The Next Day (1/1)

Oct 10, 2008 22:57

Follow-up to the fic "Of Sex and Stopwatches," which can be found here:

Note: Forgot the disclaimer on the JackxIanto site, so here it is: RTD and BBC own all of them. I own absolutely nothing.


At precisely 5.30am, Ianto Jones’ alarm went off. Now, generally, Ianto’s alarm was set to a very nice classical music station. Ianto liked waking up to Ravel or Mozart; he hated, absolutely hated, rap. And yet, at precisely 5.30am, Ianto woke up to rap. Just as Ianto jumped in shock, woken from a wonderful dream involving Jack, Tosh and that new dark chocolate gateaux the bakery down the street had stocked, Ianto felt the bed move and heard a rather large slam as the clock in question was thrown across the room.

His head shot up and he popped his eyes open. He glanced over at Jack, then at the now broken alarm clock, then back at Jack. Jack winced, at least having the sense to look embarrassed.

“Sorry,” he said. “Tried to change the time to let you sleep. Guess I hit the wrong button last night.”

Ianto just stared at Jack. In all honesty, he hadn’t expected the man to spend the entire night in his bed (or, rather, the 4 hours since their last dabble). He had, in fact, expected to wake up alone and find Jack gone, his side of the bed cold. And yet, here Jack was, lying on his side, head propped up on one hand, hair mussed (finally, damn nearly-sentient perfect hair, Ianto thought jealously), the other hand splayed on Ianto’s hip, drawing light circles on Ianto’s skin.

Misperceiving Ianto’s surprise as anger at the affront to his clock, Jack hurriedly said, “I’ll get you a new one. Today, first thing. Put it on the Torchwood account as a work-related accident.”

“It’s fine, Jack. Been meaning to get a new one anyway,” Ianto said, propping his head on a hand and making no movement to dislodge Jack’s fingers from his hip.

Jack watched as the sunlight filtered threw the curtains and landed on Ianto’s face. His blue eyes, still hazy with sleep, captured the few emerging rays of sun and reflected the golden flecks, sparkling in the room’s darkness. Half his face was covered in pillow imprints, his hair standing up in every direction. The sheet was draped across the top of his rear, the satiny white caressing the swell perfectly. As Ianto smiled crookedly, Jack figured he hadn’t seen a sight like this in years. His cock decided it felt the same way, and chose that moment to make its presence known. Of course, Ianto being the observant man that he was, noticed the shifting sheets in Jack’s groin area. He smirked. A lesser man would have taken care of Jack’s problem for him right there and then. But Ianto was the better man, and, he figured, he deserved to make Jack work for his fun.

Instead of offering Jack a hand (pun intended, of course, for Ianto thinks nothing by chance), Ianto stood and stretched. Jack’s eyes grew wide as Ianto raised his arms to the ceiling and arched his back, his own cock jutting out in response. And damn if Ianto wasn’t standing at perfect cock-sucking level. If only Jack could shift a bit closer…But Jack was not to be satisfied. Ianto turned and walked over to where the clock had landed. Shaking his head, he bent over to pick up the few pieces.

Jack couldn’t take his eyes off Ianto. As Ianto bent over, the sunlight struck his skin, highlighting the curves of his ass. Jack stared at where he knew Ianto’s hole was. Ianto hadn’t let Jack pleasure him, but while the young man had slept, Jack had come up with a dozen ways he wanted to repay the favor. Nearly all of them involved that hole. Some involved his tongue and that hole, others his cock and that hole. Most, however, involved hours and hours of both. Jack stood, moving soundlessly over to where Ianto was still bent over. He reached out his arms, intent on pulling Ianto’s ass towards his now-fully erect and leaking cock and…Ianto moved.

“I heard you, Sir. You need to work on your stalking techniques. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to shower before I get ready. There’s food and tea downstairs. Don’t touch the coffee machine,” Ianto said, dumping the clock remains in the small bin by the door.

He turned to Jack and stretched again, smirking as he saw Jack’s eyes drawn to his cock. Deciding to have a bit of cruel fun, he stepped forward, bringing their groins into contact. He stroked one hand down Jack’s member and teased its tip, sucking the salty pre-come from his fingers. Jack’s eyes fluttered closed and he moaned. Then he groaned in frustration as Ianto did a quick about-face and went into the bathroom.

Jack slammed a fist into the wall as he heard the shower turn on and the toilet flush. He looked down, frowning forlornly at his member. He touched it, figuring he had to relieve the pressure somehow, even it he was Ianto-less. Then he looked up at the bathroom door.

“If he wanted to be alone, he’d have locked it,” he muttered. Sure enough, the door was unlocked. Jack chuckled and entered the bathroom. Then he stopped. Ianto’s bath had both a shower stall and tub. He knew the tub well, had given Ianto bath after the cannibals. The shower, however, was new territory. And the sight of it almost made Jack orgasm right there on the linoleum.

Ianto’s shower had a glass door, currently fogged with steam. As Jack watched, he could just about see Ianto through the fog. His mouth dropped. Ianto, his Ianto, was stroking himself, leaning his forehead against the cool glass. He legs spread out and chest pushed against the glass, his hand moved up and down, using bath gel as lube. Jack could hear Ianto’s breath grow thready and irregular. Ianto splayed one hand against the glass for purchase, bucking his hips into the glass again and again as he pulsed his hand fast and faster. Eyes tightly shut and face scrunched in pleasure, Ianto was moaning Jack’s name. Without knowing it, Jack began stroking himself in time with Ianto. Jack groaned through his own orgasm as he saw Ianto spray his come against the glass. He collapsed into the sink as Ianto collapsed onto the door.

Ianto looked up and jumped when he saw Jack. Then again, he should have known Jack’d follow him, nymphomaniac that he is. Ianto straightened and smiled slightly as he saw the pearly white liquid stick to his stomach. He looked up as Jack pushed the shower door open.

Jack swallowed. All night long he had dreamt of having Ianto, just as Ianto had had him. He had dreamt of his fingers working inside Ianto’s body, stretching and pushing until he found that one perfect spot that drove Ianto over the edge. He dreamt of pushing his own cock inside Ianto, of timing his thrusts perfectly as he stroked, of Ianto coming so hard and so long that the only word he could remember was Jack’s name. And here Ianto was, wet and soapy and slightly dirty from wanking himself off to that very name. And that thought went straight to Jack’s groin, reviving his member and drawing Ianto’s eyes to that area.

Ianto stepped back deeper into the shower. Water fell over his face, plastering his hair to his scalp and running down his nose and cheeks in little rivulets.

“Can I join you?” Jack asked. Ianto swallowed and nodded. As much as he’d enjoyed taking Jack over and over last night, he hadn’t actually prepared to let Jack do anything to him.

Jack stepped in and moved closer to Ianto. He bent his head to Ianto’s neck, breathing in the scent of Ianto’s shampoo. “Can I ask you something?” Ianto nodded.

“How many men have you slept with before?”

Ianto closed his eyes, shook his head, and whispered “none.” Jack gaped.

“But…last night…How the hell did you….”

“I’m an archivist, Sir,” Ianto said, rolling his eyes. “It’s my job to conduct research.”

“Research?” Jack laughed. “Seriously? You ‘researched’ last night? How?”

Ianto smirked. “Lived in Wales nearly my whole life. I have lots of friends in lots of different occupations.”

“Different occupations? What kind of occupations?”

Ianto just smirked again.

“You mean to tell me that you called up friends for advice?” Jack could just picture that call. This, of course, led to Jack picturing Ianto on the phone listening to the tips and getting hard as he planned for what he’d do with Jack. He’d have to find that CCTV footage. And Jack started leaking again. Damn, it was like he was 17!

“I’d like to repay you for last night,” Jack said softly. Ianto took a deep breath and nodded. It’d have to happen some time. Best get it over with now.

Jack saw the concern in Ianto’s face and decided to take things at Ianto’s pace. While his own cock was at the ready, Ianto’s was still spent from his prior ministrations. Jack’d have to get Ianto put on a show like that again. But for now, it was all about getting him ready.

Jack reached one hand up to cup Ianto’s face, pleased when Ianto pushed into it and closed his eyes. He pulled Ianto in for a bruising kiss, his tongue swiping across the roof of Ianto’s mouth. His hand drifted lower, cupping Ianto’s perfect behind. Jack loved the suits, especially how Ianto looked when he bent over. But damn if he didn’t prefer the au naturale version. He seriously considered instituting ‘Naked Day’ at the Hub. And sending Owen, Tosh, and Gwen out on an all-day wild goose chase. Maybe not Tosh. She could be kinky. Quiet one and all that.

Jack pulled Ianto’s groin into his as they broke for air. He reached his free hand down and cupped the tips of both their cocks in his hand. With practiced ease, he stroked them both at the same time, watching as Ianto quickly inflated. Ianto moaned in pleasure and arched his back, pushing his groin further into Jack. Then Jack let go. Ianto cried out at the loss.

“Uh-uh. You made me hold off last night. You’re not getting off easy now!” Jack said, smiling. Ianto rolled his eyes at the pun. “Turn around,” he whispered, pleased that Ianto seemed to have relaxed.

“No lube,” Ianto whispered back as he turned.

“Doesn’t matter. Bath gel.”

Ianto spun and pushed Jack away. “That area is NOT smelling like shower gel all day long!”

Jack looked at Ianto helplessly. Then he looked down at his cock and swollen balls. He searched the shower in desperation. The universe may hate him, but it had never before disappointed him in his search for lube. And…ah ha! Jack opened the door slightly and grabbed the hair gel (scent free) from the sink. He held it triumphantly as Ianto rolled his eyes and turned back around.

“Get on with it then, Sir,” Ianto said.

“Cheeky brat. You need to learn some respect.”

“Teach me then,” Ianto dared. Perhaps if he pretended not to be nervous, he wouldn’t be. And yet, he still was. Fat load of good that was then.

“Maybe I will,” Jack said, biting down and sucking on Ianto’s shoulder as he lubed his hand with the gel. “Ready?”

Ianto stilled and tensed. “It’s ok,” Jack soothed. “No pain, I promise. Just relax, yeah? Trust me.” Ianto took another deep breath and nodded, closing his eyes and splaying his hands against the tile wall.

Jack used his foot to push Ianto’s legs apart. Placing small kisses along Ianto’s jaw and down his neck, he slowly pushed one finger inside, stretching and pulsing just as he’d imagined. Ianto hissed at the intrusion, but quickly relaxed. Seeing this, Jack pulled back and inserted another finger. He searched, scissoring his way up Ianto’s channel until…There! Jack hit the hard little nub and grinned against Ianto’s neck as the younger man arched his back and impaled himself deeper on Jack’s fingers.

“God, Jack!”

“Told you it would be good. And I’ve only just started.”

Running more kisses behind Ianto’s ears, Jack wrapped his free arm around Ianto’s waist, pulling him close. “Lean back,” he whispered. Ianto complied readily, lost in the feeling of intense pleasure as Jack continued to tickle his prostate. Jack pulled back again and inserted yet another finger.

Ianto writhed in Jack’s grasp. “God, Jack! Need more!”

“Almost there,” Jack said as pumped his fingers in and out. Ianto’s own cock was leaking now, and Jack used his free hand to clamp down hard. “Uh-huh,” he teased. “Not yet.”

“Jack!” Ianto cried. “Oh god, oh god!”

“Jack’s fine, thanks,” Jack smirked. He finally removed his fingers and poured more gel onto his own cock. He lined himself up and pushed. In one smooth motion, Jack was so deep inside Ianto that his balls smacked against Ianto’s skin. Ianto gasped at the new feeling and sighed as his body loosened itself that last bit to accommodate Jack. It was as if Jack was meant to be there, as if his body knew what was happened.

Just as Ianto was contemplating this (certainly not an easy task when one is only moments away from a mindblowing orgasm), Jack pulled out and pushed back in again. Ianto grunted as his groin was pushed forward with the effort, but Jack’s strong arm held him in place. Jack changed positions slightly and pushed in again, hitting Ianto’s prostate on the second try.

“Damn Jack, please more!” Ianto reached an arm back to cup Jack’s ass and pull him in tighter. He pushed his own groin forward and back again, fucking himself on Jack’s cock. Jack chuckled and stilled Ianto.

“Let me,” he growled. “I want this. Want you. Want to make you come.”

“Then let me come dammit!” Ianto yelled in frustration.

Jack laughed a full-body laugh which vibrated through Ianto’s body. Ianto swore he could feel Jack’s laugh inside his hole, against his prostate. Ianto shuddered as the pleasure spread through his body and his knees weakened.

Jack started pumping his cock in earnest, pushing in and out in a pounding rhythm. Both men groaned as their breaths became labored and broken. Jack reached down again to take Ianto’s cock in hand, pumping in time to his thrusts, just as he had imagined. He sucked hard on Ianto’s shoulder, leaving a mark, marking Ianto as his and only his, and dammit, why on earth did he want Ianto to be only his? He didn’t care, simply pushed in and out again and again, feeling Ianto rocking back and forth as he canted his hips to meet Jack thrust for thrust. Ianto reached an arm around Jack, pulling him close harder and forcing Jack to up his rhythm.

Jack felt Ianto’s balls contract and harden and then Ianto was coming all over Jack’s hand and the shower stall. Jack slammed once, twice, and shouted as his own orgasm pounded his seed deep into Ianto. Jack held on, stroking the last bit of come from Ianto. Both men collapsed to the wet floor, their wobbly legs unable to hold them up anymore.

Stretching his legs as far as they could go, Jack pulled Ianto against him. Ianto leaned back, letting the shower water wash the come and sweat from his chest. He frowned as Jack started laughing. He frowned deeper when Jack wouldn’t stop laughing.

“What?” he demanded. “What is it?’

“You…and me…We just fucked in the shower,” Jack said, trying to catch his breath. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanked off to this dream? Every time I see you now this is what I’m gonna think of. Last night and this, at every video conference. Every damn meeting I’m gonna be so damn hard for you! My god, Ianto, the things you do to me!”

Ianto sighed and snuggled a bit closer to Jack. “We’re gonna be late for work, you know.”

Jack chuckled a bit more. “I’m sure the boss’ll understand.”

“I don’t know. He’s a bit of a hardass.”

Jack laughed. “Got the hardest ass in Wales, next to yours. Think I can fuck that ass again?”

Ianto closed his eyes. Jack reached around for the shower gel, smoothing it over Ianto’s chest and legs, washing away the last bits of their early morning adventure.

“Perhaps,” he answered. “But next time I insist on real lube. And a bed.”

“Can I use the stopwatch?” Jack asked, kissing the side of Ianto’s face and behind his ear as he washed the gel off Ianto’s skin.

“I’ll even let you tie me up. Though I insist on silk. I refuse to let the others see chaffed wrists.”

“High class, you are,” Jack muttered. He felt his cock reviving at the thought of Ianto, ass in the air, demanding he be fucked as Jack tied his wrists in silk restraints. Red silk, the real stuff, not satin. Ianto deserved the best. He’d have to place an order with a fabric store, get some imported. He’d add it to Ianto’s to-do list, let Ianto get hard all day thinking of what Jack’s do to him later.

Ianto chuckled as he felt Jack’s cock pushing against the base of his spine. “You sure about the boss not missing us if we’re late?” he asked seductively.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

Ianto went on his knees and turned around. “It’s just, I think I liked that. No, I’m sure I liked that. And, since this shower is about to spray us with cold water, I thought we could have another go on the bed.”

Jack gulped as his cock started leaking yet again. 51st Century upgrades and a century and a half of sex adventures, all it took was a young Welshman with stormy blue eyes to make Jack completely lose any and all control over that part of his body.

“Another go?” he asked. He knew he was parroting Ianto now, but was pretty sure that any and all higher functions had just decided to take up permanent residence in his groin.

Ianto stood and reached down a hand, pulling Jack up and pushing his own, quickly reviving, cock against Jack’s. “Yeah,” he purred, playing with the wet hair at the base of Jack’s neck. He touched Jack’s tip, smoothing some of the pre-come onto his fingers and sucking, mimicking the movements he’d made the night before. Jack’s eyes went dark and wide as he watched Ianto’s cheeks as he sucked around his fingers. Jack took hold of Ianto’s hand, wetting it with more pre-come, and sucking his own seed off Ianto’s hand. Ianto curled his other hand around Jack’s ass, playing his fingertips lightly around Jack’s hole as his knee pushed Jack’s legs open.

“We can tell the others we went weevil hunting early this morning. Shower needs about 30 minutes to get hot water again. Think you can keep me busy for that long?” Ianto asked, looking up through his eyelashes at his hand in Jack’s mouth. Jack moaned as one of Ianto’s fingers breeched his hole.

He stepped back and glared at Ianto. “I can keep you busy for far damn longer than that!”

“Prove it, old man,’ Ianto demanded as he stepped out of the shower and toweled off.

“Watch me!” Jack called after him, twisting a towel and smacking it against Ianto’s behind as he ran to the bedroom. Oh, he’d definitely have to have Ianto make that noise again!

“Ianto!” he called, “Where do you keep your ties?”


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