Demon Dean - Chapter Eight

Jun 29, 2014 19:02

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Eight
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Metatron
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence
Word count: 20,761

Summary: Picks up immediately after 9x23 “Do You Believe in Miracles.” As Dean slowly realizes what’s happened and what he’s become, Team Free Will is gutted by the loss of Dean’s humanity and must figure out how to save him while also dealing with Cas’ fading grace. All comments welcome and encouraged! WIP - Updates to follow every few days.

Killing is actually the easy part. One thrust into Metatron’s heart with any of the weapons he had forged from angel blades and it would finally be over. His mind was begging him to do it, his body quite literally ached for it, and his demonized soul lusted after it. But instead, he sat in the corner of the room, shaking, gritting his teeth, desperately fighting with himself to stay in control, until he was sure he could continue with the task at hand. NOT killing is the hard part, he thought.

Dean walked over to Metatron, still restrained on the table, knowing that this would be the last time he’d be able to do so without killing him. "Ready to start again?”

Metatron tried to speak but all Dean could hear was a single word: Please.

“Did you want to say something?” Dean asked pouring some water down Metatron’s throat so he could speak, hoping he was finally ready to cave.

Metatron gulped the water, trying not to let a single drop fall out of his mouth then he pleaded, “Please. Just kill me.”

"Now you know I’m not going to do that, yet. We’ve got nothing but time Metatron, lots and lots of time.” Dean said trying to fake him out but secretly hoping it would push him over the edge.

A tear fell out of Metatron’s eye as he contemplated everything he had been through times hundreds of years. He softly cried, “It’s too late. Even if Castiel is still alive, I’m too weak." He searched his mind for anything that might convince the demon to finish him off. Then he remembered something Dean said before this nightmare began, "You said I might be able to choose when I die. Please, I choose now, I’ll do anything!”

Dean turned away, as if to grab another tool, and closed his eyes, grateful that it seemed the time had finally come. He then turned back to face Metatron and said, “I almost forgot about that. I did say that I MIGHT give you that one choice. Alright, just for hell of it, I’ll give you ONE chance Metatron. Save Cas and tell the angels everything they want to know and I’ll put you out of your misery for good, that’s the deal. But I’m warning you, if you don’t live up to your end, you have my word that you WILL live to regret it, every single hour of every single day, for centuries!”

"I can't!" Metatron cried, "I'm not strong enough anymore!"

"You just let me worry about that. Now, do we have a deal?"

“Yes,” Metatron said, “anything to end this."

“Ok then, I’ll need a few minutes. Don’t go anywhere now!” Dean then walked to the doors saying, “Not that you could.”

Sam jumped up from where he was sitting on the floor just outside the dungeon when he heard the doors finally open. He took one look at his brother and instantly worried about what he was about to find out. Did he get the answers they needed? Was Metatron still alive? And most importantly, was his brother Ok, or had he crossed a line where they would never be able to reach Dean's humanity again?

"How's Cas?" Dean asked.

"Not too good. They had to leave to get on angel radio and that took a lot out of him. Gabriel wanted to help but he insisted on waiting until we heard from you. So how's it going in there?"

"I think he's ready,” Dean said, “but I need to get Gabriel in here, and get Cas ready to come in when Gabriel’s done."

"Yeah, Ok," Sam said, "but first, how are YOU?"

Dean sighed and said, "What do you want me to say Sam? He's still alive, barely, but he’s alive and it took every ounce of strength I had to keep him that way. Is that what you wanted to hear? Please, can we just talk about this when it’s all over? Now, I need you to get Gabriel and Cas. Can you do that?"

Sam sighed and resigned himself to the fact this just wasn't the right time. "Sure, I'll send Gabriel in and get Cas ready." Sam said and walked away.

A few minutes later Gabriel slowly walked in afraid of what he would see, and then horrified by it. Metatron was barely recognizable, his body battered and bruised with blood oozing out of cuts seemingly everywhere and some areas looked as if he had been skinned alive! "What the hell did you do to him?" Gabriel asked.

"I did what I had to do to save YOUR brother, if you've got a problem with that, I really don't want to hear it. What I need from you is to heal him, but not all the way."

"So you can keep torturing him? No way, I think he’s had enough." Gabriel replied.

Dean knew his fuse was short and couldn't understand why he seemed to be the only one to realize that, so he just took a deep breath and said, "No, I DON’T want to keep torturing the sonofabitch, I want to KILL him! But I can't do that yet because he's the only one that can save Cas' life. Now, I need you to heal him, but only enough so that he can live on just his grace alone, understand?"

"You mean...?" Gabriel asked

"Yes," Dean sighed, "He's been able to survive this long because he has twice as much grace as he should have. He needs to be strong enough to release Cas' grace and yet still live through the process so he can then tell you what you need to know about restoring heaven. But Gabriel, if he's too strong, he'll try to resist and then I will have to torture him again. Now, can you do that?"

"Ok, yeah, that I can do." Gabriel said and walked over to Metatron, hardly able to look at his damaged and broken body."

He gave Metatron a drink of the water he saw on the table next to him and saw all the bloody instruments Dean had used to torture him.

Metatron opened his mouth to drink the water and saw Gabriel there, "Please brother, you have to help me!"

"I am going to help you Metatron, but not in the way you're hoping I’m afraid. I'm not here to release you, but I’m going to heal you enough to release Cas' grace. And after I do that, I suggest you do exactly what Dean tells you. If not,” and he looked at the table of instruments again, “I'm truly afraid of what might happen."

Metatron nodded to indicate he understood and Gabriel stretched out his hand and laid two fingers on his forehead. So many areas needed to be healed, but Gabriel would only work on the more life threatening injuries. Metatron’s body then began glowing with Gabriel’s grace healing him, starting with the internal organs that were sliced open and no longer functioning. Then he stopped the internal bleeding and repaired the skin that had been shaved off. He probably could have left the skin alone, but he couldn’t imagine the pain Metatron must be in with muscle and bone exposed to the air like that. The cuts and bruises and torn ligaments and broken bones remained.

Able to breathe and move a little easier now, Metatron thanked his healer and said, “I think I'm ready.”

Sam appeared in the doorway, helping Cas into the room while Gabriel brought the chair Metatron had used earlier for him to sit in. However, Cas insisted he could stand and looked down at Metatron, but he wasn’t surprised at his condition. Knowing how strong Dean’s intent to kill him truly was, he was only surprised Dean had held out this long.

“Thank you Dean,” Cas said, “I don’t have much longer with the little grace I have left, and I couldn’t weaken Gabriel further by taking his in case he was needed.”

Cas then looked to the broken man on the table and asked, “Are you ready now Metatron?”

“Yes, let's just get this over with.” Metatron replied.

Dean walked around the table and leaned down into Metatron’s ear and said, “If you screw this up in ANY way, you know what will happen!”

Metatron nodded as Dean released the cuffs on his hands and sat him up on the table, the cuffs on his feet remained. Dean then sat behind him and held an angel blade to his throat. “Do it now!” he demanded.

Metatron began reciting the incantation to undo the spell that was binding Cas’ grace to his own and releasing it in the process. The grace began to flow out of Metatron’s mouth and seemed to pause in the room until it found its original host and flew into Cas’ mouth. Cas began to glow bright white as his grace consumed and healed him from the inside out causing Sam and Dean to shield their eyes while Gabriel looked on.

When the glow began to fade, Metatron collapsed with Dean still holding the blade to Metatron’s neck. “Cas?" Dean asked, "You ok?”

Cas stretched his arms and cracked his neck, “Yes, much better now,” Cas said, knowing Dean was ready to kill Metatron right then and there so he continued, “but Dean, we still need to know how to restore heaven.”

Dean sighed and put the angel blade down. He then attached a set of cuffs around both of Metatron's wrists rather than restraining him back to the table, and told Sam to release the cuffs on his feet. They moved him to the chair Gabriel had brought over for Cas and splashed water in Metatron’s face to wake him up.

"You're not done yet." Dean said then gestured towards Cas and Gabriel, "You're gonna tell these two everything they want to know, and I don't need to tell you what will happen if you don't, understand?"

Metatron nodded and said, "Yes, I've got it, everything they want to know."

Dean put his hand on Cas' arm and nodded to have him walk towards the bookcase doors, "You ok alone with him for a little while?" Dean asked.

"Yes, I think so, but how is he secure with those handcuffs?" Cas asked.

Dean just grinned and told Cas how he had made the cuffs out of angel blades that he melted down with hellfire.

“I didn’t know you could do that. But Dean?" Cas asked cautiously, "How did you get into hell to do it?” Cas asked.

“Crowley got me in. I let him catch up to me during the couple of weeks I was away.” Dean said, but Cas was still fishing for more, “I needed to know a few things that only he could answer, OK? And Sam doesn’t know any of that yet, so keep it to yourself until I get a chance to tell him. Are we done here? I could use a break!”

Cas nodded and turned to walk away but then looked back again and said, “Thank you again for showing restraint Dean, it must have been very difficult.” Cas said.

“You have no idea.” Dean replied as he walked away. Sam had been standing a few feet away, but then followed Dean to his bedroom, leaving Cas and Gabriel to get the information they needed from Metatron.

When Dean got to his bedroom he turned to shut the door and jumped when he saw Sam standing there, “Oh come on Sam, like I told Cas, I need a break!” Dean said.

“Fine, but first you’re going to tell me what happened in there.” Sam said.

Dean sat on his bed and quickly replied, “Believe me, you don’t want to know, and I really don’t want to rehash it.”

Sam just ignored him and pulled a chair out next to the bed and sat down. "I'm sorry Dean, but that's just too damn bad.” Sam insisted, “I've been waiting outside that room worrying about you this whole time, now talk to me!”

So much for not wanting to talk about it, Dean thought and resigned to the conversation they were bound to have anyway. Taking a minute to think about what he was going to say, his mind flashed back to the many times he almost lost control, craving the moment he could just watch Metatron's life fade away into nothingness. “I could have killed him more than a dozen times. I really wanted to Sam, every fiber of my being wanted to do it. There were times...” Dean paused to regain his composure, “There were times I had to walk away, the NEED to kill him was so strong, ya know? But I fought it. It was intense and I started shaking, and throwing up, and you name it, but I fought it as hard as I could, until he finally broke.”

Sam was listening to his brother’s every word and tried to pick up on what he wasn’t saying as well. “And how are you now? You ok?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Yeah, I guess so, for now anyway. But Sam, I AM going to kill him, you know that right?”
Sam replied with a question of his own, “What if Cas and Gabriel decide we still need him?”

“Then TOUGH!” Dean said starting to get angry, “That was the deal, remember? Cas got his grace back, and they’re getting their answers, then I kill him! That was the deal!”

“OK, I get it, you’re going to kill him. But there’s something else you’re not telling me, what is it?” Sam asked.

Dean didn't want to explain this part, but Dean knew he needed to be accountable to someone so for that reason he agreed to be honest with Sam about everything, or as much as he thought his little brother could handle anyway. “It’s not just that I want to kill him Sam, even though the little bastard deserves it for killing me alone, not to mention everything else he’s done. But it’s not just for revenge’s sake; I HAVE to kill him Sam. It’s the Mark. That's why it was so hard not to do it. That's why I was sick, and shaking. It was the Mark. I don’t know, it was punishing me or something, it wants death Sam, it demands it from me. I’ve been able to get by on killing monsters up till now, but NOT killing Metatron when I had so many chances? The Mark didn’t like that very much. So, when they get done in there, nothing is going to hold me back Sam, not you, not Cas, not even Gabriel with his archangel juice is gonna stop me, understand?”

“Yeah, I got it.” Sam said as he stood up from his chair, “I’ll let you get some rest now.”

“Thanks, but I won’t be sleeping or anything, so you let me know when they’re done, OK?” Dean asked.

“OK, we’ll let you know.” Sam said as he left the bedroom and closed the door, more worried about his brother than he had ever been before.


Gabriel was standing against the wall ready to step in if necessary, but this was his brother’s fight now so he was content to let Cas have at it. After all, Metatron had almost killed him by stealing his grace, had set him up on several fronts, leading the angels to believe the worst lies about him, and had killed Dean himself. And those were just a few of the things he’d done to piss Cas off personally, not to mention all the angels and even a prophet that were killed on his orders and the fall itself.

“Alright Metatron,” Cas said, “How do we open the gates of heaven?”

“Castiel, you have to help me!" he replied, "You have to get me out of here before he comes back! He’s going to KILL me!”

“I know Metatron,” Cas said, “and if you’re lucky, that’s all he’ll do. Gabriel told me what you looked like when he came in to heal you, what Dean had done to you. So I suggest you tell us exactly what we need to know, everything we need to know.”

Metatron continued to plead his case, “But Castiel, you can stop this. You can get me out of here. I’ll tell you everything when we’re safe, but you have to get me out of here!”

Cas just walked over to the table of bloody instruments Dean had been using earlier. “I've got to admit,” Cas said, “some of these are pretty creative, and they’re all pretty gruesome.” Cas picked up one of the blades and walked back over to Metatron and jammed the first inch of the bloody blade it into his shoulder. “You’re not going to tell me once you’re safe Metatron,” then Cas twisted the blade about 90 degrees to the right, “you’re going to start talking now, or else I’m going to start slicing you up myself!”

Metatron cried out from the pain, but being as desperate as he was, he had to try one more time, “OK! But if I do, will you get me out of here?”

Cas pulled the blade back, not quite trusting himself NOT to thrust it in further. “You still don’t get it, do you? There are no more deals to be made here. You chose yourself over humanity and over your own brothers and sisters. And this is where that path has led you; these are the consequences of your actions. Now, you’re going to tell me everything, and then you better pray that killing you is all Dean chooses to do.”

Metatron looked at Gabriel and getting no help from him he finally relented and asked, “Alright fine, what do you want to know first?”

“Tell us about the gates.” Cas said.

“The key to the gates is in your grace Castiel. It was your grace that closed them, so it has to be your grace that opens them again.”

“What about the nephillum, and the Cupid’s bow?” Cas asked.

“I made those up. You needed to believe you were undertaking the trials, so since there are always three trials, I made those up to gain your trust so I could steal your grace.”

“You sonofabitch, I KILLED THAT GIRL! She was trying to live a normal life and I killed her!” Cas said.

“She was an abomination Castiel! She would have turned eventually, it’s her nature!” Metatron said.

Angry at himself again that he had been deceived so completely, Cas asked, “What else?! If my grace is the key, what else do we need to know to open the gates?”

“You'll need to recite an incantation before your grace can unlock the gates. You’ll probably want to jot this down, unless you can memorize Enochian?”

Cas looked to Gabriel who then left the room search for something to take notes with. While rummaging through the kitchen for a pen and paper, Sam walked in and asked how it was going.

“I tell ya Sam, that dick is so massive, he could steal my staring role in Casa Erotica!" Sam couldn't help but laugh. "But at least he’s talking now. First he tried to bargain with us though, to get him away from you’re evil big brother.” Gabriel said.

That got Sam's temper to flare, “DON’T call him that!” Sam insisted, “He’s NOT evil!”

“Whoa, settle down there sasquatch. We set him straight that we weren't going to let him go. But Sam, you've got to face the fact that Dean's a demon now. As much as you love him, evil is his nature. Look, Metatron is harmless now, there’s no NEED to kill him anymore, but you know Dean's going to do it anyway. That’s evil Sam, that’s your brother. The sooner you accept that, the better.”

“No, that's not it Gabriel!" Sam tried to explain, "It's that damn Mark! Somehow we have to get that thing off of him! It’s the Mark that is making him kill now.”

“You sure about that bucko? Look, demons lie Sam, you know that, and he’s a demon now, like it or not, therefore, follow the logic with me, Dean will lie too, when it suits his purposes. And we don’t exactly know what those are right now do we? I’m just saying, there’s room for doubt here.” Gabriel paused to make sure that he was getting through that gigantic head of his, then said, “Anyway, I gotta get back in there, you OK for a while?” but Sam was thinking about what Gabriel said and didn’t respond. “Hellooo, you there Sam?” Gabriel asked, trying to get his attention.

That brought Sam out of it and said “Yeah, go ahead, I’m fine. Just thinking about what you said.”

“Good, glad to hear it’s not going in one ear and out the other!” Gabriel said and left to get back to Cas and Metatron in the dungeon.

But what Gabriel said WAS going out the other ear. Sam didn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe it. Why would Dean have told him the things he did about the Mark, about how it feels to be a demon, about everything, if it want true? No, Sam thought, maybe he shouldn’t, but he trusted his brother for the time being anyway, and until Dean gives him reason not to, he would continue to trust him.


Gabriel walked back through the bookcase shelves and said “They really ought to get rid of these things and just put doors in, don’t ya think?” Gabriel asked. “Ok Metatron, what’s the incantation.”

When Metatron finished, Cas asked, “What else do we need to know?"

“Nothing! That one's pretty easy, I swear!” Metatron insisted.

Cas sighed, not knowing if he believed him or not, but he nodded to Gabriel to take over.

Gabriel walked over and said, “Alright, now tell us, how we get our wings back?”

Metatron hesitated and said “You can’t.”

“Well then, I guess the deal’s off, we’ll just call Dean back in here and tell him you were uncooperative.” Gabriel said and nodded to Cas to follow him to the doors.

“No! Wait!” Metatron said and Cas and Gabriel stopped and turned back around.

“You can’t get your wings back because they burned in the atmosphere as you fell to earth. And Castiel, you turned human and lost your wings that way.” He said as he saw the angels turn back around to walk out. “BUT, there is a way you can get NEW wings.”

The angels paused again and turned back around. “Stop dicking us around Metatron, how do we do it?” Gabriel asked.

“It’s a spell that can only be performed by an archangel, or God.” Metatron said.

“Lucky for us, we’ve got an archangel, go on.” Gabriel said.

“You’ll need a feather and some blood from an archangel, and a feather and blood from a regular angel in order for all the angels to get new wings and you'll need to perform the spell inside heaven."

"Where are we supposed to get the feathers from if no one has wings anymore?" Gabriel asked.

"All I can tell you is how to perform the spell and the ingredients you'll need to do it, how you get them is up to you!"

Gabriel wrote down the rest of the ingredients and the incantation and then asked “How can we be sure you’re telling us everything?”

“Do you think I want to be tortured for eternity by that THING? He’s twisted and sadistic, and if you’re not going to save me from him, then I have no choice but to honor the deal and pray he does the same.”

“You can certainly try, but I don’t think praying is going to help you now Metatron,” Cas said, “No one can hear you from here anyway.”

“Yeah, I only tried that about a thousand times while he was twisting angel blade knives inside me! I thought you were supposed to be the good guys! Why aren’t you doing anything to help me?!”

His pleading only angered Cas, “Dammit, we tried Metatron, you had every chance to do the right thing, but instead you chose to bring this on yourself with your own pride and stubbornness! You have no concept of the damage you have caused! GOOD people have DIED Metatron, GOOD PEOPLE! Don’t you DARE blame me for the predicament you’re in now!”

Gabriel grabbed Cas’ arm and pulled him away, “Castiel, calm down brother, we got what we needed, now let’s just do what we need to do.”

“What about Dean, Gabriel?” Cas asked, “Everything he had to do to Metatron to get him to talk. It’s bad enough Metatron killed him, but what damage did that do to him too?”

“I don’t know Cas, but what I do know is that we have to somehow get Dean to hold off on killing him until we can make sure this stuff is legit.” Gabriel said.

Cas hated everything about this! He wanted to help Dean, but he didn’t know how. He also knew Dean’s intent to kill Metatron was very strong and he didn’t think Dean would be able to hold out much longer. “I don’t know if that will be possible. I’ll have to talk to him, maybe Sam and I can talk him down for a couple of days until we can get all this done.”

Cas grabbed two additional sets of angel cuffs from the table and secured Metatron’s feet to the chair he was in and then bolted the chair to the ground just in case. “Get comfortable, it may be a while before we get back to you.” Gabriel and Cas walked out and locked the doors, leaving Metatron alone and completely powerless with the angel cuffs on. Sam met them in the main room and asked what had happened.

“Well, we think we got what we needed out of him," Gabriel said, "but there’s no way to be sure he’s telling the truth until we actually perform the spells, and that’s gonna take a couple days.”

Cas went on, “Sam, we need to talk your brother out of killing Metatron before we know whether or not the spells will work.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be possible Cas,” Sam said and then told him about the conversation he’d had with Dean about the Mark and how it was driving him to kill.

Cas thought that one over, trying to come up with something that might solve the problem at hand. Then it dawned on him, “Sam, a hunt! Maybe a hunt would distract him long enough and give him something to kill while Gabriel and I perform these spells.”

“That might just work! Shouldn’t be too hard to find something, let me just grab my laptop out of my room.” Sam said.

After about a half hour Sam stood up from his chair and said, “BINGO! I found one Cas, and Dean’s gonna love it!”

“Well, let’s go see if he’ll go for it.” Cas said as he got up to head back to the bedrooms where Dean was still resting after the interrogation.

“Hey Cas,” Sam said grabbing his arm by the sleeve of his trench coat, “why don’t you let me do it. I think I might have a better chance of getting him to go for it alone.”

“If you think that’s best,” Cas replied, “but I’ll be out here if you need me.”

Sam thought about the best approach as he walked to Dean’s room. By the time he got there he had a pretty good idea, so he marched right in and found Dean stretched out on the bed listening to his music. “Time to get up! We got a job to get to!”

Dean pulled the ear plugs out and asked, “What the hell are you talking about Sam? I’ve got a job right here! Are they done in there?”

But that wasn’t going to stop Sam, “Yeah, and I know you need to kill Metatron, and you’ll get your chance, but Cas and Gabriel need a few days to make sure he’s telling the truth, so, rather than sitting around here and letting the Mark manipulate you into killing him before they know for sure, we have a job to get to.” Then Sam set the hook, “Or don’t you remember? That’s what we do Dean, we hunt things and we save people! And right now there’s a shape-shifter out there that needs killing!”

Dean was getting mad now, “He’s telling the truth Sam, I guarantee it! We had a deal, they got the intel they needed and I kill Metatron, that’s it, and that’s what I’m gonna do.” Dean said as he got up to make his way to the door, but Sam was blocking his way out.

“We need to know for sure Dean, before you kill him. Look, I know the Mark is driving you to kill, so let’s just go kill a shape-shifter and by the time we’re done, the angels will have their wings and heaven will be open for business again, and THEN you can kill Metatron, you have my word.

Dean didn’t like this one bit. “Dammit Sam! Where is this damn shape-shifter at anyway? I’m not chasing it with you clear across the country!”

That was all Sam needed to hear as he just grinned and started reeling his brother in, “How does Atlantic City sound?” Sam asked.

Just as Sam had suspected, that perked Dean right up, “Wait, Atlantic City-Atlantic City? Strippers? Gambling? 24-hour-night-life-while-you’re-sleeping-in-a-dingy-motel-Atlantic City?”

Sam nodded, “That’s the one!”

“OK, you’ve piqued my interest so let me get this straight: Atlantic City, exotic dancers, gambling, AND getting my hands on a shape-shifter? Sounds more like Disneyland to me.” Dean said, getting a little more excited for the hunt than he cared to admit. But he couldn't help being a little suspicious as well and had to ask, “And you’re not trying pull one over on me right Sam? Those angels aren’t going to try to sneak him out of here while we're gone? Or anything else for that matter, right?”

“No Dean, I promise.” Sam said, “Look, here’s the the way I see it: I’m going to save you from this Dean, if it’s the last thing I ever do! I swear to you that this demonic state is temporary! But I can’t save you if you’re off somewhere else because you can’t trust me! So, no one has tried to put those cuffs back on you, and there haven't been any devil’s traps around here that you didn't already know about. And we’re not trying to pull one over on you now Dean. You have to trust me on this.”

Dean thought it over and warily said, “OK then, I’m going to trust you for now Sam. And just so there’s no misunderstanding, we’ll do our thing while the angels do their thing, but then we’re going to come back and I’m going after Metatron. Got it?”

“Sounds fair.” Sam replied as they shook hands and then walked into the main room where Cas and Gabriel were waiting.

“Everything alright?” Cas asked.

“Yeah,” Dean replied “I don’t like it, but you’ve got your few days while we go hunt this shape-shifter in Atlantic City.”

“WHAT?!” Gabriel cried, looking at Sam, “You didn’t say it was in Atlantic City!" Then he looked at Cas and said, "I wanna go with THEM!”

“NO!” Cas and Dean yelled at the same time, then Cas continued, “You need to perform the spell for the wings Gabriel, you’re coming with me.”

Gabriel whined, “I never get to have any fun anymore!”

Sam nudged Dean and said, “There’s one more thing you need to know, come with me.” Sam had a little bounce in his step now and started getting excited about going on a hunt with his brother again. When they got to the garage, Sam flipped on the lights and said, “No zapping around this time Dean.” Sam said.

A huge grin spread on Dean’s face as he made a bee-line to the Impala and shouted, “Baby! Oh baby, I missed you!” Then he turned to Sam and asked, “You didn’t douche her up did you?”

Sam just laughed, “Nope, she’s just how you left her.”

Dean slid his hand over the hood from the headlights to the driver’s side door and said, “Oh baby, we’re gonna have some fun!”

demon!dean, season 10, warning: violence, castiel, fanfic, sam, gabriel, metatron

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