Dear Fire Emblem fandom (Or, Yet Another Unreadable Wall of Text) (Or, On Suikoden)

Oct 09, 2011 22:42

When I met you,
I received life;
When I lost you,
I learned of death.

I have officially been seduced away by Suikoden.

Haha. Not really. I haven't committed to fic. Yet. (Don't want to until I finish playing through the remaining games and understanding the world a little better. And even then... eh lazy. Since when was the last time I even wrote ( Read more... )

tldr, games: suikoden, games, certifiable insanity, i have no life, i hate my life

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kaeyko October 11 2011, 04:50:39 UTC
(Gasp) They announced another Suikoden game? XDDD

This is bad, I'm supposed to be studying right now... XP

I get the feeling that returning to the same setting as I - V is probably really difficult given how much the developers have built it up. I guess they're a little hesitant to step back in if the next game doesn't live up to expectations.

I have mixed feelings towards Tierkreis. Most of the characters are pretty awesome and the story-level is at least as epic as the main games. I suppose I'm just a little disappointed that they didn't really do a game that expanded more some of the mysteries that came up in I-V. Or introduce any more True Runes.


Have far did you get in the manga for III? I think I might be able help you with finding some downloads online...

Personally, I like the manga more, though it admittedly puts the war in a secondary position to developing the characters and their motivations (but it feels more humanizing, especially when contrasting the philosophies of the Silverberg brothers in that the war as it stands can be fought both ways and yet neither way is the ideal way). But the game is more political (and I guess it helps when you get to decide how things will play out). =)



shimizu_hitomi October 11 2011, 05:47:09 UTC
Yeah!! At the same event the new FE was announced, I think. :D

I get the feeling that returning to the same setting as I - V is probably really difficult given how much the developers have built it up.

Agreed. Especially since it seems much of the original development team has been disbanded/scattered? It's a really complex world, for one thing. And none of the franchises with ambitious continuity that I know of (Ogre Battle, Suikoden, Shouzou Kaga's FE, Front Mission*) have really lasted beyond 5 games.

* the only one of these franchises that managed to complete the overarching story, I believe

And yeah, the one biggest disappointment of Tierkreis in hindsight is the lack of Runes. Since it was my gateway game though, it didn't bother me at all at the time!

- - -

Hmm, I think I was reading whatever there is on mangafox. Which seems to be missing Volumes 7-10. I was really enjoying the manga, but admittedly mostly missing out on the "wasting time talking to all the npcs" aspect of the games. LOL.


kaeyko October 13 2011, 04:50:23 UTC
Say, do you still want links to download the rest of the III manga? I can PM them.

Returns to killing monsters in FE8. Syrene, stop dying!


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