Dear Fire Emblem fandom (Or, Yet Another Unreadable Wall of Text) (Or, On Suikoden)

Oct 09, 2011 22:42

When I met you,
I received life;
When I lost you,
I learned of death.

I have officially been seduced away by Suikoden.

Haha. Not really. I haven't committed to fic. Yet. (Don't want to until I finish playing through the remaining games and understanding the world a little better. And even then... eh lazy. Since when was the last time I even wrote ( Read more... )

tldr, games: suikoden, games, certifiable insanity, i have no life, i hate my life

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Comments 12

raphiael October 10 2011, 06:19:58 UTC
Oh man, the last thing I needed was another series on my "want to play" list, but this looks and sounds really good.


shimizu_hitomi October 10 2011, 21:46:03 UTC
It hits a whoooole bunch of my fiction AND gameplay kinks. Not something that happens often!


myaru October 10 2011, 06:52:56 UTC
There are days I feel like the only "old" Suikoden fan that liked Tierkreis. :/ It's no III or V, but it's still good - and it has Chrodechild. And Yula. And--

Now all I need is a game that does everything Suikoden does... and adds dating sim/relationship value type stuff.

Play the Gaiden games. :P

I wish I could respond meaningfully, but like. I don't even know where to start. It was awesome reading your thoughts on the series.

Your decision to stay away from the fandom, though? Hold on to that and listen to it. :/ Though I think it has grown up a little more than FE, at least.


shimizu_hitomi October 10 2011, 21:51:18 UTC
I'm surprised by all the Tierkreis hate. It's in no way a bad game and I'd even love to see more games in this universe.

LOL, I'm just surprised anyone ever bothers reading my text walls. XD

Glad to hear my instincts re: fandom are spot on. (Glad's probably not the right word though...) Nostalgia + fanboys + slash fangirls = not something I want to deal with.


myaru October 11 2011, 23:26:46 UTC
I feel like they set it up to become another franchise - that is, I think they wrote themselves into a hole with the main Suikoden storyline, and it felt to me like Tierkreis was a gateway to a new version of the series, I guess? There are still unexplored areas in the original world, but I personally think that if they don't address the Harmonia issue really soon, they can't carry it any farther. Tierkreis would allow them to start over AND continue to explore (and not explain) a lot of the same themes.

I never had the full Suikoden fandom experience because it struck me as too much like the last fandom I was in: what you said, plus a legion of canon nitpickers and wannabe scholars. Everyone seems to hate Suikoden III, too, and since that's only my favorite game in the series, well. :/


hooves October 10 2011, 14:14:01 UTC
The first sentence just makes me go





shimizu_hitomi October 10 2011, 21:54:26 UTC

FE will always be my home base though. Love the community here on LJ. <3


kor_pi October 10 2011, 14:21:46 UTC
Interesting how I can follow most of this, never played the games but I've followed other people's playthroughs of the first two with half an eye.

Castles are great.


shimizu_hitomi October 10 2011, 21:56:22 UTC
Oh cool, wasn't expecting most people to read through. XD

The castles in this franchise (at least so far) are especially fun. You can totally get lost in them. XD


kaeyko October 11 2011, 04:50:39 UTC
(Gasp) They announced another Suikoden game? XDDD

This is bad, I'm supposed to be studying right now... XPI get the feeling that returning to the same setting as I - V is probably really difficult given how much the developers have built it up. I guess they're a little hesitant to step back in if the next game doesn't live up to expectations ( ... )


shimizu_hitomi October 11 2011, 05:47:09 UTC
Yeah!! At the same event the new FE was announced, I think. :D

I get the feeling that returning to the same setting as I - V is probably really difficult given how much the developers have built it up.

Agreed. Especially since it seems much of the original development team has been disbanded/scattered? It's a really complex world, for one thing. And none of the franchises with ambitious continuity that I know of (Ogre Battle, Suikoden, Shouzou Kaga's FE, Front Mission*) have really lasted beyond 5 games.

* the only one of these franchises that managed to complete the overarching story, I believe

And yeah, the one biggest disappointment of Tierkreis in hindsight is the lack of Runes. Since it was my gateway game though, it didn't bother me at all at the time!

- - -

Hmm, I think I was reading whatever there is on mangafox. Which seems to be missing Volumes 7-10. I was really enjoying the manga, but admittedly mostly missing out on the "wasting time talking to all the npcs" aspect of the games. LOL.


kaeyko October 13 2011, 04:50:23 UTC
Say, do you still want links to download the rest of the III manga? I can PM them.

Returns to killing monsters in FE8. Syrene, stop dying!


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