Oh, my childhood. ! My brother just got back from Melbourne, and as well as the delicious green goo, he brought a bunch of stuff from my aunt, and she found
Furry Friends chocolates. Oh my GOD. And I am having attacks of nostalgia all over the place and neither mum nor Mark remember them at all. (Philistines
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Comments 5
2) the delicious green goo
3) Honey, if you feel that punk - and you're having that much trouble talking - you should maybe think about staying home for a little while longer and getting the fuck over the plague or whatever this is you have. The exigencies of your job are not going to be addressed effectively by your dying. Just sayin'.
2. Mmmm, yes, exactly. And, oh god, yes. That'd be nice...
3. Oh, good. *is relieved!* (Sincerely! Not at all in any facetious sort of way! *has to disclaimer these things as a result of Regular Voice and Sarcastic Voice sounding a lot alike*)
3a. Ooh, good to know. *mental notes* ...wait, they chocolate coat altoids now?? You're right, that is just SO WRONG. Ooh, York Peppermint Patties. I tend to grab a couple of those anytime I'm over, they are YUM.
3b. Also excellent. Moo ha ha.
3c. Oh, yes, of course - that's one thing that despite knowing better by virtue of having MADE them, I always, always forget are not, in fact, veggie. *ponders this further*
4. *smoooooooooooshes you* <3<3<3
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