Fic: Hypothetically Speaking (2/9)

Sep 09, 2008 22:01

Title: Hypothetically Speaking (2/9)
Author: shining_moment
Characters/Pairing: Doctor/Donna...
Rating: PG-13 I'm thinking...go me!
Spoilers: Nope.
Summary: “Just promise me you won’t mock my shaking hands.”
Word Count: 1514
Disclaimer: The BBC owns Doctor Who. Boo for me.

Playing catch-up? Chapter One

She’s terrified.

Not of him, of course never of him, he’s the one thing that makes her feel safe. No, she’s terrified of what is about to be the strangest, biggest and probably most wonderful experience of her life. It’s been a couple of months since they talked about it, months in which things have been changing between them, in small yet very obvious ways. They’re still best friends, they’ll always be best friends, she knows that, but lately when they hug or hold hands, it feels different. He used to kiss her goodnight from time to time, a peck on the cheek or the forehead as he headed to his room but now it’s a kiss on the lips, lingering just long enough for him to be the last thing she tastes before she sleeps.

They talk more than ever now too, it’s as though the floodgates opened when they dropped all the hypothetical stuff and now nothing is off limits. Something else changed since that conversation too; like so many girls do, she always just assumed she’d have children one day and didn’t really give it much more thought. Then she met the Doctor, fell in love with this wonderful life and only then started to think that spending forever with him, which she knew was what she wanted, might mean there wouldn’t be children after all. Lately though, whenever they go anywhere where there are children, she feels an ache, a need, and she knows it’s probably been there for a while, just that she wouldn’t allow herself to feel it when she thought it wasn’t an option anymore.

So, two nights ago they were sitting on a hill during a brief stop on Maruvia- she loves it there, with the warm gentle breezes and grass as soft as cotton wool- when he told her to correct him if he was wrong but he had a feeling that maybe she was ready. She didn’t have to ask what he meant, she already knew because he was right, as he so often is, annoyingly, she is ready. Her heart started to pound right there and then because she knew the look that appeared on his face well enough to know that he was going to kiss her. What she wasn’t sure of was whether it was because he wanted to or just because he thought that when two people have decided to have a baby together, kissing might be a good place to start.

It was clear the first time they talked about it non-hypothetically, that they were going to do this the regular way, from the moment he looked at her with such intensity and promised her that he would do everything he could to avoid it being uncomfortable or awkward, there was no doubt in her mind. Still, it’s a big scary step anyway and she’s nervous, more nervous than she’s ever been with anyone else. This is massive- he’s her best friend and while that’s good in that they trust each other completely, she cares so much what he thinks of her, doesn’t want him to hate the whole experience, couldn’t bear to disappoint him. She stands outside his room for a few more seconds, breathing slowly to try and stop her heart from racing, and then she taps lightly on the door.


He’s noticed it, these last few months, how the two of them have changed. Oh, they’re still the same Doctor and Donna; him veering between giddy and intense, her anywhere on the scale between excited and inquisitive, but they’re different together in tiny yet huge ways. He’s the one who has come to need the taste of her lips before he says goodnight, the one who sometimes catches himself just watching her in quiet moments.

If he’s honest, it’s caught him by surprise a little. He never expected to be looking at Donna as anything other than his best friend, which she still is and always will be, never imagined he would have been the one to suggest that they have children together, which he pretty much was. Lately he sees the expression on her face when they end up somewhere where there are children playing and it gives him those weird butterflies that he thought only human stomachs were supposed to get. This stuff is all so confusing, so human.

They never decided out loud that, when the time was right, they would be doing things the old-fashioned way rather than Nerys style but somehow they both just knew it was the only way it could ever be for them. She was worried, he could see that, and he did his best to assure her that he wouldn’t let things become awkward or uncomfortable. He’s fairly sure he convinced her too because although she didn’t say anything, the smile she gave him felt like a thank you.

He doesn’t think his Time Lord telepathy had anything to do with how he realised the right time might be now, he could just feel that she was ready, whenever he looked at her lately. They were sitting on her favourite hill- she loved Maruvia from the first time they visited, said sitting on the grass there felt like she always imagined sitting on a cloud would feel when she was a kid. It’s the little things like that about her that make him smile so much, he hopes their children inherit her sense of forthright wonder about what‘s around them. So, he told her that he didn’t think he had it wrong when he said he thought she was ready. She turned to him and said no, he was right, she really was ready and that was when he kissed her.

Admittedly, he had a brief moment of hesitation but not because he didn’t want to kiss her, he really, really did, he just didn’t want her to think he was acting like- well, like a bloke, thinking that because she’d said she was ready, he could just jump right in, so to speak. It was only the slightest few seconds of doubt though and it ended with him kissing her anyway. Well, technically, it started with him kissing her, it continued with her kissing him back and it ended with them smiling at each other, as they so often do.

So, he’s ready now too and he’s nervous which strikes him as funny since he was the one reassuring her that it would be fine and there was nothing to worry about. Well, maybe if they were both nervous, it would cancel out the fear completely and suddenly they’d both feel brave. Or maybe not. He hears her approach his room and then nothing, silence, and he wonders if she’s changed her mind, panicked and gone back to her own room, wondering what the hell she was thinking considering doing this with him. As he’s working up the courage to get up and go and find her, he hears the gentle tap on his door and calls to her to come in.


As she opens the door, she sees him sitting on the bed, wearing what looks suspiciously like a frown,

“I was worried you’d changed your mind.”


“Well, not really but I did worry I might have to turn caveman and drag you in here.”

She laughs out loud at that and sits down beside him,

“Oh now that I would have enjoyed. You know, for the comedy value.”

“You might be surprised, Donna.”

“Go on then,” she puts a hand tentatively on his thigh and squeezes lightly, “Show me what you can do, Caveman.”

“Just promise me you won’t mock my shaking hands.”

She looks at her own free hand, the one that isn’t steadying itself on his leg and realises it’s doing the exact same thing so she holds it out in front of him, smiling,

“I promise.”

When he takes her face in his hands, threads his fingers through her hair and kisses her, she has two or three of those awful awkward seconds where her brain is screaming ‘What are we doing? This is mental!’ and she imagines his is doing the same. She can’t speak for him but what she didn’t really expect was how quickly that would wear off and move into ‘OhMyGodWow!’ territory. The kiss is the perfect mixture of tender and passionate and what his tongue is doing throws any coherent thought right out of her head.

He moves one hand from her hair down to her neck to make little circles with his thumb and it feels so good she thinks she might sigh or maybe she actually does sigh, she’s not sure. He stops and tilts his head, silently asking even now for confirmation that this is what she wants. Nodding, she leans forward to kiss him again and as he pushes her down onto the bed and she feels his hand slide under her top, cool against her skin, she starts to think this baby making business might not actually be all that awkward after all.

doctor/donna, fanfiction

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