Title: Twenty five-four minutes Pairing: Akame Rating: G Genre: fluff, romance, AU Disclaimer: I own nothing and nobody regarding the real boys D8 ..but in this case, the Jin belongs to me and the Kame is sweetpaopuwind‘s
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Lol, I had to read this through twice before I felt coherent enough to write a comment, and...of course, now I'm starting to get sleepy, so hopefully it will still be coherent. ^^;
First, I just have to say that when I saw the picture, I thought that this was going to be about Jin complaining that Kame always gets out of bed first, but then there was shin-jabbing, and I was horribly, horribly confused. xD
Okay, reading again~ x3
orz Kame doesn't like it when Jin swears at him, even if he's not awake to hear it... But shin-jabs are kind of really painful, so he guesses it can be forgiven. ^^; It just...stood out to him, and not really in a good way. D;
x3 Kame likes that Jin thinks his lifestyle is 'eternally fascinating.' <3 But what's this about shady meetings in clubs? Is that a reference to Kame's past? D
( ... )
Whoo, part two of the comment that's probably longer than the fic~sweetpaopuwindSeptember 4 2010, 03:37:45 UTC
orz Yeah, Kame would be furious if Jin something to prevent him from getting up on time.
Oh, but the description of Jin covering Kame's shoulders with the sheet is just lovely. As is the overall attention to Kame's shoulders and back throughout the fic. Because it's one of his erogenous zones, the fact that it's the focus of so much of the fic just adds sensuality to the whole thing. <3 Love that~
Love Jin's line of dialogue there, too. It's very him. <3 (...I feel kind of silly saying that to you, actually, seeing as he's yours. ^^;) But ohhhh, the detail of the ring. <333 Melted my heart~ So pretty. <3
And guh, Kame's first line is just so perfect. <3 Of course he calls Jin out on staring at him~ Even first thing in the morning. x3;
Kame’s voice is soft, soothing like the rain against the window. But Jin, who had innocently assumed his lover was still in a deep slumber, shrieks.
Two things about this. First, very nice simile in the first sentence. 8D Second, LOL, JIN SHRIEKING. X33 <333
( ... )
..yeah about that XD You know I said weheartit always runs slowly for me? It was getting so late, and all I needed was a picture to go with it and there's like 600 pages of bed photos. But they were all so bright and sunny ._.; and this is set on a rainy day, so.. ..sorry >: And he~y no, no it's not. I wouldn't have written fluff with mentions of that in .A.; He doesn't really know anything about how the modeling side of Kame's career works, so he has kind of imagined things like that.. because Kame comes home looking like a dirty whore, and he thinks you wouldn't be able to acquire a model like Kame through normal means XD and a bit of yakuza!Kame snuck in there, too
( ... )
So~ You know I like this a lot, and I even though you know I prefered it without the last part, the last part is good. It fits the fic and it doesn't feel overstretched, though I'd take off the last part of the last part, if you get me >_> But that's probably just my opinion and this is your fic and I love it ♥
Comments 34
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Lol, I had to read this through twice before I felt coherent enough to write a comment, and...of course, now I'm starting to get sleepy, so hopefully it will still be coherent. ^^;
First, I just have to say that when I saw the picture, I thought that this was going to be about Jin complaining that Kame always gets out of bed first, but then there was shin-jabbing, and I was horribly, horribly confused. xD
Okay, reading again~ x3
orz Kame doesn't like it when Jin swears at him, even if he's not awake to hear it... But shin-jabs are kind of really painful, so he guesses it can be forgiven. ^^; It just...stood out to him, and not really in a good way. D;
x3 Kame likes that Jin thinks his lifestyle is 'eternally fascinating.' <3 But what's this about shady meetings in clubs? Is that a reference to Kame's past? D ( ... )
Oh, but the description of Jin covering Kame's shoulders with the sheet is just lovely. As is the overall attention to Kame's shoulders and back throughout the fic. Because it's one of his erogenous zones, the fact that it's the focus of so much of the fic just adds sensuality to the whole thing. <3 Love that~
Love Jin's line of dialogue there, too. It's very him. <3 (...I feel kind of silly saying that to you, actually, seeing as he's yours. ^^;) But ohhhh, the detail of the ring. <333 Melted my heart~ So pretty. <3
And guh, Kame's first line is just so perfect. <3 Of course he calls Jin out on staring at him~ Even first thing in the morning. x3;
Kame’s voice is soft, soothing like the rain against the window. But Jin, who had innocently assumed his lover was still in a deep slumber, shrieks.
Two things about this. First, very nice simile in the first sentence. 8D Second, LOL, JIN SHRIEKING. X33 <333 ( ... )
..sorry >:
And he~y no, no it's not. I wouldn't have written fluff with mentions of that in .A.; He doesn't really know anything about how the modeling side of Kame's career works, so he has kind of imagined things like that.. because Kame comes home looking like a dirty whore, and he thinks you wouldn't be able to acquire a model like Kame through normal means XD and a bit of yakuza!Kame snuck in there, too ( ... )
Good night
Jin denying that he's been watching Kame was so cute. xD
thanks for sharing this. :D
[Kazu can practice it with meee~ 83]
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