sometimes the best good guys you can get are bad guys

Feb 23, 2009 21:34

Last week was an extremely productive week.

...Schoolwork? What schoolwork? Psh. I WATCHED TELEVISION.

My DVR thing was almost full, so I knocked a lot of it out. I AM VICTORIOUS.

I also began series 3 of Skins via Youtube. I have no idea why.

sometimes the best good guys you can get are bad guys )

ramble ramble, skins, psych, fangirling, leverage

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Comments 10

rainchild February 24 2009, 05:37:51 UTC
Oooh, you're a Psych fan??? *just watched the whole show in, like, a week*

ANYWAY, I was wondering if I could friend you 'cause I had a blast talking to you at the ep 1 reaction post. :)


shortsweetsoul February 24 2009, 05:43:09 UTC
I'm a Psuper Psych fan. I have Shawn & Gus friended on myspace! :P



rainchild February 24 2009, 05:50:05 UTC
YAY! I am in need of someone to squee at because I don't really know anyone else who's a fan. :D

Psst... do you know of any good Psych fic? I glanced around a bit and couldn't find anything decent, which makes me think I'm just looking in the wrong places.


shortsweetsoul February 24 2009, 05:51:09 UTC
commenting with links on your journal now. :D Are you open to a little bit of slash? Most if it is just implied/for humorous purposes. ??


rainchild February 24 2009, 06:02:55 UTC
Oh, ALSO, *squees about the season finale*

I completely agree with you on it being awesome until the anticlimactic ending. All I can think is that they're going to pick up the storyline again in a later episode. Like, Yang is going to escape and mindfuck Shawn again, or (oh!) Mary is going to start doing copycat crimes as his new hobby. Otherwise it's completely unsatisfying.

And Gus was pretty much adorable with his willingness to embarrass himself for Shawn's sanity. *huggles Gus*


shortsweetsoul February 24 2009, 06:07:18 UTC
!!! YES. *crosses fingers* They cannot just leave it like that! I like the idea of a copycat, although I don't want it to be Mary. It makes sense, but I have a soft spot for the poor little crazy dude. :P

GUS. ♥ I do love Shawn, but I love them together even more. I don't exactly ship them romantically, but I don't think they should ever be separated. Ever. They have to die together, in a nursing home, watching Thundercats. :D


vermontypython February 25 2009, 00:29:27 UTC
PSYCH. OH MY GOD. I just watched the finale now and whooooahhhhh

EPIC. That's....all I have to say.

Yeah, it hasn't felt like "My Pysch" since Season 2 started, for whatever reason- since it's been so commercialized lately it's like a completely different show. D:

Ohhhh, writers, why must you hurt us this way?


shortsweetsoul February 25 2009, 02:31:26 UTC
FINALE. HOLY CRAP. YES. SO EPIC. Methinks there will be another continued episode in the summer. Y/Y? Mary = COPYCAT KILLER. :D Or everyone will think it's Mary, but it won't be, because that would be way to predictable. (ARE YOU READING THIS, WRITERS?)

I KNOW. I mean, it's still good, but every episode, it just feels a little bit less... "OMG THIS SHOW!!1!" ^^;

Seriously. Writers, remember how much fun it used to be? YOU CAN DO IT. WE HAVE FAITH.


vermontypython February 25 2009, 02:46:12 UTC
!!!! I HOPE SO!


And Mary...haha, I spent the entire episode staring at him and trying to determine whether or not he recently guest-starred in House, because he looks EXACTLY like one of the recent patients. Still haven't figured it out, curse you Imdb.

I hated the writer's strike, but really, I think they should've been paid more if it meant the shows bounced back as amazing as they were. Waaah


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