That was a'ight, but lemme lay somethin' fresh on ya.

May 20, 2010 00:55

❀ Everyone has dirty fandom secrets or guilty pleasures or unpopular opinions.
❀ List five of yours.
❀ Profit!

I have more of those than I know what to do with, so why not.

I'm full of unpopularity and opinions! )

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Comments 20

otaku_attack May 20 2010, 05:12:54 UTC
May/Max (or Petalburgshipping) is the best May pairing ever.

Once, I actually found a May/Max NC-17 doujinshi somewhere. The sad thing is, I think the art for it was the best I had ever seen in a Pokemon doujinshi. :|b

But yeah, anyway, I kind of wish Max wasn't her brother sometimes, 'cause if he wasn't, I probably would totally ship him with her. But, seeing as they are related, I just can't ship them together, since incest tends to squick me out really badly.


shinneth May 20 2010, 05:19:40 UTC
I think I know which doujin you're talking about, actually. XD Because it certainly provided me with loads of entertainment and it was very pretty in a semi-faithful-to-Pokemon's-art-style way. And it was even translated, hah.

But I understand the squick. XD It took me a while to get around that myself, but at this point almost nothing is sacred to me now, so retain what little purity you still have in your heart~!

why does that just make me imagine AU Max that isn't related to May or some sort of Ruby-Max hybrid


otaku_attack May 20 2010, 05:27:57 UTC
Okay yeah, we're definitely talking about the same doujin, considering the one I remember was translated. XD

I think incest is one of, if not perhaps the only limit that keep me from shipping certain people and having "some kind of standard"-if they're related in any way, I just can't ship it. (Although Umineko is really trying to test me with this lately due to its shippy overtones involving the main character and his nine year old cousin :\ YOU CAN'T MAKE ME SHIP IT UMINEKO, I WON'T DO IT)

...I don't know why but now I'm starting to imagine that too. 8|


downburst May 20 2010, 05:17:29 UTC
The only true canon pairings in Tales of Symphonia are Kratos/Anna, Regal/Alicia, and Yuan/Martel. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :|b


47nite May 20 2010, 05:22:13 UTC


shinneth May 20 2010, 05:27:05 UTC

I get so PO'ed when people try to sneak Lloyd/Colette, Zelos/Sheena, and Genis/Presea into that list because goddammit they aren't canon. Just because they're hinted at or are one-sided does not mean canon goddammit. And yes, Alejandro's right. I love it when the fanbase bitch about age gaps in certain pairings when there's a likely pretty big one for Regal/Alicia and there are a few millennia between Kratos and Anna, hah. XD


47nite May 20 2010, 05:32:54 UTC
If you ever want games for PS3, there's Eternal Sonata where the centerpiece ship, the one hinted at throughout the game, is 39 year-old w/ 14 year-old. :3c


"IT'S BECAUSE I'M *BLACK* ISN'T IT???" 47nite May 20 2010, 05:19:40 UTC
1. Tamers definitely highlighted a peak in the Digimon franchise (and a nice rebuke of the so-called "Part Three Curse" that ruins many a popular series). It's the one season that more often-than-not respected the intelligence of its viewers rather than pandered to the lowest denominator. Ironically it began with the charas using a marketable card game, but that in itself was a subterfuge for the deeper story. :3

2. Yeah. Well. ^~; Shelton's just going to simply outlast all those hacks because he can.

3. Ffff, I barely follow Pokemon outside of your illustrative ramblings and I approve of that pairing.

4. I think what's REALLY galling is Lloyd/Colette might be considered the most popular pairing amongst the fans, but it only wins by plurality which is to say all the dozens of other awesome pairings canceled each other out in the vote. >< I swear this is the same awful reason why Luke, Kratos, [pick-your-poison] keep winning the Tales Popularity Contest year after year. HOW CAN THE REST OF US UNITE UNLESS WE ALL GIVE THE ( ... )


nerdcore May 20 2010, 05:25:28 UTC
6. Everyone in Beyblade is racist.


shinneth May 20 2010, 05:27:51 UTC



<-- Or racially confused. 47nite May 20 2010, 05:28:08 UTC


coloa May 20 2010, 10:31:24 UTC
"WE'RE TEAM JAPAN *everyone in the team is a foreigner except the Main Character and the kid who doesn't actually participate in the tournaments*"


anonymous May 22 2010, 01:49:17 UTC
I gotta say, this chapter...your writing quality suffered. Perhaps I'm just noticing because I just got off of editing an essay, but I noticed redundancy in your wording that I hadn't seen before. There were also some grammar mistakes and - lo and behold - a spelling mistake somewhere in there, but overall I felt like it was a rushed piece.


shinneth May 22 2010, 02:18:03 UTC
You're just now noticing the redundancy? I've always had that problem ever since I started writing. I usually catch a good number of them and revise them before finishing up, but at least a couple will usually slip by. It's a flaw I've always had and hated, but it's one of those things I keep subconsciously doing even when I try not to. Writing, speaking, what have you... it's something I've always struggled with.

I'm pretty sure almost every chapter has as least one grammar and spelling mistake, too. I make a habit of looking over my stuff now and then, but with chapters this immense, it's inevitable that I'm going to miss something. Maybe it's just because this chapter focused on characters I'm not that great at writing for, but it was a struggle getting the chapter done for a while. Was it really that bad?


anonymous May 22 2010, 02:41:54 UTC
Well, if they were present in earlier chapters...they were probably insignificant/negligible in relation to the scope of it, anyway. I think that it was just a bit more pronounced this chapter because it was a passive one; it was setting up plot for future events. Since it wasn't WHOAMYGOSH interesting, I think i noticed it a bit more. What comes to mind the most is when you're describing the energy of aura sphere vs focus blast in the lucario/infernape fight, it was really repetitive.

Also, I'm WildGamer. Dunno if you remember me, but I sent you a link to an Ash/Paul AMV on bulbagarden some time before.


shinneth May 22 2010, 03:09:59 UTC
Ah, that scene. That's understandable since I solely made that whole fight scene because so many reviewers were looking forward to a Reggie vs Maylene battle next chapter when I initially never planned to write one out, so I was forced to improvise a bit and stretch out a 1-on-1 match since I really didn't have it in me to do a full battle between those two (not yet, anyway). That was the point where I struggled with the writing for like 2 months or so.

Aaaand yeah, now I remember you. Sorry I haven't been very responsive; it's been tricky adjusting the new job into my lifestyle in addition to keeping up with my other social activities. I don't plan on the next chapter being necessarily epic, either, but hopefully I'll make up for it once I get to a certain episode adaption.


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