Title: Twenty five-four minutes Pairing: Akame Rating: G Genre: fluff, romance, AU Disclaimer: I own nothing and nobody regarding the real boys D8 ..but in this case, the Jin belongs to me and the Kame is sweetpaopuwind‘s
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Lol, I had to read this through twice before I felt coherent enough to write a comment, and...of course, now I'm starting to get sleepy, so hopefully it will still be coherent. ^^;
First, I just have to say that when I saw the picture, I thought that this was going to be about Jin complaining that Kame always gets out of bed first, but then there was shin-jabbing, and I was horribly, horribly confused. xD
Okay, reading again~ x3
orz Kame doesn't like it when Jin swears at him, even if he's not awake to hear it... But shin-jabs are kind of really painful, so he guesses it can be forgiven. ^^; It just...stood out to him, and not really in a good way. D;
x3 Kame likes that Jin thinks his lifestyle is 'eternally fascinating.' <3 But what's this about shady meetings in clubs? Is that a reference to Kame's past? D :
But guh, love the turn of phrase of 'bitter and sweet' coffee. That's a pretty pleasant description considering the taste of coffee on Kame's lips is typically a Jin-repellent. The way you've written it just...captures them perfectly. <3
The sheets cocoon Kame, twisting around his calves and elbows, in knots under his hip
Quoting this because fuck, is it sexy imagery. <3 He sounds like a present waiting to be unwrapped. Lol, that or like he's wearing a toga. ='D
x3 Love that Jin tries so hard not to wake him. Oh, and one thing... It's 'taut' in this case, and not 'taught.' ...Unless that's a British spelling that I'm not aware of. 8D; Ignore me if it is~
Loooove the detail of Jin feeding the dogs, and it should be obvious to you why. Also, at first I just saw the 'apron over bare skin' part, and Kame thought he was getting an early morning treat besides the pancakes. xD; Well, I guess he is, but that's later in the fic. x3;
The reference to Kame's earlier hesitance is a nice touch, even if it's sad to think about. <3
Oh, and...boxes containing the entirety of what Jin wanted to remain of his life before this relationship made Kame want to bawl. >>; Because...he took it a different way. ><
But eeeee, the reference to Kame changing the pictures, and PRJIGNWRNBWO JIN TURNING THEM THE OTHER WAY WHEN HE AND KAME HAVE SEX. PSHHHH, OMG, THAT IS SO HIM. <3333 Lol, I was kind of surprised there wasn't a reference to them having to check to make sure Pin, Ran-chan, and Jeri aren't around before they go for it, but...that's okay. xD; Only just realized it now, so...yeah. ^^; Anyway, moving on~
Is the cashmere sweater the one that Jin took with him to Okinawa? It sounds familiar, but I can't place where it's come up before. Was that the sweater Kame was wearing when I told you he wanted you to draw art of him wearing a sweater that was too big for him, so--oh, no, wait, that was Jin's France sweater that he was wearing for that. But...anyway~ Where did the burnt orange one come from? 8D; Or did you just randomly pick something? xD I do like the description of their clothes strewn together on the floor, though. ...Lol, actually...does that mean they got busy the night before, or were they just too lazy to put them in the hamper? x3; orz Look at me trying to add smut all over the place. To a G-rated fic, no less. ='D
BUT GAAAAH, 'KA-CHAN. 'KA-CHAN'S IN THERE, AND OF COURSE JIN TAKES HER ADVICE SERIOUSLY WHILE KAME JUST ROLLS HIS EYES BECAUSE RIGNWOGNWOIRNO JUST...YEAH, YOU KNOW WHY. <33333 But...lol, and to think you accused me of making them have a long engagement... The reference to New Year's means they've been dating for over a year and a half, and they still haven't moved to New York? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the idea of Jin and Kame spending New Year's with Kame's parents, but..I definitely had to stop and think about the timeline at that point. xD;
Whoo, part two of the comment that's probably longer than the fic~sweetpaopuwindSeptember 4 2010, 03:37:45 UTC
orz Yeah, Kame would be furious if Jin something to prevent him from getting up on time.
Oh, but the description of Jin covering Kame's shoulders with the sheet is just lovely. As is the overall attention to Kame's shoulders and back throughout the fic. Because it's one of his erogenous zones, the fact that it's the focus of so much of the fic just adds sensuality to the whole thing. <3 Love that~
Love Jin's line of dialogue there, too. It's very him. <3 (...I feel kind of silly saying that to you, actually, seeing as he's yours. ^^;) But ohhhh, the detail of the ring. <333 Melted my heart~ So pretty. <3
And guh, Kame's first line is just so perfect. <3 Of course he calls Jin out on staring at him~ Even first thing in the morning. x3;
Kame’s voice is soft, soothing like the rain against the window. But Jin, who had innocently assumed his lover was still in a deep slumber, shrieks.
Two things about this. First, very nice simile in the first sentence. 8D Second, LOL, JIN SHRIEKING. X33 <333
I'd have to quote their whole exchange of dialogue to talk about it. It's great~ Again, very them. x3; And lol at Jin's remark about his attention span.
But AAAAHHHH, VAMPIRE!KAME. RIHGIWRGWINRGEIGNE SO, SO AWESOME. AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF LOST MY WAY~ Seriously...if you had written that a few months ago and told me it was my Kame, I wouldn't have believed you. But...loving Jin has made him so cute that now...I could totally see him doing that~ x3; He's chock-full of cute moments now, and this reads to me like just another one (to go on Jin's list). 83;
wwprihgwpjpehnw And you wrote implied sex between the covers, roihqiejwpirjg OMG, ilusm. <3 Even if it took me two readthroughs to notice. ;_; Hehe, I thought this was supposed to be a G-rated fic? And here you are hinting at Jin and Kame having an early morning quickie~ <33
And I maintain that Jin's skin would not be cold after sex. Unless he's a sparkly vampire, which you've already assured me he is not, so...x3; But...their actions and obvious intimacy in the afterglow are so...lol, I hesitate to say that it's them because I've said that several times already, but...it is. It just is. You've nailed them. <3
Oh, and I completely missed the significance of the last line until Aya pointed it out, but...guh, love it to pieces. Kame would be blissfully unaware of the weather if he was with Jin. <3
Aaand that's the end. 8D; orz What's left to say...? Well...I've already established that I think you should write them more often and that I like this a lot more than the fic I wrote of them, and even though you disagree, I won't take any of it back. I love this to pieces, and I never wanted it to end. ...So I'm begging you to write them again. x3; <3
..yeah about that XD You know I said weheartit always runs slowly for me? It was getting so late, and all I needed was a picture to go with it and there's like 600 pages of bed photos. But they were all so bright and sunny ._.; and this is set on a rainy day, so.. ..sorry >: And he~y no, no it's not. I wouldn't have written fluff with mentions of that in .A.; He doesn't really know anything about how the modeling side of Kame's career works, so he has kind of imagined things like that.. because Kame comes home looking like a dirty whore, and he thinks you wouldn't be able to acquire a model like Kame through normal means XD and a bit of yakuza!Kame snuck in there, too >>
Jin's learning to get used to the coffee taste~ Only if it's mouth to mouth though orz And you just created a wonderful image and then ruined it again XD Jin can't replace toga with present now..
Oh, yeah, that could just be us.. I'll change it anyway ^^;
Yeah, no, Jin wouldn't attempt to fail seduce Kame in an apron if he had class that morning.. It might be a bit of a long process, and he's pretty sure Kame would have enough self-control to stop what they were doing if it hadn't gone too far.. and leave for class orz
D8 Sorry.. I seem to have done a good job of bothering Kame with this ;;
WELL. He doesn't want Pi seeing what they're doing XD And it'd totally throw him if he just happened to look away from Kame and see Pi grinning at him from across the room..
Mm.. kind of a mix of things >> Because there's been much discussion of sweaters, I figured they'd end up with several~ It's not a specific one, but it didn't seem too far fetched to think that Kame would buy something because Jin likes the feel of it ♥ Uh. I'll leave that to your imagination? I really didn't want to give too many details of their sex life away, so I thought some hints that could be taken either way would be good~ x3; You, perverting my one and only G rated fic.. XD
YES SHE IS, BECAUSE JIN WILL ALWAYS TAKE HER ADVICE SERIOUSLY and I figured if anyone was going to have something to say about not getting cold, it'd be 'ka-chan~ 83 Not afraid to embarrass her son XD And I knooow, butbut.. artistic license? 8D; I really liked the idea of them doing that, but I didn't want to ruin the effect of them not having a home together yet.. >: So. uh. this is why I shouldn't write them ;___; I don't think about these things..
Yes~ Because it was ending up Jin-centric, something that was so personal to Kame seemed like a nice detail to me. Especially as it needed to be something very much a part of him but that didn't require him being awake (or even facing Jin, for that matter) ^^;
orz initially I made him sound angry, like, 'stop staring at me, creep D;' but then I thought he probably wouldn't actually mind all that much.. and would do it more the sake of getting Jin flustered than wanting him to stop x3; And cause by then he was getting pretty cold and wanted a good introduction to the fact he was awake and wanting to move.
Yeah xD; Kame's all deep, warm sexy morning voice and Jin still spazzes over it..
Jin is continually amazed by just how cute Kame is recently~ He loves that he has a childish side. And he likes to think that he's brought it out, not created it, so Kame's rediscovering being happy through being silly rather than experiencing it for the first time. But yeah, if he can be a pirate, a vampire should be a relatively easy task for him XD lol that may have been a little preemptive to Jin fantasizing about just how hard a vampire!Kame would bite his neck, actually.. The list is growing at an alarmingly fast rate >3>
Well, if the morning was really cold and Jin was kind of sweaty, he might have cold skin.. >: anyway, I was still working on this at 3am, give me some *~leeway*~ >3< Eiii I'm so glad it does come across as them~ ♥ I was still nervous that I'd be off the mark with Kame's behaviour, but.. yay~
orz you pick up on things that aren't even there but you miss that? XD
..wasn't expecting to need a second part.shuu_creamSeptember 4 2010, 10:28:20 UTC
♥ Yes, I do disagree~ xP I love what you've written of them. But.. yeah, the easy solution is to write together XD; Then we can like half each and all will be well in the world. I would love to write them more often, though~ I actually found a picture prompt that's so relevant to them, I've been staring at it for ages trying to base a somewhat-plot around it ;3; Buuut you have to write them again if I do.. ..and now I have to go, because we were supposed to be going out kind now 8D; I'm so glad you like it ♥ and Kame~ x3
Lol, I had to read this through twice before I felt coherent enough to write a comment, and...of course, now I'm starting to get sleepy, so hopefully it will still be coherent. ^^;
First, I just have to say that when I saw the picture, I thought that this was going to be about Jin complaining that Kame always gets out of bed first, but then there was shin-jabbing, and I was horribly, horribly confused. xD
Okay, reading again~ x3
orz Kame doesn't like it when Jin swears at him, even if he's not awake to hear it... But shin-jabs are kind of really painful, so he guesses it can be forgiven. ^^; It just...stood out to him, and not really in a good way. D;
x3 Kame likes that Jin thinks his lifestyle is 'eternally fascinating.' <3 But what's this about shady meetings in clubs? Is that a reference to Kame's past? D :
But guh, love the turn of phrase of 'bitter and sweet' coffee. That's a pretty pleasant description considering the taste of coffee on Kame's lips is typically a Jin-repellent. The way you've written it just...captures them perfectly. <3
The sheets cocoon Kame, twisting around his calves and elbows, in knots under his hip
Quoting this because fuck, is it sexy imagery. <3 He sounds like a present waiting to be unwrapped. Lol, that or like he's wearing a toga. ='D
x3 Love that Jin tries so hard not to wake him. Oh, and one thing... It's 'taut' in this case, and not 'taught.' ...Unless that's a British spelling that I'm not aware of. 8D; Ignore me if it is~
Loooove the detail of Jin feeding the dogs, and it should be obvious to you why. Also, at first I just saw the 'apron over bare skin' part, and Kame thought he was getting an early morning treat besides the pancakes. xD; Well, I guess he is, but that's later in the fic. x3;
The reference to Kame's earlier hesitance is a nice touch, even if it's sad to think about. <3
Oh, and...boxes containing the entirety of what Jin wanted to remain of his life before this relationship made Kame want to bawl. >>; Because...he took it a different way. ><
But eeeee, the reference to Kame changing the pictures, and PRJIGNWRNBWO JIN TURNING THEM THE OTHER WAY WHEN HE AND KAME HAVE SEX. PSHHHH, OMG, THAT IS SO HIM. <3333 Lol, I was kind of surprised there wasn't a reference to them having to check to make sure Pin, Ran-chan, and Jeri aren't around before they go for it, but...that's okay. xD; Only just realized it now, so...yeah. ^^; Anyway, moving on~
Is the cashmere sweater the one that Jin took with him to Okinawa? It sounds familiar, but I can't place where it's come up before. Was that the sweater Kame was wearing when I told you he wanted you to draw art of him wearing a sweater that was too big for him, so--oh, no, wait, that was Jin's France sweater that he was wearing for that. But...anyway~ Where did the burnt orange one come from? 8D; Or did you just randomly pick something? xD I do like the description of their clothes strewn together on the floor, though. ...Lol, actually...does that mean they got busy the night before, or were they just too lazy to put them in the hamper? x3; orz Look at me trying to add smut all over the place. To a G-rated fic, no less. ='D
BUT GAAAAH, 'KA-CHAN. 'KA-CHAN'S IN THERE, AND OF COURSE JIN TAKES HER ADVICE SERIOUSLY WHILE KAME JUST ROLLS HIS EYES BECAUSE RIGNWOGNWOIRNO JUST...YEAH, YOU KNOW WHY. <33333 But...lol, and to think you accused me of making them have a long engagement... The reference to New Year's means they've been dating for over a year and a half, and they still haven't moved to New York? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the idea of Jin and Kame spending New Year's with Kame's parents, but..I definitely had to stop and think about the timeline at that point. xD;
Oh, but the description of Jin covering Kame's shoulders with the sheet is just lovely. As is the overall attention to Kame's shoulders and back throughout the fic. Because it's one of his erogenous zones, the fact that it's the focus of so much of the fic just adds sensuality to the whole thing. <3 Love that~
Love Jin's line of dialogue there, too. It's very him. <3 (...I feel kind of silly saying that to you, actually, seeing as he's yours. ^^;) But ohhhh, the detail of the ring. <333 Melted my heart~ So pretty. <3
And guh, Kame's first line is just so perfect. <3 Of course he calls Jin out on staring at him~ Even first thing in the morning. x3;
Kame’s voice is soft, soothing like the rain against the window. But Jin, who had innocently assumed his lover was still in a deep slumber, shrieks.
Two things about this. First, very nice simile in the first sentence. 8D Second, LOL, JIN SHRIEKING. X33 <333
I'd have to quote their whole exchange of dialogue to talk about it. It's great~ Again, very them. x3; And lol at Jin's remark about his attention span.
But AAAAHHHH, VAMPIRE!KAME. RIHGIWRGWINRGEIGNE SO, SO AWESOME. AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF LOST MY WAY~ Seriously...if you had written that a few months ago and told me it was my Kame, I wouldn't have believed you. But...loving Jin has made him so cute that now...I could totally see him doing that~ x3; He's chock-full of cute moments now, and this reads to me like just another one (to go on Jin's list). 83;
wwprihgwpjpehnw And you wrote implied sex between the covers, roihqiejwpirjg OMG, ilusm. <3 Even if it took me two readthroughs to notice. ;_; Hehe, I thought this was supposed to be a G-rated fic? And here you are hinting at Jin and Kame having an early morning quickie~ <33
And I maintain that Jin's skin would not be cold after sex. Unless he's a sparkly vampire, which you've already assured me he is not, so...x3; But...their actions and obvious intimacy in the afterglow are so...lol, I hesitate to say that it's them because I've said that several times already, but...it is. It just is. You've nailed them. <3
Oh, and I completely missed the significance of the last line until Aya pointed it out, but...guh, love it to pieces. Kame would be blissfully unaware of the weather if he was with Jin. <3
Aaand that's the end. 8D; orz What's left to say...? Well...I've already established that I think you should write them more often and that I like this a lot more than the fic I wrote of them, and even though you disagree, I won't take any of it back. I love this to pieces, and I never wanted it to end. ...So I'm begging you to write them again. x3; <3
..sorry >:
And he~y no, no it's not. I wouldn't have written fluff with mentions of that in .A.; He doesn't really know anything about how the modeling side of Kame's career works, so he has kind of imagined things like that.. because Kame comes home looking like a dirty whore, and he thinks you wouldn't be able to acquire a model like Kame through normal means XD and a bit of yakuza!Kame snuck in there, too >>
Jin's learning to get used to the coffee taste~ Only if it's mouth to mouth though orz And you just created a wonderful image and then ruined it again XD Jin can't replace toga with present now..
Oh, yeah, that could just be us.. I'll change it anyway ^^;
Yeah, no, Jin wouldn't attempt to fail seduce Kame in an apron if he had class that morning.. It might be a bit of a long process, and he's pretty sure Kame would have enough self-control to stop what they were doing if it hadn't gone too far.. and leave for class orz
D8 Sorry.. I seem to have done a good job of bothering Kame with this ;;
WELL. He doesn't want Pi seeing what they're doing XD And it'd totally throw him if he just happened to look away from Kame and see Pi grinning at him from across the room..
Mm.. kind of a mix of things >> Because there's been much discussion of sweaters, I figured they'd end up with several~ It's not a specific one, but it didn't seem too far fetched to think that Kame would buy something because Jin likes the feel of it ♥ Uh. I'll leave that to your imagination? I really didn't want to give too many details of their sex life away, so I thought some hints that could be taken either way would be good~ x3; You, perverting my one and only G rated fic.. XD
YES SHE IS, BECAUSE JIN WILL ALWAYS TAKE HER ADVICE SERIOUSLY and I figured if anyone was going to have something to say about not getting cold, it'd be 'ka-chan~ 83 Not afraid to embarrass her son XD And I knooow, butbut.. artistic license? 8D; I really liked the idea of them doing that, but I didn't want to ruin the effect of them not having a home together yet.. >: So. uh. this is why I shouldn't write them ;___; I don't think about these things..
Yes~ Because it was ending up Jin-centric, something that was so personal to Kame seemed like a nice detail to me. Especially as it needed to be something very much a part of him but that didn't require him being awake (or even facing Jin, for that matter) ^^;
orz initially I made him sound angry, like, 'stop staring at me, creep D;' but then I thought he probably wouldn't actually mind all that much.. and would do it more the sake of getting Jin flustered than wanting him to stop x3; And cause by then he was getting pretty cold and wanted a good introduction to the fact he was awake and wanting to move.
Yeah xD; Kame's all deep, warm sexy morning voice and Jin still spazzes over it..
Jin is continually amazed by just how cute Kame is recently~ He loves that he has a childish side. And he likes to think that he's brought it out, not created it, so Kame's rediscovering being happy through being silly rather than experiencing it for the first time. But yeah, if he can be a pirate, a vampire should be a relatively easy task for him XD lol that may have been a little preemptive to Jin fantasizing about just how hard a vampire!Kame would bite his neck, actually.. The list is growing at an alarmingly fast rate >3>
Well, if the morning was really cold and Jin was kind of sweaty, he might have cold skin.. >: anyway, I was still working on this at 3am, give me some *~leeway*~ >3< Eiii I'm so glad it does come across as them~ ♥ I was still nervous that I'd be off the mark with Kame's behaviour, but.. yay~
orz you pick up on things that aren't even there but you miss that? XD
I'm so glad you like it ♥ and Kame~ x3
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