Meme-age - also a laugh

Feb 21, 2008 09:08

One of the first emails I get this morning? Amazon notifying me that I can preorder Megasnake on DVD


Right, like I want to watch *that* over and over. Unless it has some super-kewl extras, I think not. I can just make my own DVD from one of the zillion times it'll show on Sci-fi in the next few years.

And what the hell? I'm South Dakota? Granted, I may have had a talent for drugs in my oh-so-distant past, but now I'm just having problems getting my completely legal drugs. Additionally, I initially read 'hard-headdress'. B'uh? I do happen to have a couple of hard hats around, but it's not like I make a habit of wearing them.

I'm getting my hair color touched up today. Yay for trade arrangments. Boo for having to do taxes sometime like soon.

You're South Dakota!

You have a particular talent for drugs, and may even have been an
apothecary in a past life. Nowadays, of course, the big pharmaceutical companies have
sullied the reputation of your beloved profession, but you still yearn for the walls of
the old soda fountain. Beware of roadside bandits when traversing uneven freeways. Above
all else, remember that your hard-headedness will get you through.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

megasnake, meme

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