The return of Yoghurt Girl...apparently

Sep 11, 2008 18:44

So, this afternoon I had two choices-

a) work
b) skip work and see Under The Blue Sky again

I went with b- shocker I know ;)

I love weekday matinees, they are full of old people, tourists and random folk who always seem like they just wandered in out of the rain. I enjoyed the play again and found Catherine's performance seemed slightly different this time- can't really put my finger on it, just kind of softer somehow. I don't know, I make no sense but I know what I mean and it was in a good way. Oh, and the last act still makes me sigh so happily *sighs happily*

I was outside the theatre about 2.45 eating a sandwich before I went in when who appears, flying across the road with an armful of shopping bags- yes, Ms Tate cuts it fine it seems, although to be fair it isn't like she's actually on stage at 3pm so she has plenty of time really. Just amused me anyway.

So, I was chatting to a girl who was waiting at the stage door (there were only 5 of us, twas very quiet) and she'd asked me if I'd take her pic with Catherine when she came out. Catherine came out and her hair looked so good, it was gaspworthy, really. I had nothing I wanted her to sign, already had my photo taken the last two times so had nothing with me except myself and something I wanted to give to her (nothing exciting, just a little thingy- I'm so much better with the written word than the spoken so any little gift I can write in is always going to be my saviour!). I waited til the other folk had got their pics, watched as poor Catherine spelt Neil wrong (Niel, oops!) on the thing she was signing for one guy there then when he asked if she could sign something for his friend Aaron laughed and said "bloody hell, you'd better spell that, if I can't even get Neil right!"

I took the photo for the girl I'd been chatting to and as I handed the camera back to her, I saw Catherine with that look that people get when they think they know you but they need a second to figure out how, if that makes sense? Took her about 3 seconds before she went "I know you! You're my yoghurt girl! How are you?". Bless her :D

I was impressed with my own calm, got actual sentences out, remembered to congratulate her on the award *and* asked her about the Doctor Who return rumours. Go me :D

I told her I knew she probably wasn't going to give anything away but was it true that she was going back. She put on this completely innocent face and said, "back where to, darling?". Back to Doctor Who, says me (not giving up that easily). Then I swear she flat-out smirked at me and said "Well, who knows..." so I told her she said that last time and she laughed and said "Did I really? Hmm, well, who knows..."

I gave her her little gift and she did the squeezy arm thing again and said "awww, thank you so much." Then I skipped off down the street. Well, not really but you get my drift. So, Catherine Tate hat-trick complete!

under the blue sky, spelling oopsie, gaspworthy hair, yoghurt girl (me), catherine tate

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