That was a'ight, but lemme lay somethin' fresh on ya.

May 20, 2010 00:55

❀ Everyone has dirty fandom secrets or guilty pleasures or unpopular opinions.
❀ List five of yours.
❀ Profit!

I have more of those than I know what to do with, so why not.

1. Tamers was the best Digimon series, hands down. Sure it had its flaws and the Biomerge evolutions scared the fuck out of me, but I think the story and characters were better than all the other seasons. Bear in mind I still like the others, but. None of them topped Tamers.

2. Shelton Benjamin's acting skills are not that bad. Hell, I think Jeff Hardy is like one of the worst promo-cutters I've ever seen and yet the fans drool all over him and every boring and cliché he says in the most obnoxious southern accent ever. Shelton's not godly on the mic, sure, but he's pretty much the best actual wrestler period so his acting skills don't need to be perfect. But he can definitely be entertaining when given the chance and I can never understand why he's so underrated while Jeff Hardy's legion of hardcore fangirls still love him in spite of his obvious drug problems and sloppy-as-shit wrestling skills.

3. May/Max (or Petalburgshipping) is the best May pairing ever. And while I'm at it, I'll go ahead and say it: Drew's in the closet and secretly wants Harley. But he's not fond of taking it up the butt so that's why he goes after May. But Max is totally all over his big sister.

4. Lloyd/Colette is still not canon in my eyes. Mainly this is because I don't consider the side-games, OAV, or manga canon, but what I liked about Tales of Symphonia was that you had the choice to decide who Lloyd ultimately likes best in spite of what the story (and relationship point system) tried to push you towards. The side games and anime shoved that pairing down my throat so much that it almost makes me hate the pairing whereas previously when it was just ToS itself we had, I liked the pairing just fine, but liked others better and loved how the game would let me go alternate routes. Having that power taken away from me in things like that godawful sequel or the even more godawful anime just ruins what was probably the best thing about the main game.

5. I think anyone who goes out of their way to support 4Kids in any way, shape, or form is completely and totally insane. This includes Pokemon, though I have nothing against most of the voice actors themselves, but 4Kids as an entity is so corrupt and horrible that it didn't deserve to keep Pokemon and I'm glad it's in the hands of a company who sees how goddamn pointless it is to have endless paint edits that amount to nothing and really, really shitty script changes. And for shows that already have English dubs but 4Kids went and made their own dub anyway because they thought they could do it better (Winx Club's the only one that comes to mind right now)? 4Kids failed at that and contrary to popular belief I think maybe one or two voices from that dub is superior to the voices in Cinélume's dub, but the latter generally trumps 4Kids in pretty much every way possible. I don't get where they think the 4Kids voices "act better", either, because despite the fact that there are some seasoned VAs in that version of the show, it's so obvious that they overact every line they read, which makes it very grating to listen to most of the characters. And the plot changes are just so goddamn bad that it makes me wonder how anyone could support anything 4Kids does and why anyone would boycott Pokemon's new dub just because there are different voice actors who have vastly improved years ago since their beginning and are, dare I say on par with the originals by now. Hell, it's awkward for me to watch old episodes and hear Ash so high-pitched with Veronica Taylor's voice. I'm not knocking it, mind you, but at this point in the series I would be really put off if the in-my-mind 14 year-old Ash was still as high-pitched as Veronica Taylor's depiction.

Can't wait for the backlash on that.

Week of hell started; I feel miserable, but pain buffers of the highest caliber are making me not want to curl into a fetal position and die, at least.

Oh, and by the way? Conway to the Danger Zone! is finally done! Booyah.

And this week, I found this little gem of a fic that actually follows the theory my fic centers on. Brandon being Reggie and Paul's dad, that is. It's pretty old, actually, made in June of last year and I guess the author only just now put the character filters on it. And it's a Spanish fic. I'm rusty on my Spanish, but Google Translate does a very good job deciphering the story and I'm thinking about attempting to review it once I'm not suffering from endless bleeding.

Brings up a pretty interesting element I never thought of but I wish I had now: Reggie releasing Drapion right after it lost to Brandon in the flashback, which inadvertently spurred on Paul's habit of doing the same to his Pokemon after they fail to meet his standards. And of course, present-day Reggie regrets this action of his so so so very much. :') But it's a pretty good read once you translate it, so I totally recommend it.

Alrighty, just wanted to get that nonsense out of the way. I got paid on Saturday, too! $825, baby. Can't remember the last time I had that much money, but I am going to be enjoying me some Super Mario Galaxy 2 here in the near future. ♥

Now if only the weather would cooperate, I'd say things are totally looking up!
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