Meme-age - also a laugh

Feb 21, 2008 09:08

One of the first emails I get this morning? Amazon notifying me that I can preorder Megasnake on DVD


Right, like I want to watch *that* over and over. Unless it has some super-kewl extras, I think not. I can just make my own DVD from one of the zillion times it'll show on Sci-fi in the next few years.

I'm WHAT state? )

megasnake, meme

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Comments 16

majorsamfan February 21 2008, 16:27:40 UTC

Now "hard-headedness" I can buy...from all my eljay friends, not just you. We're a stubborn bunch, methinks. None of us can get it out of our heads that Stargate SG-1 is over, we don't want characters to go away...


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 21:19:15 UTC
Oh yes, I can definitely be hard-headed. Which is why I'm floundering around trying to get my prescriptions with no insurance. It can be done reasonably, but no one's *cooperating*!



majorsamfan February 21 2008, 22:37:26 UTC
Don't suppose it's one of those $4 Wal-Mart opportunities?


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 23:27:29 UTC
Fortunately, both my blood pressure drugs are the $4 wonders at Walmart, so yay for that. Which is 1/2 the price they were *with* the insurance from my last employer. The hell ( ... )


beanpot February 21 2008, 16:29:21 UTC
Bah! It said I am from Virginia.

Which is sort of true right now, but where I think I am from.


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 21:20:04 UTC
I think it's kind of strange because it asked so few questions.

Oh well, there's worst places I could be from I guess.


vickyocean February 21 2008, 16:45:08 UTC
I got the Megasnake notice too. I was like "Yeah, let me go pre-order that right now and then I'll camp out at my mail box until it arrives."

i couldn't even stand to watch it once all the way through. Though, honestly, I don't know if I have watched any 'made for SciFi' movies. Save your money people. I'd rather watch reruns of The Hulk or Buck Rogers than those crappy movies.


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 21:21:47 UTC
The effects in that movie were really laughable, especially near the end where MS just sort of rises up into the giant snake's mouth like Jesus ascending. Bwah! Megasnake was even worse than most of what Skiffy puts out.


fhartman February 21 2008, 22:59:33 UTC
Aw, come on! That flick was genius...genius, I tells ya! :D

I have this fantasy that what-his-name from "Inside the Actor's Studio" will have MS as a guest, steeple his fingers against his lips, and intone ponderously..."Mr. Shanks. Acting...inSIDE the MegaSnake. Your thoughts." Pause. "Nah, I'm just fucking with ya."

I have a strange mind. But I would pay cash money to see someone do this at a con, if only to see MS's face. Hee!


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 23:34:01 UTC

We got something *almost* as good at Dragoncon last year. A very nice woman with an accent similar to the character's stood up and announced that she had a question about Megasnake. MS groaned and said something like, "Oh no, not that."

The woman said very sweetly, "Honey, if I had to spend 3 hours watching that, the least you can do is answer a question about it.

MS replied, quick as a wink, "Honey, if you've got nothing better to do for 3 hours than watch that it's not my fault (or something like that, I can't remember)

This was all said with very good humor of course. And her question was about the accent he adopted. The answer? MS just borrowed from Ben Browder ;)


hsapiens February 21 2008, 19:03:27 UTC
*pout* Why didn't Amazon send me that e-mail? I've purchased two entire sets of SG-1 and Michael Shanks movies from their Canadian and German incarnations. Not that I'd have pre-ordered it but they never send me notices that even vaguely interest me. Today, they suggested I might want to purchase, "Cult Fiction: C.H.U.D." based on the purchase of a collection of Babylon 5 movies. Bwah?

Their matching metrics are very poorly designed.


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 21:23:30 UTC
When I clicked on the link, it said it was recommended on me because I'd ordered Arc of the Truth from them. I don't think I've bought any of the SG-1 seasons from them, but I got S3 of Atlantis from them.

The last two movies I ordered from them were European NC-17 flicks, so go figure ;)


zorb February 22 2008, 01:31:36 UTC
Hehe, I got that Amazon email! I thought about posting a very stern wag of the finger to people at large for purchasing it enough for it to be recommended.


shutthef_up February 22 2008, 01:36:13 UTC
Hmm, I thought it was recommended to me because I'd ordered other stuff with MS in it.

But who knows? I get cracky recs on my Netflix list too.


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