No more Metatron for anyone to worry about and no one gets blamed."

Dean walked over and bent down as if to whisper into his ear again, "ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE NOW?!" Dean screamed and kicked the chair out from under Metatron forcing him to scramble to get up with his hands still cuffed behind his back. Knowing Metatron was powerless to resist, Dean forcefully pushed his hand through the air, sending Metatron sliding across the floor and slamming him into the opposite wall.

Dean held him there from seven feet away and began crossing the room towards him. "The only thing you MIGHT have any control over now is WHEN you die Metatron. THAT'S IT! You thought you had all the cards because you were the only one with all the answers? You smug sonofabitch! But I've got news for you. The angels? They're adjusting, it might take a little longer than they'd like, but they're making their way to the portal and adjusting to life without wings. Eventually someone will come up with a new spell to open heaven, or a new way to get souls upstairs from the veil. And Cas? He's a dead man walking. He knows it and I know it. So that just leaves you and me, and an eternity between us to express just how much all of that PISSES ME OFF!" and then Dean flung him again to the opposite side of the room, just about destroying the wall in the process.

Stunned by Dean's strength and the power he demonstrated, Metatron looked up when he heard Dean snap his fingers. Two tables had appeared in the room, one only slightly smaller than the other. The larger one looked like a surgical table but with drain tracks running along the sides, and posts on each of the four corners. Metatron had no choice but to watch as Dean reached into his duffle bag and brought out what looked like a simple hunting knife.

"You should really take a look at this." Dean said as he walked it over to where Metatron was sitting on the floor, trying to mask his fear. "It's really nothing too fancy, just a little hunting knife, see?" With Metatron's hands still bound by the angel cuffs, Dean held the knife up to his eyes so he could get a good look. Dean then pressed the knife against Metatron's left leg and sliced a two-inch gash just above his knee forcing Metatron to let out a muffled yelp. "Hurts don't it?” Dean said with a grin, “And that little nick told you everything you need to know. You can feel what it's made of can't you?" Metatron nodded while Dean proudly looked at the blade. "Yep, melted down angel blade!"

Dean went back to his bag and started pulling out more "tools of the trade" as he called them, inspecting each one in the light, and laying them on the smaller table to the left of the larger one. Some had pointed ends, and some were duller and rounder. There were some with sharp, smooth sides, and still others had jagged edges. There was every sort of hand-held weapon and instrument one could imagine, and a few only a twisted and evil mind could comprehend. And they were all forged from angel blades. Metatron sat horrified, unable to do anything in the angel cuffs, and watched Dean, and his black eyes, prepare in silence, practically salivating with the anticipation.

Metatron began trying to talk to Dean. First, he tried to bluff his way into making Dean believe he wasn't as terrified as he was. He stated again that he didn't believe Dean was really going to kill him, and when Dean ignored him he vowed to kill Dean all over again the second Cas, or Gabriel, or Sam had enough of what he was doing and released him. That just made him laugh, so then Metatron tried to stand up and rush at him, only to get slammed back into the wall when Dean raised his hand and went back to business. Finally he tried to make a deal, any deal, but he was ignored every time.

Once the table was completely filled with every conceivable instrument of evil, Dean said, "Ok, time to get you to the table now. You can walk over, or I can move you myself, your choice. Oh wait,” Dean said laughing, “I almost forgot, you don't have any more choices!"

Dean then swung his hand upwards, slamming Metatron into the ceiling, and slid him across the room until he was suspended above the table and then slammed him back down on top of it. By this time Metatron had a broken arm and a badly twisted ankle, but Dean grabbed three more pairs of angel cuffs and attached Metatron's limbs to each corner of the table as he cried out in pain.

The twisted thrill of finally inflicting agony against the angel that killed him started to swell inside him now. He felt the exhilaration of anticipating the inevitable, and the high from impending death. "I've been looking forward to this for a very long time.” he said, “You're MY bitch now and I'm going to enjoy every minute, and every scream, and every single drop of blood!"

Metatron began begging, "You don’t have to do this! I'll give you whatever you want! Anything! Just let me go and I'll give you the spell to open heaven, and I'll tell you how to give the angels their wings! Just let me go and you can have it all!"

Dean pretended to think about it, but he knew Metatron was holding out, and he knew Metatron wasn't going to make THAT deal until he was ready to die. "Hmm, that's tempting," he said as he walked around the table, "But no dice. I told you dickbag, you're going to die."

Dean pulled the last item from his duffle bag and showed Metatron a .45 caliber gun. "I'm just going to assume you know what these bullets are made of." and placed the barrel of the gun directly on Metatron's right thigh and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of Metatron begging him not to do it. He then fired an angel blade bullet into his leg from point-blank range and heard the screaming that followed. He then repeated the whole process again with the other leg. Point. Focus. Listen. Fire.

Metatron’s screams almost drowned out the sound of Sam banging on the bookcase doors, distracting Dean from his demonic temptations to start on the shoulders next. Dean sighed and said, "Hang in there Metatron, I'll be right back!" as Dean walked over and opened the doors, revealing Sam's worried face. Gotta love that face, he thought to himself.

"Dean, what's going on?" Sam asked, "He's LITERALLY screaming bloody murder in there! Are you OK?"

With all the calmness he could muster Dean answered, "Sam, did you think we were going to have tea and crumpets and that he would reveal all his secrets in the first 5 minutes?” Dean sighed, “I'm fine, he's, not so fine."


Getting frustrated now, Dean said, "Excuse me for just a minute." as he left the door open and walked over to the table where Metatron was restrained. With a motion of his hands five different blades rose up from the side table and floated over to Metatron, stopping directly over his body with their tips pointed directly underneath. With a raised and angry voice Dean looked down at Metatron on the table and said, "Now shut your cakehole or I'm going to lose my focus and these blades are going to FALL DOWN!" and with that every blade dropped about two inches and Metatron whimpered in an effort to stifle his screams.

Dean walked back to Sam, still standing there, but now in shock and completely stunned by what he had just witnessed. "Dean, maybe I should stay in here with you for a while. Are you sure you can hold it together?"

"Sam, I'm OK. I'll admit, it was getting a little intense there for a while and I'm glad you came to check on me, but no, I DON'T want you in here for this. He's close Sam! I'm close! I've got to save Cas man, something good has GOT to come out of being what I am now! I can do this Sam, but I can't do it with you in here." Seeing that Sam still wasn't completely convinced he said, "Tell you what, if I haven't called Cas in here within 20 minutes, come back to check on me then. Ok?"

Sam hesitated but eventually relented saying, "OK Dean, but now I'm going to be listening."

Dean sarcastically replied, "OK Sam, but now I'm going to have to soundproof the place." Then Dean snapped his fingers as Sam watched insulation appear on the walls and the doors close seemingly on their own. Then the screaming began again.

demon!dean, season 10, gen, warning: violence, castiel, fanfic, sam, gabriel, metatron

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