Meme-age - also a laugh

Feb 21, 2008 09:08

One of the first emails I get this morning? Amazon notifying me that I can preorder Megasnake on DVD


Right, like I want to watch *that* over and over. Unless it has some super-kewl extras, I think not. I can just make my own DVD from one of the zillion times it'll show on Sci-fi in the next few years.

I'm WHAT state? )

megasnake, meme

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majorsamfan February 21 2008, 16:27:40 UTC

Now "hard-headedness" I can buy...from all my eljay friends, not just you. We're a stubborn bunch, methinks. None of us can get it out of our heads that Stargate SG-1 is over, we don't want characters to go away...


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 21:19:15 UTC
Oh yes, I can definitely be hard-headed. Which is why I'm floundering around trying to get my prescriptions with no insurance. It can be done reasonably, but no one's *cooperating*!



majorsamfan February 21 2008, 22:37:26 UTC
Don't suppose it's one of those $4 Wal-Mart opportunities?


shutthef_up February 21 2008, 23:27:29 UTC
Fortunately, both my blood pressure drugs are the $4 wonders at Walmart, so yay for that. Which is 1/2 the price they were *with* the insurance from my last employer. The hell ( ... )


majorsamfan February 22 2008, 00:51:16 UTC
Geez, you *have* to be hardheaded to get anything accomplished with our healthcare system.


I take Lexapro, too, and my health plan's new pharmacy management company didn't want to approve it or one of my BP meds (Benicar)...kept wanting me to try a different BP one, but the other kind gave me a cough after 2 years that I'm *just* getting rid of! They approved the Lexapro first...after a few threats of suicide I never had any intention of committing. Finally got my scripts sorted out with them, but I pay 2x the regular 1-month co-pay (+ $4) for 90-day mail supply (. And the ones they didn't like, they charged me $96 each for the 90-day supply of two meds, and I think it shouldn't have been that high.

About 18 months ago, they wouldn't pay for an antibiotic, and I had to pay $140.

We *so* need a new healthcare system in the U.S. I try not to be ungrateful that I *do* have *some* coverage...but srsly.


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