old old Akame trans ♥

Nov 11, 2008 15:06

This, by far, is the oldest one I've done. I'm lead to believe it's June-ish 2000~
those boys really do like to fight ;;;

His heart is made of glass )

translation: kame, translation: jin, translation: akame

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Comments 30

ichigo_246 November 11 2008, 15:40:39 UTC
i know what u mean, and i agree. they were really sweet and all because they were very young at the time, they weren't trying to hide their closeness. which is what i miss the most from Kame & Jin these days. D;

also, it's nice to know that Kame used to show his emotions to others. he often seems too.. composed to me >.< but maybe that's just me. ;p

anyway, thank u so much for translating this. :)


shou_negi November 11 2008, 16:01:32 UTC
I miss it too~ that's why I focus mainly on their younger years ^^; I'm glad you agree, I was a little worried about ranting after I'd done it ._.;

It's suprising that he was so emotional that Jin would even tease him for it o_o he really grew up strongly after that XD

my pleasure :3


aijin_jin_17 November 11 2008, 16:06:12 UTC
your mini rant is pure win really. ^^ chibi Akame are the best, imo. It's the carefree-ness I love the most.♥

"buwaaa" and "guuu" just.. gaaaah. ;___; *squishes them both* Oh how I'd love to baby and poke them incessantly.♥

It's funny that now, Kame's the one who's more successful with the dramas. ^^;

Ghhhn. I just love how they're quite opposite to one another. Kame being more of the emotional type and Jin being "I'll never let anyone see my tears" type. It's just pure love. *A*


shou_negi November 11 2008, 16:16:27 UTC
^^; they were good like that~ they're careful how they word things now, but back then they just talked naturaly and it was ♥

XD; I don't know if they'd be too impressed with you doing that~ I know the feeling though.

When I first got into the fandom, from some things I read my initial impression was that Kame looked up to Jin. I don't know when that stopped, but it seems Jin helped him alot and believed in him, and Kame sort of put Jin above him for it. Sometimes I wonder if Jin effected the way Kame grew up ^^; maybe he'd have always been this emotional if Jin hadn't teased him >w<;


aijin_jin_17 November 11 2008, 16:41:40 UTC
I blame the management. D: Or the Seishun Amigo single D: But I love that song. I really do.♥

It's that gnawing feeling again XD; It's killing me. XD Sometimes I feel like their mom.

Kame seems to be the hopeless romantic type, isn't he? ^^; Maybe if Kame hadn't met Jin, he'd be sort of bullied all his life? He was a small kid back then and I'd imagine the other kids bullying him for his bushy eyebrows *A*


shou_negi November 11 2008, 16:49:11 UTC
or the Seishun Amigo single oh dont D: I don't know whether to laugh or cry~ we all do. it's a guilty pleasure

XD; *stuffs a tennis ball in your mouth* I know the feeling TwT; I mother terribly over Jin sometimes

Yes ^^; from what I've read, the senpai's used to call him hopelessly ugly and it made him sad D: but Jin said he always believed that Kame was cute and then Maru was like 'once Jin believes in something he wont stop' and it applied to Kame ;D [I wish so much that my memory was good enough to remember where he said that >__<;] perhaps getting bullied helped him to be such a strong leader now though? ^^;


worldawaits November 11 2008, 16:28:30 UTC
another giddy interview haha.

your chibi-akame translations --- such a noble mission of keeping the flame alive. thanks again!

anyway, i still hold on to the theory that the jimusho told them to tame down the closeness, either that or smth BIG happened b/w them to make them unmindful of each other's presences during shows.

btw, just curious...what is your take on alleged fan sightings of late? :D


shou_negi November 11 2008, 16:43:07 UTC
^^ such a noble mission XD I'm going to think of that every time I start on something new now~

yes~ I'd say it's a bit of both :/ they seemed so naturaly close it would be no suprise if they were told to hold back a little, but it looks like since the start of their friendship they were prone to fighting over stupid things [like the 6 months they didn't talk at all].

XD which ones? so many recently~ ever since Jin got back from America they got on alot better, so I don't doubt at all that they could be close but just keeping it more private :3 I like to think it's all true ^^; even when they hated eachother they still were'nt able to stay apart, so if they don't hate eachother it's even more likely ;D what about you?
[woah, sorry for the huge comment xD; once I get started on them I don't stop ;;;]


death_note13 November 11 2008, 23:09:11 UTC
Aww, you were right...I..kinda got tears in my eyes D8 ..I want young!Akame fluff now.

Kame...he was so...cute XD I remember when I was this young...and my friend...we'd always act like this ♥ Ugh, you've brought up old memories D8

But, shy-Kame...is...awww... I wanna flail..but I can't because I'm too busy trying not to cry at how...just...so I dunno. D8 I...forgot what I was going to say.

Kame likes cold places? He can come here~ It's getting colder here~

Aw, your rant...♥
I...kinda laugh at them...but that's the 'awww...they have such a wonderful relationship' type laugh...because...I lhave a different laugh for everything. I even laughed when I watched Yuuki...like, when he died? I was laughing...because...I can't *just* cry

...in the picture...Kame is so cute... XD eyebrows aside XD And JIN ♥♥♥


shou_negi November 12 2008, 10:19:26 UTC
young!Akame are made of fluff~ if I had any left over I'd send it to you~ I haven't written young!Akame fluff for a long while ;v;

sorry? seems like alot of people experience this kind of relationship~ he was very cute ^^; uh.. if you look through the comments, me and aijin talked about how Kame behaved then.. uh.. XD; I don't want to just copy and paste what I said to her, but if you'd find it relevant, it's up there~

^^; when I read this through before posting it to check I didn't make a horrible spelling mistake I was like 'why did I get so emotional about this?' but.. sometimes it hits me, sometimes it doesn't. *snugs you* flail, it's good to get it out XD;

yeah~ remember what he said about christmas dates? he wants it to be cold so he can hold Jin's hand and ply him with hot chocolate X3

~ ^^;
well don't we all~ no I understand why you laugh at them, cause.. we all do ^^; it's just if when he was 14 Jin said he likes spinning Kame round by his ankles ..he didn't, people tend to think 10 years later he's still doing it and ( ... )


death_note13 November 12 2008, 15:03:02 UTC
They are D8 ..I might end up doing fluff for young!Akame...just...I dunno when XD aww D8 Write moar? XD

Yeah~ It's over with now though...but...I'm kinda okay with it? I dunno XD Aww~ I'll have to read when I'm not crunched on time~

XD It happens? Spontanieous emotion? I dunno. I cry for stupid stuff sometimes... It is a good way....but...I'll do that later~

XD Awww ...please don't give me an idea like that D8 I kinda feel like writing something...kinda like that

XD Wow...yeah. That'd be a kinda...extreme thing to do? XD
awww D8 Aren't they suppose to kill you?
...I couldn't help it...I'm weird. It was more of...'he's dead now...at least he's okay' or something like that. D8

Please~ XD I wanna see~ of course they do. Being a fan means you like them even if they do look hideous in other people's eyes XD


shou_negi November 12 2008, 15:23:14 UTC
You shou~ld you should you should *A*; the last time I wrote them it turned smutty. the guilt is preventing me from trying again xD;

mnn, aslong as you feel ok about it~

it.. you're young, blame your hormones while you can XD

ORLY? d'aww you shou~ld D: *poke poke poke*

funny though~
yeah, but.. not in a such a bad way ^^; I get very frustrated about all of this sometimes.
..ok. it was kind of nice closure that he died in the end .__.; god when he went blind I cried so hard D:

here ^^ it.. they.. they're kind of cute? in some way XD; whenever I see what they used to look like reminds me that Kame's other bad OCD problem is with plucking his eyebrows.. cause we all know what they'd look like if he didn't XD;


sun_ming November 13 2008, 01:03:20 UTC
Ah... I'm sorry, this is quite the random comment (and I'm really not quite sure how I found your blog to be quite honest XD), but I'm here now, and I thought I'd leave a comment ( ... )


shou_negi November 13 2008, 10:56:04 UTC
w.. wow. *runs up and shakes your hand* that's got to be the most sense I've ever seen a fan make in one go.
It's always bothered me that JE ask their boys that might only be eleven or twelve years old the same sort of questions they ask the older ones, about love and if they want a family kind of things.. I'm sure it must make them grow up a little oddly having to form strong opinions so young :/

Kame seems to have aged backwards almost agreed~ over the past two or so years he's really calmed down alot and seems to brush off failures and just enjoy his life~ he had to become a leader at such a young age, it's not suprising he got so uptight about any failures ._ ( ... )


sun_ming November 13 2008, 18:38:46 UTC
Haha I'm glad I didn't creep you out with the random comment XD. I try to be more mature sounding than I really am lolol ( ... )


shou_negi November 14 2008, 11:21:48 UTC
not at all ^^ recieving comments like this makes me really happy that someone would want to share it with me :3

I read.. I think it was with one of the Hey!Say! boys, when he was younger, they asked him about if he wanted children and he said he wanted six of them XD; so I'd be interested to see if his answer changes as he gets older..

It has ♥ it really has.. although they're not all close as friends outside of the job, KAT-TUN all together really seem like they're enjoying how things are going right now and it's lovely <3

haha same ^^; but atleast their relationship as improved alot in recent years~ if any of the recent rumours are true, it seems their back on good enough terms to be having constant fights and not blowing up over them ^^ Yes~ people saying for definate 'it's over', no one knows how they feel [like they'd really tell us something like that XD;]
And in my mind, Akame will always be real, regardless of what they say or do. ;_; see, we.. the fandom needs an army of fans with that outlook ( ... )


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