Of sex and Stopwatches -1/3 (Warning - Adult Story)

Sep 29, 2008 20:56

When Ianto entered Jack’s office, clothed in suit and overcoat, holding two travel mugs of coffee in one hand and displaying the stopwatch with 17 seconds left, Jack was confused.

“Ianto?” he asked. “You’re leaving? I thought we were gonna play with the watch.”

Ianto stepped closer to Jack as the older man leaned back against his desk, splaying his rather prominent member for Ianto to see. “I have every intention of making your night everything it should be. If you will grab your greatcoat, Sir, and follow me?” With that, Ianto pocketed the stopwatch, switched one mug to the other hand and walked out the door, down the steps, and over to the invisible lift.

Jack just stayed still. His mind was working slowly. A quote came to him then, something Alex had told him once, before the man had gone psychotic. ‘God gave us a penis and a brain, and only enough blood to run one at a time.’ It didn’t take Jack long to figure out where his blood had gone. He looked down forlornly at the bulge in his pants. He looked over at Ianto, standing patiently by the lift. He shrugged and grabbed his greatcoat to follow Ianto.

As he reached Ianto, Jack stuck out a finger and said, “I want you to know, I am holding you to your implicit promise of sex.” Ianto raised an eyebrow as he followed Jack onto the lift. Standing so close to Ianto certainly wasn’t doing anything to get Jack’s blood flowing in the opposite direction. There was, still, an uncomfortable tent in his pants. Jack didn’t like this. He wasn’t familiar with it. He’d had a hard-on before, but it was usually quickly rectified on site. He’d never had to move. He hoped they wouldn’t be going far. He wasn’t sure he could walk at the moment. Perhaps they’d have sex on the lift? And that image did exactly nothing to assist with Jack’s still-raging problem.

Jack was disappointed when Ianto stepped off the lift, handed Jack a mug, and headed towards his Mini. Apparently there would be no lift sex, just like there’d be no Hub sex. Perhaps car sex? Nah, scratch that. They were too big for Mini-sex. Then again, Ianto did seem flexible. Jack just bet that Ianto could bend his legs up to his ears while Jack pushed his…And somehow Jack’s bulge became even more prominent. How was that possible? Wasn’t there a limit to how big it could get? 51st Century upgrades be damned, at some point, he’d have to empty it. Was this blueballs? He’d heard of blueballs. Huh. Whatever it was, he’d have to make sure never to do this again. Next time he’d just take Ianto against the glass wall of his office, watching while Ianto’s heat caused condensation on the glass. He could see Ianto perfectly. Hair mussed, face red from arousal, nose and cheek smashed against the glass, moaning Jack’s name as he spurted his…Would Windex clean that?

Jack shook himself and looked over at Ianto, confusedly watching his Captain. He sighed, willing his erection to go away for just a little while, and joined his teammate. The car ride was short, but seemed an age to Jack. Despite his best intentions, neither his erection nor his curiosity was sated. As expected, there was no Mini sex. There was also no indication of where Ianto was taking them. Until they pulled up in front of Ianto’s home in Roath.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Your house? You drove me all the way to your house? We could have had sex in my bed!”

Ianto smirked as he exited the Mini. “You forget, Sir. I do your laundry. I’ve seen that thing you mistakenly call a bed. I am adamantly opposed to having sex with you for the first time on something that could give me the Plague.” Ianto closed the car door and headed up to his house, unlocking the door and leaving it open for Jack to enter.

Jack shook his head and walked, rather ungainly, into the house. “Ianto?” he called into the darkness. Only the stairway and upstairs hallway lights were on.

“Up here!” Ianto called back. “Bedroom!”

When Jack finally made his way up the stairs, cursing the masculine parts of Ianto’s heritage with every step, what he saw amazed him. There, standing at the foot of the large, queen-sized bed, was Ianto. A naked Ianto. A naked Ianto holding a stopwatch. Jack’s wet dream. And damn if Jack didn’t almost come in his pants.

“Ianto?” he squeaked.

“Nice of you to finally join me,” Ianto smirked. “Would you like to know how tonight is going to go?”

“Wouldn’t mind a hint,” Jack said, his eyes hungrily roaming Ianto’s lithe body, taking in the slightly hairy chest, the perfect abs, the movement of muscles as he stepped closer.

“Tonight there will be a game. One game, spread out over three innings, if you like,” Ianto said softly.

“Three innings?” Jack croaked. Ianto looked edible in the daylight, but at night, naked and with the moonlight giving his pale Welsh skin an ethereal glow, he was completely angelic.

“Yes. But there are ground rules. First, if you are uncomfortable at any point, you will tell me and we will stop for a break. Second, that and your orgasms are the only times you will speak. Do you accept these rules?”

“Ugh…yeah?” Jack was now beyond coherent sentences anyway. All he could do was watch as Ianto stepped closer, watch as those strong things moved, watch as the abs muscles contracted and expanded with each breath… Jack looked up for a moment and narrowed his eyes. “Why no talking? What is this game?” Jack was not one who played submissive very often.

“It’s not really a game, I suppose. But it was the only way I could think of to give you what you need.”

“What I need is for you to suck my dick!” Jack exclaimed, motioning to his now (surely) leaking member. He looked down, fully expecting there to be a large wet spot on his pants.

Ianto smiled. “I’ll take are of you, Jack. But you need something more than just a blow job tonight.”

“And you think you know what I need?”


“And what, my dear Mr. Jones, do you think that is?”

“Comfort. To be reminded that you’re not a monster. To be reminded that you’re not Alex.”

Jack’s cock deflated as his face paled. “What did you say?” he whispered.

“You heard me, Jack. You know what I said. But you don’t believe it’s true. That’s what tonight’s about. Comfort. Making you see the truth.”

“I don’t need comfort!” Jack yelled, stomping towards Ianto in a rage. How dare he say those things? How dare he compare Jack to Alex? How dare he say Jack isn’t a monster when obviously Jack was!

“You do. It’s usually when we think we don’t that we do. You think you’re like Alex because you killed Suzie. You killed your teammate, your friend. You killed someone that you recruited, that you trained, that you loved. And I am so very sorry for that Jack. But you’re not a monster. And in this house you’re not even the Captain. In this house, you’re just Jack, a man who, every once in a while, needs to let go and let someone really take care of him. That’s why we’re not in your bunker. ‘Cause there you’d hide behind being the Captain.”

“But I am the Captain. I can’t….I have to be…” Jack whispered, closing his eyes and rubbing his hands harshly through his hair.

“I know,” Ianto said softly, stepping even closer and pulling Jack’s hands down, wrapping the man in an embrace. He put the stopwatch in one of Jack’s hands “I know. You said once that you saw me. And that meant so much to me, Jack. I want to give you the same thing. Tonight, here, I see you. The real you, the one you hide. Here you don’t have to hide any more. And you don’t have to worry. You know I’m good with secrets. Nothing that happens here, nothing you say or do tonight goes any further than these walls. Ever. You can relax now,” He said, stroking a hand under Jack’s greatcoat and slipping the garment off his shoulders.

Jack just stood there, eyes downcast, considering what Ianto had said. Ianto worked slowly, methodically, always giving Jack time to say no between each layer. The greatcoat was laid on an armchair, the braces removed, the blue shirt and white undershirt dropped gently to the floor. Ianto bent down, unlacing Jack’s boots. He lifted Jack’s legs, first one, then the other, and removed the shoes and socks. Then he stood up. Jack and Ianto were staring at each other. Jack watched, enthralled, at Ianto’s next move.

Ianto, his eyes never leaving Jack’s, took one hand and undid Jack’s belt. He slid one hand, slowly, ever so slowly, between Jack’s boxers and his skin, tracing a line with the nail of his pointer finger down Jack’s penis. Suddenly, Jack’s erection resumed itself.

Ianto smiled. He pulled his hand back and, in one move, pushed both Jack’s trousers and boxers down, and helped Jack step out. “Now then,” he said, “On the bed. We have a long night, and I want to prepare you properly.” With that one sentence, Jack was once again in the same situation as he had been in when in the car. He smiled and ambled over to the bed, laying on his back, legs stretched out and arms behind his head.

Smirking, he saw Ianto watching him. “Like what you see?”

Ianto just shook his head sadly. “This isn’t part of the game tonight, Jack. No pretending. I’ll give you pleasure, don’t worry, but none of this false bravado.”

Jack frowned for a moment, and then gave what Ianto would come to know as one of his ‘real smiles.’ Small, far smaller than the Harkness Flirting Grin, Ianto would come to love this smile. Jack nodded and relaxed his body, pushing himself further into the soft mattress and taking comfort where he could get it.

Ianto smiled. He pulled something from a drawer in the chest behind him. Turning around, he showed the massage oil to Jack. “I’ve given massages before, Captain. Worked as a masseuse to pay bills in Uni. I bet I can make you come forever without even fucking you, just with my hands and mouth.”

Jack gulped, his erection bobbing precariously on his stomach, pre-come already beginning to leak out at the image of Ianto working his hands into Jack’s skin and tight muscles.

“Here’s where the stopwatch comes in,” Ianto said, kneeling on the bed and crawling over to Jack. Ianto positioned himself on Jack’s legs so that Jack’s cock lent against his stomach. “Take the stopwatch. When I start, press the button on the top. You are going to experience the best massage you’ve ever had. You are not allowed to come until I press the button again. Should you drop the watch or press the button a second time by accident, I will leave and lock the bedroom door from the outside. But you needn’t worry. At no point tonight will you be harmed. And I will always take care of you in the end. This is to show you that there are times and places where it is safe to let go, to let someone else be in charge. Do you understand Jack? Tonight you are not the Captain. Tonight you do not give orders.” Jack nodded his acquiescence.

“Good. Press the button.” Jack complied.

Ianto dribbled the oil down Jack’s stomach, watching as it ran down the peaks and lines of his abs. He took one pointer finger, dipped it in the oil and traced the lines of Jack’s pectoral muscles. Then he dipped both hands in the oil and began working on Jack’s shoulders. As Ianto kneaded away the day’s stress, Jack could feel himself relaxing. He closed his eyes, which only served to heighten the sensation of Ianto’s hands on his skin. He felt, rather than saw, as Ianto worked out the tense muscles. Then he felt a warm burst of air on his nipples and jumped. He opened his eyes to see Ianto blowing gently on his nipples.

“Didn’t want you falling asleep on me, Sir,” he said cheekily. Ianto blew and nipped at the nipples, watching as Jack groaned and writhed under his ministrations. He smirked at the look of pleasure on Jack’s face and moved his hands lower.

At this point, Jack was decently well along. His cock had been leaking for nearly fifteen minutes, and the only thing stopping him from coming completely was the promise he made Ianto. He still held the stopwatch in his hand and absolutely refused to come until he had wrung all the pleasure possible out of this night, fully convinced it would never happen again. He was, therefore, completely taken back when he felt the now-familiar weight of Ianto leave him. He looked up in surprise to see Ianto slowly inching backwards, Jack’s cock now bobbing in the air. He watched, enthralled, as Ianto took one perfectly manicured nail and ran it the entre length of Jack’s cock, root to tip. Jack’s hips bucked at the feeling, his extra-sensitive skin practically begging for release.

Ianto smiled. This was where he wanted Jack. Completely undone, completely incapable of doing anything, of thinking of anything, especially about what happened over the past few days. He bent down and blew lightly on the tip of Jack’s cock. Jack bucked again. Ianto wet his tongue and licked, in one smooth motion, the same path as his finger had trailed. He then moved to Jack’s balls, encasing each in his mouth, first the left, then the right, and sucking and teasing as he felt them swell. He moved back to Jack’s still leaking-cock, watching as the white liquid pulsed from Jack’s tip. In one perfect motion, he took Jack’s entire length in his mouth.

Sucking and licking and blowing, Ianto drove Jack to the edge of sanity. Jack was now bucking wildly, forcing Ianto to hold his hips down. Just before Jack could orgasm, Ianto removed his mouth. He pulled himself up Jack’s body, pushing his own self against Jack, moving his own hard erection against Jack’s. He kissed Jack, long and hard, letting just a bit of Jack’s pre-come go from his tongue to Jack’s mouth.

“Taste yourself,” he whispered into Jack’s ear. “You’re fucking beautiful.” Ianto bit into Jack’s shoulder, causing Jack to cry out. “Not yet, Jack. Not yet. Just a moment more. Hold out for me.”

Ianto dragged his own leaking cock up and down Jack’s chest, coating his Captain in his own essence. He spread a trail with his finger tips from Jack’s chest to his cock. He wet his tongue again, and licked, following the same trail and cleaning Jack, tasting himself and the massage oil.

Finally Ianto returned to Jack’s cock. He blew on the tip again, nipped and licked. He took the cock in his mouth, humming and sucking, driving Jack to the edge once more. As he hummed around Jack’s cock, sending all thought out of Jack’s mind other than ohgodpleaseohgodpleaseohgodplease, Ianto reached up and clicked the button on the stopwatch. Jack’s hips bucked wildy and Ianto eased his throat. Jack spurted for what seemed like forever, screaming Ianto’s name as he emptied himself completely. Ianto sucked it all down, greedily drawing every last bit of Jack he could from the experience.

When Jack had finished, he lay there, completely spent and unable to do anything. Ianto swallowed the last of Jack’s seed and let go of Jack’s now limp cock. But he wasn’t done. Re-wetting his tongue yet again, Ianto traced a line from Jack’s cock, around his balls, and up his chest. He kissed Jack languidly, allowing Jack to taste himself again. He pulled back and looked at Jack, Jack’s eyes half-lidded and shrouded in desire, his lips red and swollen, his face flushed, and his hair mussed. Jack’s arms fell from where they had been grabbing the headboard for dear life. Ianto took Jack’s head in his hands and massaged his Captain’s forehead. He bent over again, trailing his still-hard cock over Jack’s quickly-resuming one. He began whispering in Jack’s ear.

“I’m so proud of you. You did so well, I’m going to reward you. We’re not through yet. Take a minute, get your breath. Then I’m going to fuck you, right here on this bed. Then I’m going to make you come just by rimming you. Take a minute, Jack. You’ll need it.”

jack/ianto; sexandstopwatches

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