Fic: Hypothetically Speaking (1/9)

Sep 07, 2008 20:51

Title: Hypothetically Speaking (1/9)
Author: shining_moment
Characters/Pairing: Doctor, Donna with a possible move to Doctor/Donna...
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nope.
Summary: “Please tell me that, at 900 years old, I don’t have to give you the birds and the bees talk?”
Word Count: 1245
Disclaimer: I own the three new Doctor Who (Doctor & Donna) books, two photos of myself with Catherine Tate, one Catherine Tate autograph and a fridge full of Muller. The BBC owns everything else.
Author's Notes: So, once upon a time, I wrote Chapter Seven of Little Blue Book and in said chapter was a reference to Mini-Timelords...ginger, brown-eyed little hybrids. englishstrawbie demanded (nicely, of course!) a spin-off. I thought 'Hmmm, ok, little silly one-off story? Yep, I can do that'. No, the muse was having none of that and it grew a bit. I'm fairly sure I'm looking at 8 chapters but will change it as I go along if needs be. So, here we go- totally and utterly AU Doctor, Donna fic. Apologies for winging it with the whole Time Lord/Human biology stuff too...

And the rest... Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine

She knew she wasn’t going to shake this weird feeling until she’d brought the subject up with him again but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. She decided on her usual Donna style, straight to the point, right out with it. She rehearsed it in her head before wondering if she wasn’t just being a complete idiot. Surely he hadn’t really been serious, had he? Time to find out.

“So, these mini-Time Lords of ours then?”

She hadn’t quite expected him to choke on his tea but she was still glad she’d managed to catch him off guard with her question. Maybe she’d been a bit too direct as usual. Oh well, too late now.

“God Donna, give a man some warning!”

She sat down in front of him, smiled her sweetest smile and waited for him to recover his composure slightly before continuing the assault,

“You said human/Time Lord babies are not entirely unheard of, right?”

“I believe what I said was that human/Time Lord children are not entirely outside the realms of possibility. Since I’m the only Time Lord left and I don’t exactly run around, well, you know- what I mean is that there aren’t exactly any human/Time Lord offspring to point to as examples.”

“So, what you’re saying is that there’s no reason, um, physically, biologically speaking that we couldn’t- I mean, that a hypothetical human and a hypothetical Time Lord couldn’t have kids. Right?”

“Human and Time Lord physiology would suggest that both hypothetical species has all the relevant parts required to enable procreation, yes.”

“Steady on Spaceman, you’re making it sound so romantic.”

“Well, if you’re looking for romance-”

“Shut up.”



He doesn’t know whether he should speak or not, whether she considers that the end of the conversation or if, just as he relaxes, she’s going to hit him with more questions on the subject. As usual, she speaks while he’s still deliberating about whether he should.

“So, hypothetically, how would you feel about it then? You know, having kids that were half-human, half-Time Lord? Would reproducing with a mere human not be a terrible come-down for your mighty Time Lord self?”

“Hypothetically speaking, and ignoring your sarcasm, I would have to say that it would depend.”

“On what?”

“On who the human was.”


They both go quiet for a moment and this time he is determined to be the one to speak first,

“Say, for example, the human just happened to be my very best friend and someone who I think would be a really great mother, and if it was what she wanted, then I wouldn’t even have to think about it.”

“Well, if the Time Lord also happened to be my best friend who I already know would be a great dad, then it would be a no-brainer for me too.”

She thinks about what they’ve both just kind of admitted and decides this hypothetical crap needs to stop. It got them over the initial hurdle, saved either of them the eternal embarrassment of discovering the other was not being serious at all, but now it’s time to lay their cards on the table.

“Can we drop the hypothetical stuff now, Doctor?”

She’s pleased by how relieved he looks when he says yes, let’s drop it and talk about it properly. Then he grins right at her and her heart skips a beat, which makes her wonder,

“Would our kids have one heart or two?”

“One. Just one. A human/Time Lord child would mostly have the make-up of a human, with the exception of the heightened intelligence.”

“Alright, alright, steady on with the old ‘our kids would get my gigantic brain’ stuff.”

Still grinning, he continues,

“Just like full human children though, ours would get characteristics from both of us- my eyes, your smile, my build, your hair, oh I really hope they get your hair. Can you not see how cute they’d be Donna?”

She goes quiet for a moment and in that moment she can actually see them, as clear as day in her mind‘s eye, and they’re not just cute, they’re perfect with their red hair, sparkling brown eyes, cheeky grins and freckles. She worries that she’s getting carried away with something that’s just a crazy idea,

“Seriously though, are we insane for even talking about this? I mean, we’re not married, we’re not a couple, we’re not even the same species yet here we are imagining what our kids would look like. Madness, really.”

“Not so much. Think about how many married couples have kids and then fall out of love, can’t live together anymore and all of that- happens all the time on your planet, I hear. Well, we’ve got the advantage there already, haven’t we? We’re not going to fall out of love because we’re best mates, we already know that we live together perfectly well and I’m sure we could agree on how we would want to bring them up so what else is there?”

“Blimey, you really have thought about this, haven’t you?”

He doesn’t say anything in reply and she knows she’s hit the nail on the head. It’s a weird feeling, knowing that he’s seriously considered this and that he actually thinks she would be a good choice as the mother of his children. He’s right too, what he just said; they are best friends, they might not be in love but she does love him and she knows he loves her. Surely that’s a good place to start when it comes to having kids? He has missed something though…

“You seem to have overlooked one important thing though…”


“Please tell me that, at 900 years old, I don’t have to give you the birds and the bees talk?”

He laughs and shakes his head,

“No, I think I can remember how that goes.”

“Good. I mean, not good because I’ve thought about- not that we- well, we, oh God!”

For the first time in this whole bizarre conversation, she’s embarrassed and she can’t bring herself to look at him, which isn’t really ideal if they’re eventually going to have to, well, do what needs to be done to start popping out the mini-Time Lords.

“I’m worried by just how horrified you look. Is the thought really that awful, Donna?!”

“Well, maybe not really awful,“ she manages a small if faintly embarrassed smile, “Sorry. It’s just that you’re my friend and it would be so weird.”

“Weird bad?”

“I don’t know. Just weird weird.”

He surprises her by leaning forwards and taking her face in his hands and she suspects it’s so she has no choice but to look at him as he’s talking to her.

“Now, I know there are other ways, your friend Nerys proved that, and if that’s how you wanted to do it then that’s how we’d do it but, for the record, I promise you that, whenever you were ready, if we did it the traditional way, I would do everything I could to make sure it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable or embarrassing or-”

He stops talking because her finger is pressed to his mouth, hushing his babblings and, as he purses his lips and places a kiss on the fleshy tip of that finger, he sees something in her smile that tells him what he needs to know, something that says she trusts him and she believes him and that maybe she thinks this whole thing might not be all that bonkers after all.

doctor/donna, fanfiction

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